Ramesh Babu: Respected Sir,

It is said that Gayatri Mantra was revealed to Brahmarishi Viswamitra (previously a king), after his severe penance and austerity for thousands of years, after a fight with Brahmarishi Vashishtha.

However, it is understandable that Gayatri Mantra was there even before revelation to Brahmarishi Viswamitra.

It is said that Gayatri Mantra is mother of all Vedas. Hence, it is clear that the Gayatri Mantra was there even before revelation to Brahmarishi Viswamitra.

I read that Brahmarishi Vashishtha used Gayatri Mantra to overcome all the weapons of Viswamitra during the fight between them. Hence, it is confirmed that Gayatri Mantra was existed in practice even before revelation to Brahmarishi Viswamitra.

Hence please advise me on the below:

1. If Gayatri Mantra was existed even before revelation to Brahmarishi Viswamitra, then why we say that the Rishi of the Mantra is Viswamitra?

2. Whether Brahmarishi Vashishtha used Gayatri Mantra to overcome all the weapons of Viswamitra during the fight between them?

3. Lord Brahma taught Gayatri Mantra to Viswamitra as the Lord Brahma pleased by Viswamitra’s austerity?

4. How Lord Brahma has got knowledge of Gayatri Mantra?

Please help me to find answer for the above.

Thanking you,


Swami Ram Swarup: Gayatri mantra also emanated direct from formless and almighty God as emanated all mantras of all Vedas. Who does hard tapasya like doing yaj, agnihotra, listening of Vedas and hard practice of ashtang yog philosophy etc, in his heart(hriday) the mantra emanates so Gayatri mantra emanated in the heart of rishi Vishwamitra. Rest story about mantra and Vishwamitra do not tally with Vedas so is unauthentic. Gayatri mantra relates to worship of God and not to other kind of war, fight and violence etc. Infact fight between Vishwamitra and Vashisht ji never occurred. Because gayatri mantra is worship of God and nothing else, say Vedas.