PM: Swami ji Namaskar, Q1) what do Vedas say about marriageable age of male & female?
Q2)what does Vedas say about mercy killings. like some one who is critically ill on bed but alive.
Q3)Are there humans on other planets in other solar system and if yes then how to contact them
Swami Ram Swarup: (1)Marriageable age of male is minimum of 25 years and that of female is above 18 years.
(2) Mercy killing or any other type of killing either of human-beings or of other living beings is strictly prohibited.
(3) Yes, life exists on every planet. As regards making contact, Vedas tell either a person should attain Samadhi by studying Vedas, doing Yajyen and hard practice of Ashtang Yoga or science should progress so that air journey is made possible. That is why, Vedas tell to get progress in both spheres i.e., worldly matters like science etc., and spiritualism.

Kailash: 4 varn me aur 4 ashram me sabse bada kaunsa varn aur ashram hai?
Swami Ram Swarup: Grihasthashram (married life) has been stated the supreme ashram. Because, family holders produce such progeny who later on become brahamcharis, vanprasthis, sanyasi etc. You see, without family life, from where will the varnnas and ashrams exist.

Secondly, only a family holder bears the expenses of other remaining three ashrams.

As regards varnna, Yajurveda mantra 31/11 states that he who has studied Vedas and knows Almighty God who creates, nurses and destroys the universe, He is above all.

Gopal: Pranam Swamiji, As per Vedas which festivals should we celebrate? As some of the festivals have some sort of historical background.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. In Vedas, there is no mention about any festival, please. Present festivals have been brought into existence by us and must be celebrated to be united.

O: I am always dissatisfied by everything. there is a big void in me which nothing in the world can fill! Do you have a solution for this?
Swami Ram Swarup: Dissatisfaction is always due to lack of spiritual knowledge especially, hard working, being coward and thus keeping aside the value of human life and its moral duties. You see, then the person tries to keep himself alone and has his own baseless dreams and thoughts. First of all, I would also advise you to seek medical opinion immediately. Secondly, please try to daily do the jaap of God’s name and do daily hawan with at least Gayatri mantra. in this connection, I paste my article:-

Shubh Karma

Hard working, devotion, dedication, honesty, services to the parents and elders to follow eternal religion mentioned in Vedas, practice of Ashtang Yoga, discharging moral duties to get progress in education, science simultaneously with spiritualism like, daily havan, to be in contact with the learned Acharya, to get his advice, are some of the pious deeds which make the future bright and obliterate the sorrows, problems, diseases, etc.

One must wake up early in the morning for early morning walk and exercises, must sit on meditation and chant holy name of God, must be away from any addiction and non-vegetarian. Such pious actions lead to long, happy life and bright future.

You may put as many question as you may want to. But, you see, one should never be demoralized. Human life has been blessed by Almighty God to us to achieve its main motto of realizing God while discharging all moral duties towards family, society and nation. The said Vedic path gives us a long, happy life.


Please, start the day by chanting Gayatri mantra in the early morning sitting on suitable asan like Sukhasan, Siddhasan or Padmasan etc. concentrate on the point between two eyebrows which is called “Agyachakra”. The Gayatri mantra should be chanted along with its meaning both times. Also, please try to perform daily hawan even with Gayatri mantra. Then try to study any of my books daily and put up question if any.

After 15 days chant the Gayatri mantra only thrice thereafter do the name jaap of Almighty God-“Om”. The jaap must be done daily by heart and not orally.

The Gayatri mantra is as follows —



Meaning of Gayatri mantra stating each word is as follows. Its meaning is based on Vedas and Sanskrit grammar. Grammatical hints are in short please.

Om has three Hindi words. Aa, Uu AND Ma. Aa is meant for Aakaar from which three names of God are built, Viraat, Agni, and Vishwadi. From Uu = uukar from which Hirannyagarbha, Vayu and Tejas names occur and Ma = makaar from which Ishwar, Aditya and Praajyan aadi, holy names of God occur. Rigveda mantra 1/164/46 says God is one but His names are several. But here OM the holy name of God is only being explained.

VIRAAT = Viraat word is made from dhatu ‘Rajrideeptau’ i.e., manifest. Therefore Viraat means He who manifests the universe. As God manifests the universe, thus Viraat is the name of God. Rigveda mandal 10, sukta 129 states that like potter makes pot from clay, similarly God creates universe from non-alive matter prakriti. Prakriti is unseen matter. From unseen matter, the whole universe is created in the visible form. Science also says that matter is never destroyed but changes its form. Suppose a paper is burnt, paper changes its form into ashes. Then ashes are crushed and thrown in air. At this moment, the paper changed into ashes becomes invisible but was never destroyed. Similarly the whole universe at the time of final destruction is turned into prakriti i.e., into unseen form.

AGNI = From dhatu, “ANCHU GATI POOJANAYOHO” the word “AGNI is made. Its meaning is: He who is a form of wisdom. “SARVAJAYEN” i.e., Omniscient. That is, knows each and every atom of universe and even beyond universe. He who is to be known, to be gained and is worshipful. So Agni is the name of God.

VISHWA = Vishwa word is made from dhatu, “VISHPRAVESHANE”. Its meaning is He in whom the universe is entering or He who is entering the universe. So being omnipresent, Vishwa is the name of God.

HIRANNYAGARBHA = i.e., ” JYOTIRVAYIHIRANYAM”. Its meaning is, who is the base of all sun, etc., luminous lokas or He who is the living place of all luminous lokas.

VAYU = from dhatu, “VA GATIGANDHANYOHO”, vayu word is made. Its meaning is He who holds, gives life and destroys and is the mightiest amongst all. So the name of God is Vayu.

TEJ = from dhatu, “TIJA NISHANE”, the word Tej is made meaning He who is self made and self-enlightened and gives light to sun, moon, stars etc. God does not take light from anywhere but gives light to sun, moon, stars, etc. so the unbroken, unobstructed/unproduced and eternal form of light is Almighty God and not sun, moon etc. So the name of God is Tej.

ISHWAR = from dhatu, “ISH ASHWERIYE”, the word Ishwar is made. Its meaning is whose knowledge is thoughtful and true and He who has unlimited wealth, fortune and glory etc. Therefore the name of God is Ishwar. Here it is not out of place to mention that soul (man/woman) has limited qualities and are dependent whereas God is independent and has unlimited qualities that is why He is God.

ADITYA = from dhatu, “DO AVAKHANDANE”, Aditya word is made. Its meaning is the one who cannot be broken into pieces and thus cannot be destroyed. So God’s name is Aditya.

PRAJAYEN (PRAGYA) = from dhatu, “JYEN AVABODHANE”, Prajayen word is made meaning whose wisdom is totally without any misunderstanding and thus he who knows every matter and behavior of whole universe without misunderstanding. So God’s name is Prajayen. So here also it is not out of place to mention that illusion can never attack on God and God is totally free from illusion.

BHUHU = “BHUHU ITI VAYEE PRANAHA” i.e., He who is the base of lives of universe, is most beloved, even more than Prann i.e., breath. So Bhuhu is the name of God.

BHUVAHA= “BHUVAHA ITI APANAHA” i.e., He who is totally free from any sorrow, and the soul removes his own all sorrows after coming in contact with Him. So the name of God is Bhuvaha.

SWAHA = i.e., “SWAHA ITI VYANAHE” who is omnipresent in the universe and is holding the same. So the name of God is Swaha.

SAVITUHU = He who creates the universe. So the name of God is Savituhu.

DEVSYA= who gives all pleasure/merriment, so the name of God is Dev.

VARENNYAM = He who is the most supreme and acceptable. God is most supreme and acceptable for worship.

BHARGAHA = the purest entity (though God is formless, but finding no suitable English word of Sanskrit word, “SHUDH SWARUPAM” the word entity has been used.)

TAT = i.e., the God i.e., of the purest entity.

DHIMAHI = i.e., we must hold (sort of meditation) because

YAHA = the God

NAHA = our,

DHIYAHA = mind(i.e., in our minds)

PRACHODYAT = by inspiration (fulfil the mind with wisdom)

“We meditate the God who is the base of lives’ of universe, totally free from any sorrow, omnipresent, creates the universe, gives all pleasure/merriment, most supreme and acceptable, purest entity; May the God enlighten our minds with wisdom by His inspiration”.

Here it is not out of place to mention that idea of a (one) Ved mantra is based on ideas of several Ved mantras. So in the above Gayatri mantra, there are three things —-
Bhuhu, Bhuvaha, Swaha, Savituhu, Bhargaha, Devsya are some qualities amongst unlimited qualities of God. These are called Stuti i.e., to say about God with His real qualities and not self made etc.

Secondly Dhimahi means meditation i.e., one should always sit in meditation and do hard and pious deeds for which he will have to study Vedas in full, while discharging moral duties towards family and nation.

Third and last is DHIYO YO NAHA PRACHODYAT. It is a prayer to God explanation of which is cited above.

How to do havan

Please sit in the morning to perform havan. Havan must be in sunlight then it is more beneficial. Then half a bowl of fresh water with a tablespoon must be with you with small twigs especially of mango tree if possible, havan samagri, ghee, camphor and match box must be there with you. Please sit on sukh asan on four times folded blanket and blanket must be on mat.

Sukh asan i.e., sit on duly folded feet in comfortable position. Then first close your eyes and concentrate between two eyebrows and chant Gayatri mantra three times within heart and not by mouth. Then open your eyes.

Take one spoon of water in right palm. Chant this mantra, OM AMRITO UPASTRANMASI SWAHA and drink the water which you have put in your palm. Then again take the spoon of water in right palm then chant the next mantra, OM AMRITA APIDHANMASI SWAHA, and drink the water. Then again take the water in right palm and chant the mantra, OM SATYAM YASHAH SHRI MAYI SHRI SHRAYTAAM SWAHA, and drink the water. Then wash the right palm while sitting, with the same water kept in bowl.

Then put the twigs into havan kund with one piece of camphor and burn it. During this process chant the Gayatri mantra again and again till such time the fire is lighted sufficiently. Then chant the Gayatri mantra and at the last add the word Swaha and offer ghee with tablespoon, quantity equivalent to 4 to 5 drops. And if you are alone then also offer in fire pinch of havan samagri from your right hand’s finger and thumb avoiding forefinger. So this offering may be of 11 times, 21 times or 51 times as the time suits. It is the simplest way and I have not quoted the complete method of Yajyen. The havan with Ved mantras are always offered as the best worship of God only please. Do havan daily and both times

One thing more, every body has a debt on him first Pitri Rinn (debt), second Rishi Rinn, Dev Rinn.
Pitri Rinn means our parents have given us birth. So, by maintaining brahamcharya, the child should get education and enter the family life. When the child was small (in lap) then parents served him a lot by feeding him, cleaning him when he urinated or defecated etc., and it is a debt on child. So, first of all, it is the duty of the child to serve the parents in return. So, after entering family life, the son should earn a lot to feed the family.

Second is Rishi Rinn. Rishi–munis first did hard study of Vedas and practice of Ashtang Yoga etc. thus, they attained knowledge and spread it to amongst the public to make the people happy. So, it is our duty now to get the knowledge from learned acharya and spread it throughout the public otherwise we’ll again remain indebted to the Rishis.

Last is Dev Rinn. After enjoying family life and discharging all moral duties, one should try to become learned and ascetic.

Now, I would like to mention here that a debtor remains always full of sorrows, so if a person leaves his body without paying his debt, he will become more sorrowful in his rebirth. You see, if a person lacks good qualities like being vigilant to discharge his/her moral duties towards family, society and nation due to his laziness naturally he will be dissatisfied.

So, please be brave and hard working. Do not be coward. Thus, you will sure get blessings of Almighty God.

Always try to participate in social activities, Daily reading of newspapers and good activities.