Surjeet: Respected Guruji, I have just come across this site. I was wondering if I can get answers to my some questions. Gurbani again and again preaches that Bhakti resides in Mn (just trying to avoid saying man) and then at various places mentions Chitt and Hriday. I want to know what is the difference between Mn and Chitt and Hriday? Are these different states of our thinking? How do we know that we are looking at Mn? Where is Mn? My questions may sound confusing but any answer would help.
Swami Ram Swarup: There are four antahakaran- Mann, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahankar. Mann does sankalp and vikalp i.e., always thinks on several matters etc. mann takes information from five senses and passes them forward onto buddhi to decide relevant action and to further send them to soul.

Faculty which receives knowledge from five senses and passes the same to intellect is called Chitta and Chitta stores the effect of various karmas to be faced by soul in future at a proper time.

Is Mann an agent of soul?

Mann is not agent of soul when I hear these words from some saints also then it shocks me that mostly the saints are not learned of Vedas. Mann, budhi, chitta, ahankar are made of non-alive Prakriti. Soul is alive matter so how can mann etc., which are non-alive matters, be agents of soul. Actually system of human body made by Almighty God is that Five senses (i.e., eyes, nose, tongue, ears , skin) get information of worldly pictures, affairs, deeds etc., and send the same to mann. Mann sends to intellect (budhi) and budhi sends to soul to get final decision. The said process is eternal.

Soul has forgotten his original form due to effect of illusion. Therefore soul acts according to the chitta vritti when Vedic knowledge is gained and aspirants follow the path of Vedas then soul knows himself and illusion gets over.

Mind and intellect

Mind i.e., mann collects the data from five senses and sends it to intellect (Buddhi). The buddhi then sends it to soul to decide action etc. So mind and intellect both are necessary to observe each matter of universe, to study, the Vedas, to do worship etc., to realise God.

Hriday is heart where palpitation occurs. Mann is the minutest matter which can’t be seen but whatever thinking is being created, is the job of mann and we can control the bad thinking, thoughts etc. since everybody knows about his/her good or bad thinking. The control is possible only by real worship of God based on Vedas especially practise of yoga philosophy.

Simran: CHARAN VANDANA MAHARAJJI, my question is that the disease chicken pox is related with MATA, why? It is said that ill person should not eat onion,garlic during this time and many more things? Why all this?
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you, my daughter. Chicken pox disease is declared only when its symptoms appear in any patient. Now, its name can be imagined at one’s own accord. Since, old times, people call it as mata so the name of chicken pox disease is mata otherwise disease has no concern with any mata or mother, etc.

Amit Bajaj: Pranaam swamiji, please resolve my confusion.1st yajurveda mantra 31/11 and 2nd purusha sukta 10.90 in Rigveda are these different mantras? If yes, then please swamiji tell me the Yajurveda 31/11 mantra in Sanskrit, English or Hindi. I will be really really thankful to you.
Swami Ram Swarup:

(Yajurveda mantra 31/10)

Oh! Learned, the (PURUSHAM) Perfect God you (VEE ADADHUHU) holds (YAT) whom (KATHIDHA) in how many kinds (VEE AKALPAYAN) you utter. (ASAYA) in the universe (KIM) which is the (MUKHAM) mouth (ASEET) is, that is, in the world which is the worshipable i.e., respected mouth (BAHU) arms (KIM) who (UCHYETE) is called i.e., who is the person who holds the power in his arms to protect the nation. (KIM UROO) who takes birth containing the quality to do business (PADAU) down stage (KIM UCHYETE) who are i.e., who are the persons called to belong to down category.

Meaning- Oh! Learned, in how many kinds you utter the perfect God, whom you hold. In the universe, which the mouth is, that is, in this world which is the worshipable i.e., respected mouth; arms who is called i.e., who is the person who holds the power in his arms to protect the nation; who takes birth containing the quality to do business; in downstage who are i.e., who are the persons called to belong to down category.

As regards the explanation of mantra in Rigveda, there is no change in its idea please. For example- the meaning of “Yat Purusham Vyadadhuhu” is that the Almighty God has been imagined like a “Purush” i.e., man and then question has been put forth that which is the mouth of the man imagined. (KAU BAHU) which are the arms and (KAU UROO PADA UCHYETEY) which are the thighs and which are the feet. So, the idea will remain unchangeable.

(Yajurveda mantra 31/11)

Oh! Aspirant (ASYA) in this God’s universe (BRAHMANNAHA) the learned of Vedas and who has realised God (MUKHMASEET) is supreme like a mouth i.e., the knower of Vedas and Almighty God is respectable in this world like a mouth and he is called Brahmin. (BAHU) he who is powerful i.e., has powerful arms (KRITAH) he has been made (RAJANYAH) kshatriye (Tad) he in this universe (ASEET) is (VAISHYAH) is called (Vaishya) i.e., businessman (YAT) Who (UROO) does deeds like (UROO) thighs i.e., he has the power in his thighs to travel here and there quickly for business. (PADBHYAAM) having qualities of service and without pride. (AJAAYAT) generates (SHUDRAH) the man who has no education and good qualities, etc.

meaning – Oh! Aspirant, in this God’s universe the learned of Vedas and who has realised God is supreme like a mouth i.e., the knower of Vedas and Almighty God is respectable in this world like a mouth and he is called Brahmin, he who is powerful i.e., has powerful arms has been made kshatriye. He in this universe is called Vaishya i.e., businessman who does deeds like thighs i.e., he has the power in his thighs to travel here and there quickly for business. He who has qualities of service and without pride generates the man who has no education and good qualities etc.