Bhupesh: Agar bhagvan hai to pishach bhut chudail to hoti hi hogi na guruji? Kyoki agar ham such ke sath zuth ko bhi mante hai?
Swami Ram Swarup: Satya parmeshwar hai aur jhoot prakriti se banaa sansaar hai. Prakriti jad hai. Jad se bhoot pret nahi bante kewal karmaanusaar jeevan ke bhin-bhin shareer bante hain. Par usmein bhoot, pret, tantric, chudail, pishach aadi ke shareer nahin bante arthat yeh sansaar mein exist nahi karte.
About Ghosts
There is no existence of ghosts. But mostly the people who want to earn money or try to take enjoyment make it popular through falsehood and self- made frauds. They only spread such false worship of ghosts. They only promote the said worship by giving false proof of existence of ghosts and people are attracted and accept the same as if it is true.
In short I give two instances:
A poor man met me. He was suffering from acute stomach pain. He told me that his relative had taken him so many times to a baba who used to do treatment of ghost. The man was beaten badly there number of times, to accept that there was a ghost in him. The poor man said to me that at last helplessly, he (poor man) accepted that the ghost is within him, only to save himself from beating. But the fact was that he was having acute stomach pain. When such person accepts existence of ghost under pressure then the people who are present there, accept and start saying that they are eye-witness when the person accepted the existence of ghost.
This is what the false worshippers of ghosts want. They actually thus achieve the result of beating of the poor people. I suggested him some medicine and yoga asan and he became all right soon.
Second instance is that one of my followers brought a gentleman to me. He told that his friend’s daughter is caught by five witches. He further told the story that when the girl goes to bathroom in the morning, there the five witches slap on her upper arms and the sign of slaps of fingers exist on arms. The girl faints. So this story also looks a true one. But a learned person of Vedas, who is aware of the fundamental law of nature never accepts such stories at any cost to be a true one.
According to Yajurveda chapter 39, the fundamental law states that when alive soul leaves the human body, the soul remains under control of sutratma Vaayu by the power of God. At this time the soul always remains in sushuptwastha i.e., like in comma till rebirth. So how a soul can be a ghost? And in a stage of comma (sushuptwastha) how a soul can give harm to anybody?
I thought if I will straightaway refuse the existence of ghost, then the problem will not be solved, because the father of the girl was firm believer of ghost. So I told that this girl must come to me along with her parents daily at least for 10-15 days then she will be okay.
When first day the girl came to me, I asked her to tell all about the witches/ghosts etc. She repeated the story and told that her parents had spent lot of money to cure her. Her parents used to take her to such persons who dealt with such cases of ghosts. The persons used to ask her parents to offer wine, chicken etc., which her parents provided. She used to sit before them continuously for full night also. She was beaten by them with iron chains a number of times.
The second day I started giving her preach of Vedas. After one week, with the result of preach of Vedas, I was able to make her understand that there is no existence of ghost on the earth and she agreed.
Based on fundamental law of God I already knew that there is no ghost on the earth and the girl is telling all lies. Then in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere I told her that O daughter! When you have understood the fact of non-existence of ghosts then tell me truly about the story of witches and the signs of slaps with five fingers on the upper arms and what about fainting. I myself made a promise to her that I shall never tell her statement to anybody. Then she told that she is a student of class 9th and she never wants to go to school. But forcefully her parents used to send her to school then she thought to play such game.
When she was about to go to school in the morning she used to enter the bathroom and used to beat herself on both the upper arms leaving the signs of fingers thereon. She used to do the acting of fainting and afterwards she used to tell her parents that in the bathroom she saw five witches who beat her. With the result of such drama she used to enjoy the remaining day as holiday.
Then I told her that if she does not want to go to school, whatever may be the reason, I will make her parents agree, but she should stop doing such acting. And I will not tell anything to anybody. She agreed.
Next day I called her parents without girl and told them that I have cured their daughter. Now the witches will not come again but in this process they should stop their daughter from going to school. I asked them to arrange her education privately. Now she is married having sons and daughters.
After a lapse of six years I told the above true story in one of my regular preach where my follower who brought the case to me, was sitting in the public. Now he is a retired Govt., servant from a higher gazetted post. He was very much surprised after listening the fact.
So we must follow the fundamental law of nature only then there will be no problem to understand the truth.
Dave: Dear swamiji pranaam. Swamiji in your last reply to me you stated the following; ” God is not infinite but He is one, however, His divine qualities, deeds and knowledge and power etc., are infinite.” Swamiji vedas say God is infinite. Now I said to you that the number of jivatmas is infinite not countless. So because god is infinite as told by vedas then why can he not be able to look after infinite souls? Can you accept that?
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. I quote the following Atharvaved mantras.
Na dwiteeyo na triteeyashchaturatho napyuchyate.
Ya etam devmekvritam veda.
Na panchamo na shashtatha saptamo napyuchyate.
Ya etam devmekvritam veda.
Nashtamo na navmo dashmo napyuchyate.
Ya etam devmekvritam veda.
( Ath. Ved 13/4/16,17,18)
In the above mantras, it is stated that there are not 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 God but He is only ONE God. Now, please you quote the mantra where in infinite Gods have been described.
As regards looking after several constant numbers of souls, His unlimited power looks after them. Yajurved mantra 31/4 refers.