To know the real meaning of any language, it is necessary to learn the grammar. The culture of a country is based on its literature (culture) and we can say literature is culture and culture is literature. The eternal knowledge i.e., four Vedas have been the culture of India and even the culture of the whole world, being the oldest literature of the universe. So every word of Vedas, which has the meaning of its grammar, can not be denied being true and the meaning against the grammar or against the Vedas is not acceptable by the learned being unauthentic.

To know the real meaning of any language, it is necessary to learn the grammar. The culture of a country is based on its literature (culture) and we can say literature is culture and culture is literature. The eternal knowledge i.e., four Vedas have been the culture of India and even the culture of the whole world, being the oldest literature of the universe. So every word of Vedas, which has the meaning of its grammar, can not be denied being true and the meaning against the grammar or against the Vedas is not acceptable by the learned being unauthentic. According to Vedas we have to do deeds.For example Vedas say to speak truth, talk sweetly, have good behavior, to do such pious deeds which will give pleasure in this life and after this life too, there must not be laziness to study Vedas i.e., to get progress in spiritualism, to get progress in both good worldly affairs like education, science, welfare of human beings, making nation strong etc., as well as in spiritualism, to serve human beings and to respect the parents/elders, to hold brahamcharya etc.

Now Saamveda mantra 1548 states the meaning of Ram as the darkness of the night. The idea of the full mantra is that the sun runs after dawn and thus from its ray of light removes the darkness of night. In Yajurveda mantra 2/1 the meaning of word Krishna is attractive. The full mantra says Yajyen is attractive (Krishna) with minutest particle of fire and air. Yajurveda mantra 33/43 says that the sun has the qualities of throwing light to the earth and also has the quality of Krishna i.e., attraction. Science also says that all planets have the quality of attraction. Atharvaveda mantra 7/64/1, 2 state the meaning of Krishna as black i.e., dirty/sinful idea. Malin Shakunihi i.e., strong idea to do sin. In Atharvaveda mantra 1/23/1 the meaning of both words i.e., Ram and Krishna is a medicine for skin diseases. Atharvaveda mantra 6/83/2 clarifies meaning of word Krishna as black herb. In Saamveda mantra 1600 the meaning of word Radha is money which cannot be denied being eternal otherwise culture will be destroyed. Can anyone on earth deny English grammar and meanings of the words of the English language based on English grammar etc.?

It has been a tradition of ancient Rishis who are learned of knowledge of Vedas to celebrate name ceremony while performing a big Yajyen to give a holy name of a child from Vedas to establish holy impression (Sanskaar) on his chitta (mind). So accordingly King Dashrath and Nand organized Yajyenwherein Rishis gave names to their adorable sons as Sri Ram, Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughan and Krishna respectively.

Everybody wants peace and happiness. Nobody wants a single sorrow. That is why the soul is bound with karma (deeds) theory that whatever the soul wants, it is not necessary that she will get it. It is rightly said that Man proposes, God disposes. However the origin of soul in human body is empowered to burn all the sorrows by virtue of worship, hard and pious deeds to get happy and peaceful life and even to attain salvation. In this pious way Gayatri mantra is very much beneficial for human beings. The Gayatri mantra is given in Yajurveda mantra 22/9, 30/2. 36/3, Saamveda mantra 1462 and Rigveda mantra 3/62/10. So this mantra has been praised in Manusmriti shlok 2/81 to say it the mouth of God.

The Gayatri mantra is as follows —

Meaning of Gayatri mantra stating each word is as follows. Its meaning is based on Vedas and Sanskrit grammar. Grammatical hints are in short please.

Om has three Hindi words. Aa, Uu AND Ma. Aa is meant for Aakaar from which three names of God are built,Viraat, Agni, and Vishwadi. From Uu = uukar from which Hiranyagarbha, Vaayu and Tejas names occur andMa = makaar from which Ishwar, Aditya and Praajyan aadi, holy names of God occur. Rigveda mantra 1/164/46 says God is one but His names are several. But here OM the holy name of God is only being explained.

VIRAAT= Viraat word is made from dhatu ‘Rajrideeptau’ i.e., manifest. Therefore Viraat means He who manifests the universe. As God manifests the universe, thus Viraat is the name of God. Rigveda mandal 10, sukta 129 states that like potter makes pot from clay, similarly God creates universe from non-alive matter prakriti. Prakriti is unseen matter. From unseen matter, the whole universe is created in the visible form. Science also says that matter is never destroyed but changes its form. Suppose a paper is burnt, paper changes its form into ashes. Then ashes are crushed and thrown in air. At this moment, the paper changed into ashes becomes invisible but was never destroyed. Similarly the whole universe at the time of finaldestruction is turned into prakriti i.e., into unseen form.

AGNI = From dhatu, ” ANCHU GATI POOJANAYOHO” the word “AGNI is made. Its meaning is — He who is a form of wisdom. “SARVAJAYEN” i.e., omniscient. I.e., knows even every atom of universe and even beyonduniverse too. He who is to be known, to be gained and worshippable. So agni is the name of God.

VISHWA = Vishwa word is made from dhatu, “VISHPRAVESHANE”. Its meaning is in whom the universe is entering or He is entering the universe. So being omnipresent, Vishwa is the name of God.

HIRANGARBHA = i.e., ” JYOTIRVAYIHIRANYAM”. Its meaning is, who is the base of all sun, etc., luminous lokas or He who is the living place of all luminous lokas.

VAAYU = from dhatu, “VA GATIGANDHANYOHO”, vaayu word is made. Its meaning is He who holds, gives life and destroys and the mightiest amongst all. So the name of God is Vaayu.

TEJ = from dhatu, “TIJA NISHANE”, the word Tej is made who is self made and self-enlighted and gives light to sun, moon, stars etc. God does not take light from anywhere else but gives light to sun, moon, stars, etc. so the unbroken, unobstructed/unproduced and eternal shape of light is Almighty God and not sun, moon etc. So the name of God is Tej.

ISHWAR = from dhatu, “ISH ASHWERIYE”, the word Ishwar is made. Its meaning is whose knowledge is thoughtful and true and has unlimited wealth, fortune and glory etc. Therefore the name of God is Ishwar. Here it is not out of place to mention that soul (man/woman) has limited qualities and are dependent whereas God is independent and has unlimited qualities that is why He is God.

ADITYA = from dhatu, “DO AVAKHANDANE”, Aditya word is made. Its meaning is the one who cannot be broken into pieces and thus cannot be destroyed. So God’s name is Aditya.

PRAJAYEN (PRAGYA) = from dhatu, “JYEN AVABODHANE”, Prajayen word is made whose wisdom is totally without any misunderstanding and thus he who knows every Manner and behavior of whole universe without misunderstanding. So God’s name is Prajayen. So here also it not out of place to mention that illusion can never attack on God and God is totally free from illusion.

BHUHU= “BHUHU ITI VAYEE PRANAHA” i.e., He who is the base of lives of universe, is most beloved, even more than Pran i.e., breath. So Bhuhu is the name of God.

BHUVAHA= “BHUVAHA ITI APANAHA” i.e., He who is totally free from any sorrow, and with whose contact, the soul removes his all sorrow. So the name of God is Bhuvaha.

SWAHA= i.e., “SWAHA ITI VYANAHE” who is omnipresent in the universe and is holding the same. So the name of God is Swaha.

SAVITUHU = He who creates the universe. So the name of God is Savituhu.

DEVSYA= who gives all pleasure/merriment, so the name of God is Dev.

VARENYAM = He who is the most supreme and acceptable. God is most supreme and acceptable for worship.

BHARGAHA = the purest entity (though God is formless, but finding no suitable English word of Sanskrit word, “SUDH SWARUPAM” the word entity has been used.)

TAT = i.e., the God i.e., of the purest entity.

DHIMAHI = i.e., we must hold (sort of meditation) because

YAHA = the God

NAHA = our,

DHIYAHA = mind (i.e., in our minds)

PRACHODYAT = by inspiration (fulfil the mind with wisdom)


“We meditate the God who is the base of lives’ of universe, totally free from any sorrow, omnipresent, creates the universe, gives all pleasure/merriment,most supreme and acceptable, purest entity; May the God enlighten our minds with wisdom by His inspiration”.

Here it is not out of place to mention that idea of a (one) Ved mantra is based on ideas of several Ved mantras. So in the above Gaytri mantra, there are three things —-
Bhuhu, Bhuvaha, Swaha, Savituhu, Bhargaha, Devsya are some qualities amongst unlimited qualities of God. These are called Stuti i.e., to say about God with His real qualities and not self made etc.

Secondly Dhimahi means meditation i.e., one should always sit in meditation and do hard and pious deeds for which he will have to study Vedas in full, while discharging moral duties towards family and nation.

Third and last is DHIYO YO NAHA PRACHODYAT. It is a prayer to God explanation of which is cited above.

In the above mantra we pray to God but mere prayer does not solve the purpose until we do hard work according to the prayer.

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Everybody wants peace and happiness. Nobody wants a single sorrow. That is why the soul is bounded with Karma (deeds) theory that whatever the soul wants it is not necessary that she will get it. It is rightly said that man proposes, God disposes. However the origin of soul in human body is empowered to burn all the sorrows by virtue of worship the God to get happy, peaceful life and even to attain Salvation. In this pious way Gayatri Mantra is very much beneficial for human beings.

Om Bhurbhuvaha Swaha Tata Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nha Prachodyat .

This is the Gayatri Mantra given in Yajur Veda Mantra 22/9,30/2,36/3 Saam Veda Mantra 1462 and Rig Veda 3/62/10.This Mantra has been praised in Manu Smariti 2/81 to say it the mouth of God.

Om is a saviour of all and immortal. So this name is everlasting and we must remember it repeatedly. Bhuhu—-base of breath i.e., creator (God). Bhuvaha—-ends sorrows (God). Swaha—-omnipresent (God) .Tata …he, Savitaha— creator of whole Universe .Varenyam— Acceptable .Devha—giver of pleasure. Bhagha—unsophisticated/clean/pure or Supreme. Dhimahi—meditate/concentrate i.e., we do meditation of Almighty God who is base of breath of all, ends sorrows, omnipresent, creator, acceptable , giver of pleasure, unsophisticated/Supreme. Now see second part—-
Yaha—who, Dhiyha—mind, Nha— our, Prachodyat—enlightenment with wisdom i.e., the adorable God may enlighten our mind with wisdom.
Yajur Veda Matra 31/7 says that the Vedas are originated from God. So Gayatri Mantra is a complete prayer preached direct by God to us for our benefit which everyone must adhered to. Question may arise why? We see the sun, moon, earth, our body etc., and can guess that these have not been made by us except God. God has given us every facility like water, food, air, milk and family etc., then if we can not even remember/pray Him (God) in return, then it will be a direct thanklessness towards God, which is the most hatred sin.

Rig Veda Mantra 10/110/8 says that while worshipping we have to keep in mind the three aspects —1. Stuti (description of true qualities in God) 2.Upasana(to sit nearest to God) God being omnipresent is always within us but being indulged with materialistic world we can not realize Him. For Upasana—Worship the word “Dhimahi ” i.e., meditation has been used in Gayatri Mantra. So when we keep aside the materialistic world for sometime both in morning and evening and meditate,worship, do japa or Yajna etc., then it is said that we are sitting nearest to God . 3.Prayer— by virtue of prayer we are inspired to do auspicious deeds .For prayer the words in Gayatri Mantra are Yha Dhiyha Nha Prachodyat i.e., we pray God to enlighten our mind with wisdom. Due to the lack of this tradition mostly we forget this primary requirement of worship with the result our worship may go in vain. The Gayatri Mantra is thus sound and fulfill the said requirements together as mentioned in above Rig-Veda. In the Vedas there is no other Mantra like this containing three aspects together.
So even if we do any kind of worship/Yoga practice everyone must recite or recite within heart the holy Gayatri Mantra before worship which is acceptable by God being Originated from Him (God). In Gayatri Mantra there is a pray to inspire our mind for doing instigated deeds to enable us to determine wrong and right/pious and sin. So that we may leave bad deeds/sins and do always pious deeds. We see that due to the shining of materialistic articles day by day we are indulging ourselves in anger, proud, sensuality, selfishness, etc., which are our hidden foe and misleading us from the true path of doing instigated deeds/worship etc. And what to talk of militancy which has ruined the peace, brotherhood internationally. So at this belated stage even this pious, Supreme and omnipotent Gayatri Mantra is a perfect worship of God to overcome the above hidden foe and spread peace/ brotherhood and even to get Salvation. Rest will follow.

Bharti Gupta sent in detailed set of questions on Gayatri mantra.
(1) Is it necessary to do odd numbers for malas i.e. I was told to do either 1 or three or any odd number which is five seven nine etc? If this is the case, then is it correct to do say, three gayatri malas (108beads) in the morning before 8am and then again only 1 mala in the evening before 8pm. which then makes it four malas per day? Please explain.
Swami Ram Swarup: The best mala has already been given by God of respiratory system and the best way of Gaytri mantra to recite is by pranyaam please, which is also called Gayatri Anusthan.. But pranayaam is learnt in person from a learned Acharya. According to Saamveda mantra 14 morning and evening time i.e., twice a day and daily is enough.

(2) Which is the best time to do the mala for it to be very effective? Also please let me know if it is correct to do mala of gayatri mantra in the afternoon and if so, at what time or between what time.
Swami Ram Swarup: Morning at about 5 O’clock and evening it may be from 5 O’ clock to 10 O’ clock as suits.

(3) Is it necessary to light an agarbatti or a diva (oil or ghee) when reciting the gayatri mantra?
Swami Ram Swarup: Agarbati can be used but yet it is eternal philosophy of Vedas. Vedas say to perform holy havan/Yajna.

(4) Is it necessary to have a bath before reciting the gayatri mantra?
Swami Ram Swarup: It is the best if bath is taken because God is the purest away from illusion even. So he wants purity. But under unavoidable circumstances yet bath can be avoided.

(5) Is it necessary to sit on a woolen cloth and sit cross legged?
Swami Ram Swarup: Yes please. Because when we meditate then generally the electric is built in our body which require asan of bad conductor of heat. Then yogasan is preferred. It may be Sidhhasan, Sukhasan or Padamasan.

(6) Do we have to do Om shanti shanti shanti after every mala i.e. if you were doing three malas – can I complete all three and say om shanti shanti shanti or do I haveto do om shanti shanti shanti after each mala?
Swami Ram Swarup: If you want to recite Om Shanti then it must be recited in the end with full Yajurveda mantra 36/17 i.e., Om Dyu Shanti Antricksham shanti———————- and not piece meal. Because Atharvaveda warns about reciting of piece mealof any Ved mantra.

(7) Please let me know which is the best gayatri cd or tape to listen to when doing housework?
Swami Ram Swarup: I do not know please. But market can be consulted. I can build a new one cassette of Gayatri and can send, if you desire but first market can beconsulted.

Jaidev Sharma: How one should meditate upon Gaytri mantra? Please give me all detail.
Swami Ram Swarup: The Gaytri mantra and its meaning is already available on vedmandir web site please. There are two ways of Meditation of Gaytri mantra. One should sit on any suitable asan preferably sukhasan, sidhasan or padamasan. The one should concentrate aagya chakr, a body part. We must not concentrate on any point which is outside of our body then close eyes we must chant the Gaytri mantyra and its full meaning daily. Second method= while sitting on asan one must do pranayaam. When we breath inside then we must stop breathing with close eyes and concentration on aagya chakr. Then we must continue to chant Gaytri manra. When we will be unable to stop breathing then release breathing slowly and slowly and thus stop breathing outside and recite Gaytri mantra. And repeat the method again and again i.e., do daily 3 pranayaam of such type. These are called Bhahyantar and Aabhyantar. One can do havan also from Gaytri mantra. These all are worship.