Questions & Answers – January 03, 2023

Padmmanaban: Namaste!Everything is GOD creation. Then GOD could have created all living beings good. Present birth is due to previous births good and bad actions. First birth on which karma base? Swami Ram Swarup: Aashirwad beta. Death and birth are eternal so there...

Questions & Answers – December 31, 2022

Anonymous: Swamiji, charan sparsh: kya hum manushya ko dharti maa ne paida kiya hain? the ones who were created as young bodies of male and females of all mammals. maine kahin pada ki hum ped paudhon ki tarah dharti se aye. Is that true? Also I wanted to know what is...

Brief Notes from Yajyen – December 30, 2022

Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 30, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: यस्मा॑ज्जा॒तं न पु॒रा किं च॒नैव य आ॑ब॒भूव॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑। प्र॒जाप॑तिः प्र॒जया॑ सꣳररा॒णस्त्रीणि॒ ज्योती॑षि सचते॒ स॒ षो॑ड॒शी ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र – 32/5) हे...

Questions & Answers – November 22, 2020

Van: So you want to say that Krishna is not God? Swami Ram Swarup: Those who consider him God, they go ahead and should go ahead but the learned of vedas know that Avtarwad is not promoted in vedas, so learned of vedas never accept avtarwad. Anonymous: Namastey...

Brief Notes from Yajyen – June 24, 2020

भगवान ने इन मंत्रों में इंजीनियरिंग का ज्ञान दिया हैI  इनमें कहा है कि अच्छे-अच्छे यान बनाओ जैसे हवाई जहाज आदिI  यह अग्नि और जल से चलेंI  वेद अनादि हैंI  आज जितने भी हवाई जहाज,  कार,  पानी के जहाज यह सब हवा पानी और बिजली से ही चलते...