Rajeev Topannavar: I have heard of Ashwamedha Yajyen. Please give more details about it. How does it help everyone?
Rajeev Topannavar: I have heard of Ashwamedha Yajyen. Please give more details about it. How does it help everyone?
Swami Ram Swarup: The meaning of Ashwamedh Yaj is, “to perform the Yaj for the benefit of the nation”. Here the literal meaning of ashwa in Vedas is nation and not horse.
Rigveda mantra 5/27/5 states that the person who wishes to obtain chakravarti rajya (to be monarch), he organizes Ashwamedh Yaj. In the Yaj he listens the Vedic mantra and do Yajyen by controlling his senses, organs and mind. Rigveda mantra 5/27/6 states that king and his public must organize Ashwamedh Yaj i.e., to build a long live strong kingdom. In this way king must depute learned acharya of Vedas to spread the knowledge of Vedas all over the nation, so that the people must be learned to be away from illusion and sins and must obey the rules and regulations etc., etc.
Ideally the king must himself organize Yaj and more and more wherein he must sit to listen the Vedas, especially the subject, “how to rule”, so that a strong, happy, rich and long live nation is built. So Ashwamedh means nation. Ashwamaed Yaj is performed by a strong king. The main benefit of the Yajyen is that it gives long-life to the entire nation. A horse also is prepared as a part of Yajyen (if done by the king) and is set to roam free. It showcases the power of the king. To challenge rule of a king one has to hold the horse. He has to protect the Ashwa, the horse.
In the Ashwamedh Yaj special Ved mantras are chanted in the Yaj and aahuti are offered. In the Ved mantras the prayer is done from the core of heart, that in the nation Brahmin, Kshatriye, Vaishya and Shudra are born to protect the nation well. Cow, bullock, horse and some strong character-full ladies, girls are born. Pious desires are fulfilled, timely rains occur, the public live long happy life. So the Ashwamedh Yaj is specially organised by the strong king for the benefit of the public. Mantras offered in Ashwamedh Yajyen will bring peace to the nation.
Ashwamedh Yaj which is the best Yaj, is organized by a strong king for the benefit of the Yaj/nation. However, you can organize Yaj for the peace in nation for three days, five days or seven days. The sitting arrangement can be made approximately for havan. Pure ghee about 15 kg and havan samagri about 30kg are to be arranged by you please, which is the best pious deed in the world. You can fix time and date of March month which suits you. Then I can come or you may arrange any learned acharya who knows Vedas, please. Your views are highly appreciated and I again bless you.
Anonymous: I am not getting promotion in office due to office politics. A junior is getting promoted. What can one do religiously?
Swami Ram Swarup: Vedas as well as Bhagwad Geeta shloka states that the pious deeds must be done always selflessly because the result of the deed is not in our hand but in Almighty God, so I would advise to discharge your duties well also in future, please. However, you may address your application to your immediate boss to inform him the facts and to give your promotion which is your right also. There must be a justice then your junior must not be promoted and given higher pay than you. Though the result is in the hand of God, but God helps those who help themselves. So please put your application immediately to your boss.
Mani Thakur: I am told that each of the Vedas has several sections, for example, Brahman, Samhita, etc. Are these parts of the original Vedas and present in the bodies of the Vedas themselves or added later on as separate books by learned scholars like yourself and others? Is Aittareya Brahman, for example, in its entirety present in the Veda whose part it is said to be? My second question is – how should one start studying Vedas? Where to start? Must one read each Veda from cover to cover? Is there a Path-vidhi available on Vedas from your Ashram? Should the study be topic-oriented? I have read translations of several select portions of the different Vedas and was not especially impressed with the contents. Perhaps a brilliant idea for then, they do not fit with the understanding and needs of living today. Given the age of these books and fact that the needs of the ancient society accepted the contents of the Vedas in one form or the other, the relevance of the 100% knowledge from that time is difficult to establish in today’s life. But I revere sections like Purush Sookta, etc. Why has “flowery language of Vedas” been denounced in Gita by the Lord? If Avataras are not acceptable to you, how is Shri Krishna upheld by you as he declares to be “the Beeja-pradah Pita”. Please do not mind my words and kindly help with your deep learned advice.
Swami Ram Swarup: Vedas are the knowledge which emanates direct from God. It is also called Shruti because the knowledge was not given in the shape of books or by preach but the knowledge is originated by the power of God in the heart of four rishis. The knowledge of Vedas thus comes from one generation to another by means of listening. About 5,300 years ago Vyas Muni first time wrote the said knowledge of Vedas on Bhoj patra and thereafter it was printed in the shape of four Vedas i.e., Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and
Atharvaveda. So the collection of the Ved mantras written and thereafter printed in the shape of books are actually not Vedas but are called Samhita. After studying the Vedas carefully and doing ashtang yoga practice, some rishis wrote the books explaining the Ved mantras. Such books are called— “SHAKHA” (section) but Shakha is not Ved. In shakha, the preach of rishi or history of any king, public, man or woman etc., has been written whereas in Vedas, there is no history or story. Shakhas are famous by the name of rishis who wrote the Shakha whereas Vedas emanates direct from Almighty God and thus Vedas are famous in the name of God and not rishis. Aiteryo Brahmin (concerned with Rigveda) or Teiteryo Brahmin granth etc., (concerned with Yajurveda) have been written by rishis keeping the base of concerned Vedas but Vedas have not been written keeping any base of any mantra, etc.
As I have explained above that Vedas are not books and the knowledge of the Vedas up-till Mahabharata period was obtained by aspirants by listening only. Actually this is the fundamental of Vedas from a learned acharya. However, nowadays knowledge of Vedas has been printed with explanations etc., in the shape of book which is called samhita. Though it is difficult to understand the Vedas by self study yet one can try for the same and if he feels that he is gaining the knowledge then it is okay. However, I would advise you to read two or three books on Vedas written by me to enable you to enter the knowledge of Vedas and its study, please. But his is up to you whether you need or not, please.
In Vedas, there are two types of preach — Vyavahrik i.e., practical 2.beneficial— pertaining to spiritual object and immortal. Practical means after gaining the knowledge about pious deeds, science and worship, the same must be observed in conduct. I mean to say that there must not be mere study or memorization of Ved mantra which will not serve the purpose.
Yes, Vedas do not accept avtarwad. So, Shri Krishna as mentioned in Mahabharata by Vyas Muni jee was a great dignitary and complete Yogi wherein Almighty God manifested Himself as is manifested in the body (heart) of a yogi. So, Shri Krishna was equivalent to God but not God who creates, nurses and destroys the universe.
Shiv Sharma: 1.You earlier told me that the varans are made by people. Would tell me then why did Sri Ram and Sri Krisna took avtar or were born in Kshatriya family? I believe that the varans were from the begining. 2. Who were sapth rishris, why were they born and what they did in this world and how they died?
Swami Ram Swarup: (1) The varnna (caste system) to be considered by birth has been made by us but originally the varnna (Brahmin, kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra) based on their deeds and not by birth has been made by God, as is also mentioned in Yajurveda mantra 31/11.
Secondly, God does not permit to hate anybody on the earth and those who do, they commit sins. So as per the said Ved mantra, if a Brahmin’s boy does not gain Vedic knowledge and thus does not follow the path of Vedas but shows activity of a Kshatriya then according to Vedas, he is Kshatriya and not Brahmin and if Kshatriya gains the quality of Brahmin, he will be Brahmin not Kshatriya. So is the case of rest of the varnnas.
Avtar is not possible and Vedas do not agree with the avtarwad please. Secondly, as you say Sri Ram was a kshatriya but Sri Ram had full Vedic knowledge and had the qualities of Brahma. So is the case of Yogeshwar Sri Krishna who was also a king and was in yadav vansha but had the qualities of Brahma. So both the divine dignitaries are being worshipped and will be worshipped in future.
(2) Atharvaveda mantra 10/8/9 states the head is like a dish which contains object of glory. Those glories are named breathing system. In that dish, there are seven Rishis i.e., 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 2 eyes and 1 mouth. The two ears are called Gautam and Bharadwaj, Eyes are called Vishwamitra and Jamadagni and nostrils are called Vasishth and Kashyap and mouth is Atri.
The said Rishis are the protectors of human body. Otherwise Rishis have been several on this earth and will also be in future.
Giri Prasad: Swamiji, My humble pranams to your feet, I have been hampering one doubt for the 5 yrs, which is after reading Sage Vamiki’s Vashista Gita. There Sagae
Vashita console Lord Sri Rama when in his teen age, was in dileama of life, so Sage Valmiki discourses him of various Upakyanas and said about Sri Krishna and Arjuna Upakyana too. My doubt how come Dwapara yugas preaching have told by sage Valmiki that to 24th Mahayuga’s Treta Yuga? Please clear my doubt.
Swami Ram Swarup: There is only one authentic Bhagwad Geeta which contains 18 chapters of Bheeshama parv of Mahabharat written by Vyas Muni. Secondly, the said Geeta was written before 5,300 years (Dwapar Yug) whereas Sri Ram was born more than one crore years ago (Treta Yug) and Rishi Valmikiji was contemporary to him. So, the statement quoted in Vashisth Geeta is not authentic, please. My heartiest blessings to you for a long, happy life.
Tejasvee: Dear Swami Ram Swarup: I am a practicing Hindu who has two questions from my internet friends regarding women in Rig Veda. a) Rig Veda 10.45.15 (Verse 15) 15 Nay, do not die, Purûravas, nor vanish: let not the evil-omened wolves devour thee. With women there can be no lasting friendship: hearts of hyenas are the hearts of women. b) Rig Veda 8.33.17 17 – indraúcid ghâ tadabravît striyâ aúâsya mana| uto aha kratu raghum || In both, my internet friends are claiming there is demeaning quote about women. I tried word by word meaning, but not quite sure with my primitive Sanskrit understanding how to interpret the same. Could you please help explain the real meaning of these two verses? Were they having hidden meaning or was there cynicism involved?
Swami Ram Swarup: Ans. (1) Rigveda mandal 10, sukta 45, has only 12 mantras please. Please quote correct number. No please, there is no demeaning quote about women in
mantra 8/33/17. In the said mantra, there is a question, if a learned husband thinks that there is no compatibility of ideas and thoughts between husband-wife then what should be done?
The answer of this question is given in the next mantra i.e., 8/33/18 that the family life of husband-wife owes equal responsibility but the husband being more powerful must discharge his duties more competently like a chariot wherein there are two horses but the horse which is more powerful bears more burden.
One must be clear that to derive the meaning of the Ved mantras is a pious task of only a learned acharya who has also practised ashtang Yoga Philosophy.
Shashi Garg: What was the name of Planet Earth in Satyug?
Swami Ram Swarup: The names of planet Earth are eternal. So are applicable in present as well as in future too. However, nowadays people are not listening eternal
knowledge of Vedas, so are not aware of the truth. There are 21 names of the earth: GAUHU, GMA, JMA, KSHMA, KSHA, BHUHU, BHOOMMIHI, PRITHVI, MAHEE, etc.
Vasudeva Rao: Sir, I am of the opinion that Idol worship started after the emergence of Jainism and Buddhism. The travel diaries of Fahien (400A.D) and Hu-en-sang (700A.D) also reveal the fact that while Buddhists were indulging in idol worship (during 400A.D.) the travelogues are silent what Hindus did during that time. Fahien say nothing about the Hindu behaviour in this regard and this taken by the Idol worshippers that Idol worship could be there among Hindus also then since Fahien was a Buddhist pilgrim and he was not interested to record what Hindus did in the matter of worship. Of course the diaries of Huen Sang reveal that Hindus were also indulging in Idol worship. Now the entire issue is confusing because there are some evidences to show that some temples (Tirupathi) were built even before the advent of Buddhism. Some pillars are cited to show that some Greek became Vaishnavite during 200 B.C. These are cited to prove that Idol worship is ingrained in the blood of Hindus and Buddhists are nowhere connected to this type of worship. I am confused and desire to know the truth. The book “Bharath me Murthipooja” written by Pt. Rajendra and the Sathyartha prakash is found inadequate to this purpose. I found solid evidence to substantiate the
assertions made by swami Dayanand in this regard.
Swami Ram Swarup: As matter of fact, idol worship started when Buddhism and Jainism came into existence. The God’s worship is in Vedas which emanate direct from God, wherein idol worship is not mentioned. I have previously quoted several examples that idol worship is not required. For-example you know me and I also know you, we both reside in bodies, being souls and souls are also shapeless. So we know each other, but how? Only on the basis of qualities and not on the basis of statue/photos, etc. If you or I will try hard then we can also meet together. This is worldly example even.
So, on the basis of the qualities of the God, as mentioned in Vedas, God is known and when an aspirant follows/obeys the path of Vedas i.e., worship, Ashtang yoga practice, listening of Vedas, Yajyen etc., under guidance of an acharya, then he attains Samadhi i.e., realizes God too. So, as per Vedas, no need of idol worship.
If someone believes that God is everywhere then why does he avoid wine, smoking, theft, etc., etc. inside the temple and does outside? Actually realization is subject of deep study of Vedas and to observe thereon. Sagunn means with eternal qualities mentioned in Ved mantras because the meaning of Sa+Gunn means ‘with qualities’. So God has unlimited qualities like formless, omnipresent, etc., etc. and nirakar means shapeless. One can not break the rules and regulations of God mentioned in Vedas. Vedas are self-proof and cannot be denied.
Vasudeva Rao: Swami Dayananand in his immortal work “Satyartha Prakash” (Chapter viii) has pointed out that living beings are present in other planets, Moon and stars. Now we all know the Sun is big fireball and the chances of living creatures of any type or kind being there is totally ruled out. Further the astronauts have made frequent trips to Moon and so far have not found existence of any living organism there. If this is the case does it not mean what Swamiji has stated at above becomes unjustifiable in the present context? I am confused. Please clarify.
Swami Ram Swarup: As said in Yajurveda mantra 40/4 the almighty, formless God is not realized by any senses, perceptions or mind. So is His creation which can not be completely known with mind. You see, as is also stated in Bhagwad Geeta shloka 2/23 and Rigveda mantra 1/148/5, states that the soul cannot be burnt through fire. So definitely soul can reside in sun.
Shridhar Purohit: How should continuously touch with good?
Swami Ram Swarup: To touch continuously with good, there must be always shiv-sankalp i.e., pious desires and pious thoughts continuously i.e., there must not be any scope to think bad. So to obtain this stage, Yajurveda mantra 7/4 states that an aspirant must do practice of listening Vedas under guidance of a learned acharya and must do practice of ashtang yoga. I mean to say, ashtang yoga starts from yam and niyam. Yam are five i.e., satya, ahinsa, astey, Brahamcharya and aprigrah and niyam are also five i.e., sauch, santosh, tap, Swadhyay and Ishwar-prannidhanani. In niyam there is a word tap (austerity) means sham, dam, swadhaya, swaha, danam, ritam etc. So when aspirant attains the stage of niyam, and has controlled his five senses, perceptions and mind, which is mentioned like sham, dam in tap. Sham means to receive only pious thoughts and dam means to control five senses, perceptions and mind. I mean to say that to touch always good, the aspirant will have to observe the above teachings under guidance of learned acharya of Vedas and yoga philosophy.
Shridhar Purohit: How many tomes i do the meditation per day?
Swami Ram Swarup: The meditation for a student and one in family life is done twice a day. As regards the time, it depends on devotee.
M. Rampersad: In what form is mother worship practiced according to the Vedas/ Is mother worship practiced according to the Vedas? What is the Vedic Philosophy of mother worship? (Not natural mother but spiritual mother)
Swami Ram Swarup: The meaning of Yajyen in Vedas is dev-pooja, sangatikarann and daan. The literal meaning of Pooja in Vedas is to give respect, honour and to serve.
Dev-pooja means respect, honour, services to dev. Dev means five alive devtas, who are mother, father, atithi, acharya. So we have to do pooja i.e., we have to give honour, respect, services by means of sweet speech, food, clothes, bedding, medical services, etc., to mother who gives birth. Similarly to father who nurses and takes care by means of earning money.
Pooja of atithi, who is learned and gives education and good preaching. Pooja of acharya (Guru i.e., spiritual master) who gives us knowledge of real worship of Almighty God and others and show the eternal path by which a devotee or aspirant gets long, happy life and salvation. As regards spiritual mother she is only a learned lady who knows Vedas and practised ashtang yoga philosophy like Mata Sita, Katyayani, king Janak’s acharya bal-brahamcharinni Gargi. Such mothers are rare in the world.
Shiu Sil: Why could not Narad Muni stay in one place for long?
Swami Ram Swarup: It is at the discretion of a yogi whether he wants to stay at one place or more, or wants to wonder. Yajurveda mantra 17/14 states that yogi who has got salvation neither live on earth nor in other lokas but they wander everywhere.
Anonymous: How to gain confidence in life, especially with opposite gender?
Swami Ram Swarup: Frequent meetings and taking part in social activities in the functions where you have to make talks with and in-front of ladies, girls, etc., may improve your state. You must also discuss the current affairs with your mother and sisters in the home, must also read newspapers and good magazines daily.
Bhet: Namaste I am from Nepal I born in Brahman family. When I had Bratbandh ceremony My guru taught me the mantra & trained to were sacred thread “Janai” worn by Hindu male across the chest but now he is not in this world. So I thought it is better to ask you why the Janai has to be six threads (strings)? What is the reason that we have to make special knots (sikha)?
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you, actually the janeyu has three threads and not six, according to the Vedic philosophy. The three threads indicate raj, tam and
satv qualities of prakriti and knot indicates the three qualities of prakriti must be bound i.e., must be controlled perfectly, as the three qualities of the prakriti are in humans and the person who is indulged therein in them can never get peace. Please also read answers on Janeyu in previous answers.
Naresh: Science behind Hindu sanskar.
Swami Ram Swarup: It contains eternal science and of four Vedas which emanates direct from God in the beginning of the creation. The said science produced divine dignitaries
like king Manu, Kshipt, Vikishipt, Bharat, Harishchandra, Dashrath, Janak, Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, king Janak’s Acharya Gargi, Mata Sita, Katyayani, five Pandavs, and several others male and female dignitaries which are known in ancient holy books and even remained unknown.
So our Government must awake and must add the Vedic study in the schools, colleges, and universities to make the future of generations bright and to make our country strong.
Anonymous: Swami ji Sadarcharan Sparsh Swami ji main ek Brahman Parivar Se Belong Karta Huin. Main satchitanand jo is sarir ke andar aur sampurn brahmand jiski rachna hai, Un Kripalu, Dayalu aur alakh ke Darshan aur unki anubhuti ki pyaas liye dar dar mara mara is maya nagari aur in agyaniyon ke beech saanse khatam ho rahi hain. main ek brahman ki tarah apni ye jindgi hari ke charno main arpit karna chahta huin, magar jab bhi dharam ke naam par hone wale dhokhe aur dhokebajon ko dekhta huin, to dar lagta hai kahin galat rasta par chal padun , manjil dur na ho jaye, isiliye yahan reh kar jo kuch thoda bahut dhyan, jap, pranayam ho jata hai kar leta huin magar ghat main hamesha chinta bani rehti hai kahin sab nirarthak na ho jaye, Meri Akhari tamma yehi hai ki main apna jeevan brahmcharya ko arpan kar doo aur ye saanse hari bahjan ko. main aapke gyaan aur lekh se prabhawit hua aur geeta
main shri Krishan ji ne Kaha Hai Ki akarshan karne ki shakti meri hi hai aur main hi huin. koun so kaaj kathin jag mahin jo nahi hot taat tum pahin. hey prabhu meri raksha karo,kripya mujhe apni sharan main le lijiye. meri awaaj yadi aap tak pahunch gayi ho to kripya karein aur meri vinti sune Maharaj ji. aapka bhatka ansh.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. Your spiritual thirst to realize God is highly appreciated, please. Because it is the main motto of our human life. May God fulfill your desire. It is a bitter truth of four Vedas that God is formless, almighty, omnipresent, who creates, nurses and destroys the universe at His own, i.e., without any assistance etc., being almighty. In 10th mandal, and sukta 129 of Rigveda, it is stated that when the previous universe is destroyed by God and new universe is not created then the interval period is
called Pralaya, i.e., final destruction. At that time nothing is seen. Every matter of the world like sun, moon, water, etc., gets turned into the shape of prakriti, no man or woman is there. Then at an appropriate time, the creation starts when universe is created then the human beings/living beings in said creation are called part of non-sexual creation because in the pralaya there was no man or woman. Definitely in the non-sexual creation, there is no learned acharya, Guru, etc., who can give the knowledge of science, mathematics, construction,
politics, animal- husbandry and how to survive etc. It is also true and even it is fundamental law of nature that the knowledge is gained only when the knowledge is given by anyone.
In the non-sexual creation there was no alive learned acharya/guru to give knowledge to the public. Vedas state that only Almighty God, was there from whom the knowledge of four Vedas emanates and is originated in the heart of four rishis, the part of non-sexual creation. God has given three types of education in four Vedas, i.e.,
i) knowledge of science, mathematic, matters etc., (GYAN KAND in Rigveda)
ii) form of all deeds (KARAM KAND in Yajurveda)
iii) worship (UPASANA KAND in Samveda)
iv) additional spiritualism in Atharvaveda
From the above, it will be revealed that God has been the first guru of the four rishis to whom God gave the knowledge of Vedas and further the rishis spread and have been spreading the same up-till now traditionally. Secondly, God, especially in Samveda has briefed the spiritualism and the path thereof to realize the God which has been also a wish of you. God has stated in Vedas that to know Him (God), one must listen to Vedas from an acharya and then must follow the eternal religious path under his guidance. Daily havan, gayatri-jaap and practice of ashtang yoga philosophy is necessary as stated in Vedas by God Himself.
Sridevi: Swamiji mujhe ye janana tha ki 1.Vaikunta ke Senapathi kun hai? 2.Balram kisa ke avatar hai?