Kumar:Swamiji, Namaskaar!! I have one confusion. Karma and acts done with conscious mind can bring cause and effect inspite of good and bad. Hence will all spiritually practices which are done by conscious mind (instead happen naturally) will not cause influx of Karmas? Best
Swami Ram Swarup: Namaskarji. Yes, deeds which have been done never go in vain. It affects us in one way or the other and we’ve to face the result thereof. Spiritual practices if are true [especially based on eternal vedic philosophy] will also affect our karmas in good way, making our future bright. There is fundamental law of Vedas which has been also preached by our ancient as well present Rishis that the deeds done according to Vedas, give pious result with happiness and those done against the Vedas, are sins and give sorrows in return.
There are three types of karmas, in this connection I paste my article below:-
Three types of Deeds
There are three types of deeds (karmas) – sanchit, prarabhadh and kriyamann. Suppose one soul has to take birth (body). It means he has to face total number of deeds of his all previous lives and these deeds are called sanchit karmas but sanchit deeds are huge/unlimited and cannot be faced in one life. So the karmas which can be faced in one life are called prarabhadh (luck-destiny). So God has not made our luck at His own but Almighty God has considered the deeds which we have already done.
Yajurveda mantra 7/48 clarifies that human being is free to do any deed good or bad but God only awards the result. Now the balance deeds from sanchit deeds will be counted in the next life. Now the deeds which we do in our day today present life are called kriyamann.
If we do pious deeds according to Vedas, shastras and holy books and based on pious preaches of Rishi, Muni/learned saints then our all sanchit deeds are burnt and we can get salvation. Human beings are free in the matter of doing deeds good or bad. But result will be awarded by God. So we must worship and do pious deeds under guidance of a learned Guru. One should go always ahead for hard working, pious deeds, worship to make future bright himself. One should always work hard towards a right path.
Worship does not mean that we are free to discharge only our family duties, education, etc., but rather it is a sin. We have to get progress in both way simultaneously i.e., spiritualism and worldly progress i.e., science, education, duties towards family etc. God creates the universe according to His eternal law framed in Vedas which are always unchangeable and unchallengeable. So we have to follow the law of God always to get long happy life.
Sanchit karmas are the total number of the previous lives and present life’s good and bad deeds of a dead person. When such person takes birth then prarabdha karma are taken from sanchit karmas and thus the person advents in the womb of a mother and takes birth to face prarabdha karmas. Sanchit karmas are the total amount of karmas from which some of the prarabdha karmas are taken. So, balance of sanchit karmas still remains to be faced. Now, the soul which has taken birth will sure do good and bad deeds in present life. Thus, both, present life karmas of the soul and balance of the sanchit karma quoted above are added and its total at the time of the death of the person again
becomes sanchit karmas. So, sanchit karmas do not come to an end until Vedic worship is followed/done by a person, which destroy it and the person realises God and attains salvation. Otherwise, the cycle of birth and death continues.