Premila: What is meant when saying to chant shree sookta text? What is meant by establishing shree yantra with dus mahavidya mantra? What is kanaka dhara and kuber yantra? What is pushaya nakshantra and navratna?
Swami Ram Swarup: Shree sukta text, shree yantra with mahavidya mantra, kanak dhara and kuber yantra are self-made matters/worship etc., because it is not mentioned in Vedas, shastras, Upnishads, Bhagwad Geeta etc. So, nothing can be stated in this matter. As regards, nakshatra- it involves planets and time. Nakshatra actually means a constellation of stars which move in the path of moon. They are twenty seven in number and Pushya nakshatra is one of them. Navratnas are stated to be a type of gems. On the other hand, King Akbar also had nine famous dignitaries in his court like Birbal, Todarmal etc., who were called navratnas.
Rishi: Swamiji, mujhe ek sawwal puchna hai.. Dino jaise somvar, mangalwar.. aadi ka zikar vedon main hai kya??.. ki mangalwar ko baal aur dadhi nai banwani chayiye.. kya ye sach hai.. krpa karke marg darshan karen.. kafi confusion hai….OM…
Swami Ram Swarup: Nahin, Vedon mein aisa koi zikar nahin hai ki mangalvar ko dadi nahin bananaee chahiya ya somvar aadi ko vrat rakhna chahiya ya veervar ko kapde nahin dhone chahiye ya shanivar ko loha nahin khareedna chahiya. Vedon mein yeh kaha hai ki Ishwar ke banaye sab din shubh hain bus pichle burey karmon ka bhog jis din bhogna padta hai weh karmon ka dosh hai, din ka nahin. Jis din jo paap karma karega, us din bhee us din ka dosh nahin hai, paapi ke paap karma karne ka dosh hai.
J: Namaste Swamiji, Pranam. I am chanting Gayatri Mantra daily morning from last one and half year. Presently I am feeling very uncomfortable, fearful and lack of confidence. I am not able to get up early in the morning because not able to sleep properly in the night. I am worried that something bad is going to happen. I am not able understand the reason. Even after chanting Gayatri mantra daily, why this is happening? Request you to guide me to overcome this situation. Thanking you.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. Feeling uncomfortable, fearful and lacking confidence has no concern with Gayatri jaap and havan/worship. Though, the said worship is done to destroy bad deeds and to avoid sorrows, tensions etc., but the worship is required to be done continuously for long time. Day to day worship, accounts for pious result (punnya), and never goes in vain. So, please continue your worship. In addition, you have to listen to the preach of Vedas which destroys the illusion. Then concentration towards pious deeds is increased, person remains busy in daily routine, discharges moral duty and worship and as a result, he starts feeling confident, fearless, peaceful etc. So, try to make contact with a learned acharya to listen to the Vedas and know more about Yoga philosophy from time to time. Then the person will take sound sleep also. The reason for disturbance of sleep etc., is baseless thinking and listening to bad views of bad society. So, one should leave the bad society, bad friends and always think about pious matters. Bad thinking is dangerous to life. In addition, I paste my articles for your guidance.
Shubh Karma
Hard working, devotion, dedication, honesty, services to the parents and elders to follow eternal religion mentioned in Vedas, practice of Ashtang Yoga, discharging moral duties to get progress in education, science simultaneously with spiritualism like, daily havan, to be in contact with the learned Acharya, to get his advice, are some of the pious deeds which make the future bright and obliterate the sorrows, problems, diseases, etc. One must wake up early in the morning for early morning walk and exercises, must sit on meditation and chant holy name of God, must be away from any addiction and non-vegetarian. Such pious actions lead to long, happy life and bright future.
Increasing concentration and devotion towards God
This human body is meant for the same while discharging all moral duties. Avoid bad society, always concentrate on your Brahmacharya. Awake early in the morning and after bath- brush etc., do holy name jaap of God at least for 15 minutes. Go for morning walk and light exercises daily. Take plenty of water i.e., at least 15 to 20 glasses in a day. Always respect your parents, elders and teachers. Must be soft spoken, avoid TV so as not to see bad scenes, films etc. This all will help you to concentrate in your study. Whatever you study and learn, try to write on rough book a lot without seeing books etc. I have written a book on Brahmacharya in Hindi, which can be sent, to you on receipt of your postal address if you so desire, please. The book is specially meant for students.
Please try to study Vedas and holy books which throw light on worship and moksh. I’ll also advice you to study my 2 or 3 books on spiritualism based on Vedas, shastras etc., in Hindi, if possible. Always do pious deeds and try to recite Gayatri mantra both times and do havan from Gayatri mantra. Try to learn asan, pranayaam and meditation locally.
D: Swami ji charan sparsh I am doing daily havan in morning with meditation and before that i do yoga from few years , but financial problems are not solving or I can say I am going down day by day .
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. In this regard, I paste my article-
Feeling uncomfortable, fearful and lacking confidence has no concern with Gayatri jaap and havan/worship. Though, the said worship is done to destroy bad deeds and to avoid sorrows, tensions etc., but the worship is required to be done continuously for long time. Day to day worship, accounts for pious result (punnya), and never goes in vain. So, please continue your worship. In addition, you have to listen to the preach of Vedas which destroys the illusion. Then concentration towards pious deeds is increased, person remains busy in daily routine, discharges moral duty and worship and as a result, he starts feeling confident, fearless, peaceful etc. So, try to make contact with a learned acharya to listen to the Vedas and know more about Yoga philosophy from time to time. Then the person will take sound sleep also. The reason for disturbance of sleep etc., is baseless thinking and listening to bad views of bad society. So, one should leave the bad society, bad friends and always think about pious matters. Bad thinking is dangerous to life. In addition, I paste my articles for your guidance.
Shubh Karma
Hard working, devotion, dedication, honesty, services to the parents and elders to follow eternal religion mentioned in Vedas, practice of Ashtang Yoga, discharging moral duties to get progress in education, science simultaneously with spiritualism like, daily havan, to be in contact with the learned Acharya, to get his advice, are some of the pious deeds which make the future bright and obliterate the sorrows, problems, diseases, etc.
One must wake up early in the morning for early morning walk and exercises, must sit on meditation and chant holy name of God, must be away from any addiction and non-vegetarian. Such pious actions lead to long, happy life and bright future.
Increasing concentration and devotion towards God
This human body is meant for the same while discharging all moral duties. Avoid bad society, always concentrate on your Brahmacharya. Awake early in the morning and after bath- brush etc., do holy name jaap of God at least for 15 minutes. Go for morning walk and light exercises daily. Take plenty of water i.e., at least 15 to 20 glasses in a day. Always respect your parents, elders and teachers. Must be soft spoken, avoid TV so as not to see bad scenes, films etc. This all will help you to concentrate in your study. Whatever you study and learn, try to write on rough book a lot without seeing books etc. I have written a book on Brahmacharya in Hindi, which can be sent, to you on receipt of your postal address if you so desire, please. The book is specially meant for students.
Please try to study Vedas and holy books which throw light on worship and moksh. I’ll also advice you to study my 2 or 3 books on spiritualism based on Vedas, shastras etc., in Hindi, if possible. Always do pious deeds and try to recite Gayatri mantra both times and do havan from Gayatri mantra. Try to learn asan, pranayaam and meditation locally. So, please continue your daily worship.
Tanuj: Swami ji pranam. Which five plants were actually brought from Vishnulok to Prithvilok?
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. Your question relates to Purann and most of the views of Puranns does not tally with Vedas. So, according to Vedas, there is no such Vishnulok from where plants can be brought etc. In Vedas, Vishnu is the name of omnipresent God who is Formless.