Surendra:Pranaam Swamiji, This is Surendrafrom UK, since one and half years I started following Veda, reading your web site question and answers and listen to your cds and getting Veda knowledge, I am doing havan every day also we (myself, Sagar and 4 other friends families) are doing regular havan together on Poonrima day.
Me and my family were planning to come in month of October to take your blessings however we have to change our plan and would like to come first week of june for a week and attend the annual yagen and take your blessing and if possible would like to meet you personally as well and learn few asans and Pranayam as we are coming from UK and dont know when we will get this precious opportunity again.
May I please ask for your permission for me and my family to attend the annual yagen on 3rd june to 10th June.
I understand that you are very busy with annual yagen to answer all the questions. Will wait for your permission. Thank you Swamiji
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. Not only I but God is also pleased with your Vedic views. I bless you all for a long, happy life.
Your views to attend annual Yajyen are appreciated. The poornna aahuti of Yajyen commenced from 13th April will be offered on 15th June. Still you are welcome here as per your programme but if you can change your programme to enable you to offer poornnahuti on 15th June, will be more beneficial for you.
So, you all are welcome here always and your visit will give us pleasure.
I shower my blessings to you all.
Seshu: Please send me Yajyen Karma Sarvashreshth Ishwar Pooja.
Swami Ram Swarup: The book is being sent to you, please.