MC: Pranam Swamiji. Aapke Niswarath Lokseva tatha hamare sansaye ko dur karne ke liye aap jo hamare prasan ke uttar dene ki kasth uthate ho ,uske liye hum sadaa hi aapke aabhari rahenge.
Q: “Ved vidya ka chori” kise kehte hai,kripiya mujhe bataiye.Aapki video aur kitap paharke mujhe thoraa sa Ved ka gyan mila hai.Is bisaye mein thoda explain karenge to mera dubidha theek ho jayega.Mujhe is baat ka darr hai ki mein jaane/anjaane mein “Ved vidya ke chori” jaisa paap na kar daalu.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. Kasht kee koi baat nahin hai, beta. Aap khushi-khushi prashan karein.
Jaise Samved hai, to samved ka koi ek mantra chura lena aur baaki poora Samved chchod dena. Isko ved mantra kee chori kehte hain. Hamein vidwanon se bhavarth sahit poore ved sunne chahiye. Jaise hum aajkal mahamritunjaya jaap ka yajyen karte hain. Yeh Rigved ka mantra hai. Ab hum Rigved ke baaki mantron ko to chchod dete hain aur Panditji se sirf yahee mahamritunjaya jaap kehkar is mantra ka jaap karaa lete hain to yeh is prakar se is mantra kee chori ho gayee kyunki baaki Rigved ke mantra to chchod diye aur yeh mantra bhi swayum uchcharann kiya jaata hai, kisi anya se iska uchchrann nahin karaya jaata. Is vishaye mein mera ek article is prakaar hai-
Mahamrityunjaya mantra
Mahamrityunjaya name has been originated by we people, otherwise it is Yajurved mantra 3/60. So we must say that we are reciting Yajurveda mantra but it has been a tendency to say it as mahamrityunjaya mantra. It can never be started with any other shloka or mantra etc., because Ved mantras emanate direct from God at the beginning of the earth. So Ved mantras have not been written by a Rishi-Muni, man, woman etc., as Almighty, Omnipresent, Formless God is unchangeable. So are the mantras. The Knowledge of Ved mantras is eternal, immortal and unchangeable.
In the said mantra, we pray to God that Oh God! I perform your Yajyen, may my life be long i.e., 100 years or upto 400 years as the Vedas say. However, no one can cross the age of 400 years please. So, everybody must recite and do Yajyen from the said mantras himself because in the mantra we are praying to God that Oh God! I am myself doing your worship by Yajyen and no one else on my behalf.
(Rigved mantra 7/59/12)
“TRIYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE” is the Rigved Mantra number 7/59/12. Its meaning is (TRIYAMBAKAM) whose knowledge remains constant in past, present and future. Actually “AMBAKAM” means eyes, TRI means three i.e., He who has three eyes. Here three eyes means past, present and future, the three phrases of time i.e., whose knowledge remains unchangeable in past, present , future times and who is present and sees past, present and future.
(YAJAMAHE) do daily worship ((SUGANDHIM), who makes us the best and the purest (PUSHTIVARDHANAM) who increases the strength of our body and soul.
Meaning:- We must daily worship the God whose knowledge remains unchangeable in past, present and future and who is present and sees the past, present and future. He makes us the best and the purest and increases the strength of our body and soul.
Idea:- Yajyen and Ashtang Yog Practice is the best worship of God. So, we must daily do Yajyen and Ashtang Yog Practice.
(BANDHANAAT) connected to (LATAA) creeper (URVARUKMIV) like a ripened cucumber (MRITYOHO) from death (MUKSHEEYA) get liberated.
Meaning:- With the grace of God, may I get liberated from death like a ripened cucumber which gets released from the creeper.
Idea:- The cucumber automatically gets separated from the creeper when it gets fully ripened. It becomes tasty even. Similarly, by the worship of God i.e., while performing Yajyen and Practice of Ashtang Yog Philosophy, I may also attain full disease free age i.e., hundred years or more and get free from the death automatically.
(MA MUKSHIMAHEE) may we never be separated from faith, belief (AMRITAM) from supreme, divine pleasure of final liberation.
Idea:- This human body is blessed by God to do daily Yajyen wherein knowledge of Vedas is also listened from Brahma i.e., learned acharya who is a philosopher of four Vedas and Ashtang Yog. Our faith and belief must never diminish from following the said path of worship to get final liberation.
Main Idea:- In the above mantra , we pray to God. There are two types of prayers-
Prayer emanates direct from God in the shape of Ved mantras like above mantra which are eternal, true and the best.
Prayers which are man-made in the shape of so many shlokas etc., written by human-beings i.e., saints etc.
No doubt that the prayers which emanate from God are the best. So, the human being must know the deep philosophy of the Vedas and must worship God and must do prayer of God as mentioned in Vedas which will ever be beneficial for all mankind, we must only worship the God whose description has been given in the Vedas by God Himself. Who can know God as God knows Himself? So, description of God in Vedas is eternal, true and the best.
Secondly, prayer is not enough. God states in Vedas (Refer Rigved mantra 1/10/5) that one must also do hard, pious deeds to fulfil one’s prayer otherwise prayer will not help the person. Based on the Philosophy of Vedas, nowadays the true phrase is famous-“God Helps Those Who Help Themselves”. So we must ourselves do hard, pious deeds according to our prayer. Worship for the God/Gods against the Vedas are always sorrowful.
So the idea of the above mantra is clear wherein it is mentioned “TRIYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE” i.e., Oh! God, we do Yajyen (worship) ourselves. So we can never depute any other person to perform the Yajyen from the above ved mantra because mantra states to perform the Yajyen ourselves. Mostly, due to lack of knowledge of ved mantras, we engage some other person to perform Yajyen which according to Vedas, can never be beneficial.
Because “YAJAMAHE” is “ATMANEPAD DHATU”. Dhatu means root word. It means YAJAMAHE word is applicable to personal matter. So we will have to perform Yajyen, personally. In Vedas its name has not been mentioned as “Mahamritynjaye mantra”.
However, if somebody has stated its name as Mahamritynjaye jaap then it makes no difference if we are aware of the truth-
That it is Rigved mantra 7/59/12 (quoted above) and also Yajurved mantra 3/60. So the study of Vedas and above quoted mantras reveals –“TRIYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE” i.e., we must perform Yajyen with Ved mantras ourselves and do hard pious deeds i.e., listening of Vedas , performing of Yajyen and practice of Ashtang Yog Philosophy daily to fulfil the prayer mentioned in above mantras i.e., Oh! God may I be liberated from death and get divine pleasure of final liberation. The hard, pious deed must be carried out while discharging all our moral duties as mentioned in Yajurved mantra 40/2.
Anupam: गुरुजी प्रणाम।मिक्सलर एप्प पर ब्राडकास्टिंग शुरू करने के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यबाद।कृपया प्रवचन शो रील में भी डलवा दे जिससे किसी कारण उस समय न सुन पाने पर बाद मे सुन पाए।गुरुजी आपसे मिली पुस्तको काअध्यन कर रही हूँ ।आज से गीता पढ़नी शुरू की है।आप सत्य ज्ञान तो करा ही रहे है पर लेखन शैली की जितनी प्रशंशा की जाए कम है।इतना सटीक स्पस्टीकरण तो अब तक नही देखा।आपको सादर नमन।गुरुजी इसको पढ़ते समय कुछ प्रश्न आ रहे है कृपया मार्गदर्शन करे।आपने भूमिका मे शिवगीता व राम गीता का नाम लिखा हैं।ये दोनों किस विषय मे है व किसने लिखी है व क्या ये भी वेद आधारित है।10000 के बाद जो श्लोक बड़े क्या वह मानवीय कल्पना थे।धृतराष्ट्र के क्या वाकई मे 100 पुत्र थे।गांधारी इतने बच्चो को कैसे जन्म दे पाई ।वे व धृतराष्ट्र कितने साल जिये।क्या अर्जुन भीम आदि पांचो भाई पांडु के ही पुत्र थे।मैने पढ़ा था कि पांडु एक अभिशाप से ग्रस्त थे स्त्री गमन करने पर वे नही बचेंगे व एक बार माद्री के साथ ऐसा करने के कारण वे मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो गए थेजब वैशम्पायनजी ने राजा जनमेजय को युद्ध का वृतांत सुनाया क्या तब तक महाभारत लिखी जा चुकी थी।कृपया मार्गदर्शन करें।
Swami Ram Swarup: Blessings beti. Shiv geeta aur Ram geeta vedon par adharit nahin hai. Jo jhootey shloka Mahbaharat aur Manusmriti aadi men jodey gaye hain to woh manushyon dwara hee jodey gaye hain kyunki kai sthaan par maine Shatpath Brahmin Granth ke rishiyon ke vichaar likhe hain ki “Manushyaha anritam vadanti” arthat manushya jhoot boltey hain aur “Devaha Ritam vadanti” aur jo ved ke gyata vidwan hotey hain weh sadaa satya bolte hai.
Dhritrashtra kee dus patniyan thee jisse usey sau putra hue the. Putra to mahabharat yudh mein hee, jawani mein mrityu ko prapt ho gaye the aur uske pashchaat Dhritrashtra bhi zyada adhik varsh nahin jee sake. Han! Paanch Pandav apne Pita Pandu ke hee putra they.
Jo aapne suna, woh theek hai parantu vedic niyam yeh hai ki niyog ke dwara jis kee bhi patni ke kshetra se santaan utpann hogee woh us vivaahit purush kee hee kahee jayegee.