Harish: Guru Ji Pranam, Kindly tell the meaning of Rigved Mantra 1/24/1-2.
Pranam Guru Ji.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you.
Rigveda mantra 1/24/1,2-
Idea of the mantras is that a devotee who follows the vedic knowledge perfectly, attains salvation and after enjoying the period of salvation gets birth again and sees his parents.
Harish: Pranam Guru Ji, After attaining salvation, one remains in salvation for a specific period. After the time of that salvation gets over then on which deeds our next birth is decided. Whether we take birth as a human being or in some other yoni. Kindly also explain the meaning of Rigved Mantra 1/24/1-2. Pranam Guru Ji.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. The soul takes human body as next birth (through soul is always away from birth and death. So, symbolically has been written, that soul takes birth otherwise soul takes body.).