Vishal: Namaste Guruji, I have your book Geeta Ek Vedic Rahasya Part 1, in a shaloka you have said that Yaksha come before the Yudistar ask question to him. and one another example you have in Shaloka which I do not remember that God come in the disguise of Yaksh to Rishi when War between Dev and Asur finished and Dev are making merry for their victory. Please tell who is Daksha and and If he is God then how can he take form and ask question if he already knows
Swami Ram Swarup: Namasteji. The meaning of yaksha is an adorable learned person. Because God is never seen in a form/shape being Formless. In the story of Ken-upnishad, the meaning of Yaksha is Formless God.

Now, question arises as to how a Formless God is able to appear before the Devtas. But, it is a secret of Upnishad.

The Rishi who is the writer of Upnishad has quoted symbolic story that Yaksha appeared before Devtas. But when Indra i.e., soul went to see the yaksha the yaksha was not there. So, he met there with Uma and Uma means intellect i.e., the purest intellect is helpful in realizing God by the soul.

K Guruprasad: Crores of Pranam Maharajji. There is one muslim research company called IRF heading by one Dr Naik which is spreading all false knowledge against Vedas. In one of the video talk, I heard him quoting the following ved mantras quoting Prop Mohammad from Vedas, which I know is totally wrong as Vedas does not have any proper noun or names or stories. However, It would be very useful for us during our Ved prachar if we can have a short meaning for these mantras. I know you are extremely busy and this would need extra time for you. However, whenever your time permits, I request you to send me the meaning of the following mantras.
Rig Ved – 1/153/9, 8/6/10, 1/13/3, 1/18/9, 1/106/4, 1/142/3, 2/3/2, 5/5/2, 7/2/2
Yajur Ved – 31/18, 20/37, 20/57, 21/31, 21/55, 28/2, 28/19, 28/42
Saam – 64, 1500 and 2152 (I think this is mantra number is wrong, but request your clarification)
Atharva – 20/127/1-4 (this is already available from our website), 20/21/6-7, 8/5/16, 20/126/14.
If the detail from you is available, with your aagya, we can do translation in Tamil and Kannada and make aware all the people. With crores of pranams. Your son, Guruprasad.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you, my son. Rigveda mantra 1/153/9 does not exist.
Rigveda mandal 1, sukta 153 ends with mantra 4 only. Rigveda mantra 1/13/3:



I (Asmin Yajye) in this Yajyen and (Iha) in this world (Havishkritam) the matter which is offered in burning fire of Yajyen (Madhujihvum) whose seven enlightened tongues i.e., flames of fire are those

[those seven flames are called –

(1) Kali which produces white coloured light;

(2) Karali – very hard to bear;

(3) Manojava – as fast in speed as mann (mind);

(4) Sulohita – which is of red colour;

(5) Sudhoomra-varnna – whose shape is blurred;

(6) Sfoolinginni – in which several sparks of fire are seen.

(7) Vishwaroopee- which is of the shape of world.]

(Priyam) which gives love to all souls and (Nareshansam) that happiness which is praised by all human-beings (Uphavaye) I ignite the said fire to perform yajyen.

Idea:- In this world, the fire which is utilized to perform Yajyen/Agnihotra is beneficial to all mankind. The said fire has seven flames quoted above. In fact, everyone enjoys great benefit from the fire by using the same in homes while preparing food and doing other domestic jobs, in atomic energy, in transportation etc. Most important pious deed which has been defined in Vedas, which is for the benefit of entire mankind, is holy Yajyen, in which the fire is used. So, the meaning of Narashansum in this mantra is adorable, praiseworthy and the fire is praiseworthy because it gives us several benefit including life.

So, the pious word “ Nareshansum” relates to praiseworthy learned person and King or adorable praiseworthy Almighty God. Because both are praiseworthy among all human-beings.

In this connection explanation of Atharvaveda Mantra 20/127/1 is also appended below:-



(JANAHA) Oh! Men (IDAM) this preach (UP SHRUTA) listen with respect that (NARASHANSAHA) the adorable praise worthy person (STAVISHYATE) will be respected/honoured always. (KAURAM) Oh! King! On earth (SHASHTIM SAHASTRA) 60,000 (CHA) and (NAVTIM) 90 i.e., several donations (RUSHMESHU) amongst the warriors who destroy the violent people (AA DADMAHE) we get.

Idea:- In this mantra, the duty of the King has been mentioned. The dignitary, who is praiseworthy, will always be honoured. Therefore the King on earth should donate to deserving and praise worthy dignitaries.

So, in the mantra, Camel riding has not been mentioned and the meaning of 60,090 relates to several donations to the praiseworthy dignitary and the said donation should be given by the King in social gathering of warriors.

So, the pious word “ Nareshansum” relates to praiseworthy learned person and King or adorable praiseworthy Almighty God. Because both are praiseworthy among all human-beings.

Rigveda mantra 1/18/9



I (Na) like the sun and other heavenly bodies which emit light (Sadmakhsum) in which all the living beings exist similarly (saparthastamum) Who is Omnipresent (Sudhristamum) holds the universe (Narashansum) adorable/praiseworthy among all human beings. (sadsaspatim) He is the God, Who is our Lord. (Apashyam) I see Him through wisdom i.e., I realise Him in Samadhi. Yaks Muni in his Nirukta Granth (8/5) while explaining Rigveda mantra 7/2/2, explains the meaning of Narashansa as under:-

(Asmin) in this Yajyen (Aaseenaha) while sitting (Naraha) human-beings (Sansati) praise the God i.e., all the devotees who are sitting in the yajyen offer their aahuti (oblations) in the burning fire and also chant the ved mantras. So, Yask Muni tell another meaning of pious word “Narashansa” as ‘Yajyen” and Yajyen is adorable as well as praiseworthy. Naturally, we’ve to follow the meaning of Narashansa which is “praiseworthy”, “Adorable’, and is mentioned in eternal knowledge of Vedas as well as in granths written by ancient Rishis like Nirukta.

(Nare) Human being (Shansum) praiseworthy i.e., he who is praiseworthy amongst human-beings. We must know that in Vedas, no proper noun is given by Almighty God accept His own names.

So, the pious word “ Nareshansum” relates to praiseworthy learned person and King or adorable praiseworthy Almighty God. Because both are praiseworthy among all human-beings.

Rigveda mantra 1/106/4



Idea of the mantra is –

We should make contact with Nareshansum, the praiseworthy, learned persons to achieve happiness and to overcome the sorrows.

So, the pious word “ Nareshansum” relates to praiseworthy learned person and King or adorable praiseworthy Almighty God. Because both are praiseworthy among all human-beings.

Rigveda mantra 1/142/3



He (Paavakaha) who is pious, pure, sacred like fire(Adbhutaha) has surprising qualities and nature (Shuchihi Yajyaha) liable to perform pious Yajyen (Narashansaha) is praiseworthy amongst human-beings and (Devaha Deveshu) while desiring in the learned and (Divaha Madhva) with sweet meals (Yajum Trihi Aa mimikshati) perform Yajyen for three times, he attains happiness.


The person who in his childhood, young age and old age listens to Vedas, perform Yajyen and spreads the Vedic knowledge to others, he attains pleasure/happiness of three types i.e., of body, of voice and internal peace.

So, the pious word “ Nareshansum” relates to praiseworthy learned person and King or adorable praiseworthy Almighty God. Because both are praiseworthy among all human-beings.

Rigveda mantra 2/32/2 all other mantras mentioned by you, my son, relate to the word “Nareshansum” only. The explanation of remaining mantras will be given in due course.