M S V Rao: Has there ever been a custom or rite for the bride to prostate in front of the groom in the marriage rituals of Hindus?
Swami Ram Swarup: If such custom exists then it is self-made custom as its description is not mentioned in Vedas, please.
P: I am doing havan regularly. My neighbours are alleging that it is jadu tona.
M S V Rao: Has there ever been a custom or rite for the bride to prostate in front of the groom in the marriage rituals of Hindus?
Swami Ram Swarup: If such custom exists then it is self-made custom as its description is not mentioned in Vedas, please.
P: I am doing havan regularly. My neighbours are alleging that it is jadu tona.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. Such bad comments against the Vedas and holy Yajyen are but natural. Because, people do not know the factual stage of the Vedas and holy Yajyen. Sri Ram, Sri Krishna Maharaj, Arjun, Bheeshma and unlimited people have been doing the pious hawan and the fact is mentioned in Ramayan etc. So, it is even astonishing that most of the people study Ramayan and read chowpayees pertaining to eternal knowledge of Vedas and performance of holy Yajyen daily, yet they ignore the Vedas and Yajyen. However, I would advise you not to comment but do your pious deeds of Yajyen daily. Lady will sure one day understand the truth. In Vedas, there is no existence of Bhoot Pret etc., which she does not know.
Anonymous: How can I make my married life better?
Swami Ram Swarup: Sadness, problem tensions etc., are faced due to the effect of our previous lives’ deeds good and bad but human body is meant to destroy the effect of all the deeds by worshipping Almighty God. We have to worship only formless, Almighty, omniscient, omnipresent God who creates, nurses and destroys the universe for which the knowledge of Vedas is required to be gained. First of all, you please try to perform holy Yajyen with Gayatri mantra only, both times. I would also advise you to read some of my spiritual books like —–
(i) Vedic Satsang Sangrah (in Hindi) worth Rs. 51
(ii) Vedas – A Divine Light Part III (in English) worth Rs. 100
(iii) Yog Shastra part I (in Hindi) worth Rs. 131
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