Questions & Answers – July 27, 2024

Anonymous: Namaste swamiji. I have followed doing vedic havan by ordering your book but I want to read the quran too. I like all religions in the world as a fellow human. So can I be both muslim and sanatani without believing in heaven and hell or prophets? Thank you...

Questions & Answers – July 26, 2024

Anonymous: Pranam Guruji…. I am at the age of 33years and I want to read Vedas; especifically Rigvedas….I completed my Graduation and Post graduation and currently pursuing Law from Delhi University. My prime question is – can I take a diksha for...

Questions & Answers – July 25, 2024

Shrikala: Namaste ji, I pray for Maharishi Ramswarup ji’s good health and well being. I wish to buy these books : Vedic punishment for criminals – women offenders Vedas – a divine light (all volumes)  Bhagwad Gita – ek vedic rahasya (all...

Questions & Answers – July 24, 2024

Anonymous: Guru Ji I am doing havan agnihotra every day two times my neighbour also knows but today I have done a big mistake while doing havan I get up in middle after chanting half Mantra because my neighbour came in middle and if I do havan in front of him I can...

Questions & Answers – July 23, 2024

Vimal: I have highest regard for you Guruji. With God’s blessing, Maybe one day I’ll come to meet you in person. I’m Hindu and do idol worship too. I visit temples too. But a confusion remains in my mind that when God is formless, should I go to...

Questions & Answers – July 22, 2024

Anonymous: Respected, How many generations on the father’s side and how many generations on the mother’s side is considered incest and such marriage is prohibited according to Vedas? Thanks in advance for the explanation! All the best, Swami Ram Swarup:...

Questions & Answers – July 21, 2024

Anonymous: Respected, 1) Do the Vedic scriptures forbid all opiates and hallucinogenic substances? Swami Ram Swarup: Yes, Vedic scriptures totally forbid the said subject, being false. Anonymous: 2) Did the Vedic rishis, munis and yogis possibly use opiates and...

Questions & Answers – July 20, 2024

Anonymous: Respected, here is a quote from Wikipedia about the critical edition of the Mahabharata: “Between 1919 and 1966, scholars at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, compared the various manuscripts of the epic from India and abroad and...

Questions & Answers – July 19, 2024

Anonymous: Is Intercaste marriage allowed in Vedas like shudra man marrying a Brahmin woman etc. is it permitted. Can a man of lower varna marry a woman of higher varna What do Vedas say about it? Swami Ram Swarup: In this connection, I paste my article below—-...

Questions & Answers – July 18, 2024

Anonymous: Pranam Guruwar, I come from a Vedic background with my father’s family being arya samaji and doing havan on every major festival. But my kama has been my biggest enemy since birth. As far as I remember I always was too sensitive and my kamendriya were...