Puru: Swamiji, I am a student of class 11. I have taken Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English and Physical Education as my subjects. Indeed I am interested in science and have spent quite a lot time in reading encyclopedias and autobiographies of scientists. I see science not as a subject but as a way of life. But with time I have developed an interest in Hindu philosophy. Since childhood I was inclined towards spirituality but I feel now is the high time in my life. I have read a lot of books and have understood that self realisation is the only aim of human life. It has now become quite difficult for me to choose Science(Engineering) or philosophy as an option after class 12. Also should I study abroad or in India?
Swami Ram Swarup: This world has been created by God and He has blessed human-beings with Vedas knowledge wherein all worldly matters have been briefed, including science. We must know the preach of Almighty God in Vedas wherein it is stated that we must get progress in both worldly pious matters as well as spiritualism simultaneously. So, to say that science is not a subject but a way of life is not good because all the subjects taught in college, universities etc., already exist in Vedas and their study is also a worship of God. However, the said study or all the worldly pious deeds, only become the worship of God when simultaneously we also follow Vedic path and perform daily worship. So, you should follow Vedic path and must also continue your study. Yes then only self realization will become the aim of human-life. If anyone without attaining ascetism leaves the moral duties towards himself, family, society and nation then mere worship will be harmful say Vedas.
As per your capability and sources either you can continue your study in India and abroad. It is also up to your interest to choose any of the two subjects.
Sachin: Namastey ji. have you heard about Swami Rama? Was he a perfect yogi? I want to know.
Swami Ram Swarup: Namasteji. I’ve already written to you that we cannot comment on others that whether they’ve attained salvation or not. It is a personal matter that whether he has known his motto of life and has tried his level best to achieve the same.
Gopala: When will he get a job?
Swami Ram Swarup: To get job, hardworking, ability, dedication, commitment is required. In addition to remove the obstacles, one should follow Vedic path and perform daily Yajyen with ved mantras and practice of Ashtang yog while discharging all moral duties. You see, God helps those who help themselves.