Protect the Holy Cow – say Vedas – Complete Book

The complete book is being posted for the benefit of the readers at the instructions of Swami Ram Swarupji. Nowadays there has been so much controversy with diverse statements on the protection of cow. This book will help in establishing clarity, as per Vedas, on the subject.


Few days back, I suddenly came across the book “No beef in Vedas” wherein a reference about Mr. D. N. Jha’s book “The Myth of the Holy Cow” was mentioned.
I realised that Mr. Jha’s book is totally against the eternal voice of God, that is, the four Vedas. My heart feeling forced me to write a rejoinder
regarding Mr. D. N. Jha’s book, so that public may know about the fact of Vedas.

It will be a personal pleasure if public gains the Vedic knowledge on the matter of sacred cow after studying this book which I have written with the grace
of Almighty God.

I bless all those who have helped me to write this book. May God enable us to spread the knowledge of Vedas throughout the world for the benefit of all
human-beings and to promote international brotherhood.

I also bless Mr. Shailesh Garg again and again for a long happy life. He has contributed to compose this book and prepare it for printing. He has financed
to print the book also.

Swami Ram Swarup, Yogacharya

He who is not emotional regarding culture,

sure ruins himself and nation’s future.

Protect holy cow, say Vedas.

Then where lay obstacles to protect cows?

Wake up Indians, to follow your culture!

Asks mother cow where are my protectors?

– Swami Ram Swarup

Vedas say that cow is the first creation amongst living beings

God has very beautifully described about process of creation in Mandal 10, Sukta 129 of Rigveda:




(Rigveda Mantra 10/129/1)

(TADAANEEM) before the creation, when there was period of final destruction (ASAT) emptiness [zero] (NA) not (AASEET) exist i.e., it was the period of
final destruction, therefore all the prakriti made matters of the world like sun, water, living beings, bodies etc., were destroyed but here the Ved Mantra states that it was not so that there was nothing. Did emptiness exist there? No, situation of emptiness was not there.

(SAT) visible matters (NA) not (AASEET) was i.e., during that time there were no visible matters present i.e., neither emptiness nor visible matters were
there during the time of final destruction. (RAJAHA) space (NA) not (AASEET) was there i.e., the space, sky, etc. matters were not there.

(PARAHA VYOM) geographical space i.e., sky (Uu) also (NA) did not exist i.e., the space geographically enveloping the earth was not also there. (KIM)
what/how (AVAREEVAHA) covering matter to cover any matter could be there i.e., such cover was also not there.

For example: A soul will be visible when God provides him body. Body is like a cover – such cover was also not there.

(KUH) where (KASYA) whose (SHARMAN) to give pleasure i.e., then where and for what there could be any place to get pleasure? (GAHANAM) deep (GABHEER)
effective for all concerned (AMBHA) water (KIM) how (AASEET) did exist? That is then how could deep and effective water exist there? Which means that water
also was not there. ‘Effective water’ means that all living beings need water to survive and even to grow crops, etc. Therefore water affects all living



(Rigveda Mantra 10/129/2)

(MRITYUHU) death (NA) not (AASEET) exist i.e., during that period of final destruction, death did not exist. (TARHI) therefore at that time (AMRITAM)
salvation (NA) not i.e., salvation was also not there.

Idea is that when death was not there. It means birth was not there and therefore human beings were neither taking births nor dying then who would try to
get knowledge and from where to get salvation? Therefore, salvation was also not there. (RATRYAHA) night (AHNAHA) day (PRAKETAHA) knowledge (NA) not
(AASEET) exist. The knowledge of day and night, like the previous creation which was subjected to final destruction, was not there. (TAT) then (EKAM) one
matter alone (AVAATAM) did not require air to survive. (SWADHYA) existed independently (AANEET) alive matter did exist. At that time, when there was
nothing, then an alive matter who did not require air or food to survive, did exist independently and he was Almighty God alone.

Again Mantra states:

(TASMAAT) apart from Him (ANYAT) no other (KIM-CHANA) nothing (PARAHA NA AASA) was there.

Apart from Almighty God, there was nothing. The idea of next Mantra 3 is (ABHOO AASEET) that there was invisible, non-alive prakriti named “ABHOO”
from which non-alive universe was created. God (TAT MAHINA) from the prakriti made Mahat Tatva i.e., mind and then the process of whole creation began.

The above view is also echoed by writing of learned Matterlic in his book “The Great Secret”. He states- “Let us once give ear to Rigveda, the
most authentic echo of the most immortal traditions, let us note how it appreciates the formidable problem.

“There was neither Being nor non-being. There was neither atmosphere nor heavens above the atmosphere. What moved, and whither? And in whose care? Were
there waters and the bottomless deep?

“There was then neither death nor immortality. The day was not divided from the night. Only one breathed in Himself without extraneous breath and apart
from Him, there was nothing.

“There for the first time desire awoke within Him, this was the first seed of the spirit. The sages, full of understanding, striving within their hearts,
discovered in non-being the link with Being. (Rigveda 10.129.1, 2, 4)

It is a basic principle that knowledge is attained when the same is given by somebody. Based on the said eternal law, the knowledge of four Vedas
emanates direct from God and is originated in the heart of four Rishis, as stated in Rigveda Mantra 10/81/1, 2.
That is why, Rishi Patanjali quoted his experience regarding the same vide Yog Shastra Sukta 1/26 stating “SAHA EESHEY POORVE
SHAM API GURUHU KALENANVACHCHEDAT” (SAHA EESHAHA) the God (API) is also (GURUHU) Guru (POORVESHAM) of our ancient Rishis because the God
(KALENANVACHCHEDAT) is always free from the binding of death. So when all public including Rishi, Munis, Gurus, etc., are dead at the time of
final destruction of previous universe then, only Almighty, and immortal God remains. Who at the time of another creation gives the knowledge of four Vedas to the Rishis, as quoted in Rigveda Mantra above?

Thereafter, the Rishis preach others and traditionally the knowledge of Vedas is being received till today by acharyas, who are learned
of Vedas. Thus, the Rishis obtained the knowledge and they wrote Upnishads, shastras, smritis, etc., totally based on true Vedic knowledge.

So it must be cleared that if Almighty God had not given us the knowledge of Vedas wherein all matters of science, deeds and worship have been
briefed then we would have been ignorant like the wild mountainous tribes thriving in dense jungles and would have been uncivilised. No one could be a
learned Rishi, gentleman, scientist, family holder, artist, educated persons etc., as all the said knowledge has been taken from the Vedas. Similarly no one could write Upnishads Shastras, Mahabharat, Valmiki Ramayan and other holy books.

So based on the above eternal theory of attaining the knowledge, the Upanishads were written by the Rishis. Rishi Aiteeryo in his
Aiteeryopnishad based on the above knowledge of Yajurveda Mantra and Rigveda Mandal 10, Sukta 129 writes about the
first creation of holy cow as under: –

Aiteeryopnishad Shloka 1/1 –



(ATMA VAI) the Lord of universe, Almighty God (AASEET) was (AGRE) present first alone. i.e., Almighty God was present alone before the creation, which was
to be created after the final destruction of previous universe.

(NA) no (ANYAT) other (KINCHAN) anything (MISHAT) souls having bodies i.e., there was nothing not even souls having bodies except Almighty God [though,
here it should be noted that souls without bodies and prakriti in its original form, when it does not create universe like sun, moon, air etc., get shelter
within God. Both souls and prakriti, in this form, are invisible and are in the minutest form i.e., even smallest than a minute atom.]

(SAHA) the God (EEKSHAT) thought [though God has no mind and never thinks but symbolically it is said, He thought to create. That is why, the word
‘EEKSHANN’ has been used by Rishi Aiteeryo.]

(NU) sure (SRIJAYEE) to create (LOKAN) Lokas i.e., earth, space, celestial bodies emitting light, living bodies etc (ITI) He thought like this
(Rishi has written similar views as are of Rigveda Mandal 10, Sukta 129, Mantra 1.)

Let us consider the word ‘EEKSHAT’. As said in YajurVeda Mantra 40/8 God is formless, so He has no senses, perceptions
and mind and therefore, cannot think. However, being Almighty, He does all His divine deeds of the universe without body, senses, and perceptions and mind,

Then Upanishad states that the God created sun, celestial bodies emitting light, earth, space etc. Then again God thought that who will take care of my
creation in the form of Lokas? Then He created three Lokas.

Then after creating food grains, forests, water etc., and as stated in Shloka 1/4 the God created cow first as under:

Fire, air, sun, directions, vegetation, moon, death and water i.e., eight Lokpals were created. Here, symbolically, in Shloka 1/2/1 the
eight Lokpals said to the God to create the residence where they could live. Then the Almighty God first of all created holy cow, then horse and
then the body of human-beings.

1/2/2 and 3 state- (TABHYAHA) for the eight Lokpals (AANYAT) made and brought (GAAM) cow (ASHWAM) horses and (PURUSHAM AANYAT) made and brought.

God made and brought first cow, then horse and thereafter human-beings. Though the human body is stated as the best creation of God wherein above eight
matters live yet the cow is first creation of God and will ever remain first creation, after final destruction, in every new creation. Secondly, cow is a
requirement of all human-beings to live upon. In the beginning of creation when there were no parents etc., then non-sexual, young creation is made vide Sukta 129 of Rigveda mandal 10 and other Ved Mantras. So, all human-beings would require food to survive which was
first created in the form of cow’s milk, curd etc. In this connection, Samveda Mantra clearly states in symbolic manner:-


(Samveda Mantra 594)

Food in the form of grains, milk etc., states: (AHAM) I (ASMI) am (PRATHAMAJA) created first i.e., before living –beings, etc. To survive, human beings
first require food. The eternal process is seen when milk is donated in every living being’s female body by God, thereafter the babies take birth. Cow
being like our mother, has been entrusted the duty to feed the babies, in case insufficient milk is available from mother, or on her on mother’s death,

The ambrosial milk of cow cannot be compared to any kind of milk of the world. So even thinking to slaughter the mother cow and to take beef, makes a
learned person shocked and perturbed.

As already discussed, the process of creation is eternal. In several Suktas of Rigveda Mandal 10, the eternal
process of creation, nursing and destruction has been mentioned. In Sukta 72, Mantra 2 states: (ASATAHA) i.e., from
invisible, non-alive prakriti (Sat) visible universe (AJAYAT) is originated i.e., at a stipulated time, the power of Almighty God acts in
non-alive prakriti and all the matters of entire universe like sun, moon, bodies of human-beings etc., are created. Atharvaveda Mantra 20/91/4 states that the process of creation, nursing, destruction and again creation is eternal.
After creating directions, earth (Prithvi lok), space (Antariksh lok), and heavenly bodies emitting light (Dyulok), clouds, dawn (early morning time) etc.,
the bodies of living beings are created in which souls are to be entered according to their pious deeds and sins. YajurVeda Mantra 31/6 & 8 further state that then forests, lions, milching cows, horses, donkeys, goats, sheep etc.,
were originated.


(Yajurveda Mantra 31/8)

(TASMAT) from the God (ASHWAHA) horses and (YE KE CHA) whatever donkeys etc., and (UBHYADATAHA) animals bearing teeth on upper and lower jaw (AJAYANT)

By the power of Almighty God which acts in non-alive prakriti all the above stated animals originated in non-sexual creation.

(TASMAT) from the God (GAAVAHA) cows (HA) also (JAJJIRE) originated (TASMAT) from the God (AJAVAYAHA) goats and sheep (JATAHA) originated.

Hence, God created animals related to horse’s race, animals bearing teeth over upper as well as lower jaws and cows, goats, sheep etc. ( Rigveda Mantra 10/90/10 also refers) based on these Ved Mantras, Rishi of Aiteeryopnishad has
given a beautiful description about creation emphasising on holy cow also. He states that in the creation, God first of all made pious cow.

In second Khand, the Rishi states that after creating all senses, perceptions, mind and all matters like fire, air, sun, directions,
vegetation, moon, water etc., God first of all created the body of pious cow, then horse and thereafter the body of human-being. So, amongst the living
beings, the first creation of God is pious cow as if God, the father of living beings, creates the pious cow to provide the children with the ambrosial
milk of cow.



(Yajurveda Mantra 31/7)

(TASMAT) from God (YAJJAT) who is adorable (SARVAHUTAHA) who is acceptable by all for worship (RICHAHA) Rigveda (SAMANI) Samveda
(JAJJIRE) originate i.e., emanate (TASMAT) from God (CHCHANDANGSI) AtharvaVeda (JAJJIRE) emanates (TASMAT) from the God (YAJUHU) Yajurveda (AJAYAT) is produced i.e., emanates.

At the beginning of the creation, knowledge of four Vedas emanates direct from God which is included in the process of creation. Rigveda Mantra 10/109/1,2 also states that the said knowledge of the Vedas emanates direct from God and is
originated in the heart of four Rishis in non-sexual creation.

have three kinds of education:

  1. Science i.e., description of all matters of universe, including cow;
  2. Deeds i.e., description of pious deeds as well as sins, moral duties etc. As regards pious deeds, Vedas also say to serve the cow and
  3. Real worship of God.

Now, it is a problem of present times that most of the people and saints are not studying Vedas. As a result, the real description, qualities and
moral duties towards the animals, birds and human-beings which are entrusted by God Himself are not known.

Without knowing Vedas, it is not possible to know about the real qualities of any matter of the world. So is the case in respect of our pious cow.
In the absence of knowledge of real qualities of cow mentioned in Vedas, people do not pay respect to cow and do not get full benefit thereof.
Similar conclusion may also be drawn in case of aged persons and parents who are also not been provided with respect, protection and care as mentioned in Vedas. It shall not be out of place to mention that to obey preach of Vedas is called pious deed, otherwise it is a sin.

The idea of Rigveda Mantras 1/69/2 & 3 is that the learned of Vedas gives the knowledge to human-beings.
This knowledge gives long, happy life and even salvation. The Mantra further states that cow’s milk is equivalent to divine pleasure of making
contact with the learned Acharya of Vedas. The milk of cow also gives the similar pleasure as is given by the divine knowledge of Vedas
blessed by the learned Acharya.

Actually as stated above the description of all matters right from straw to Brahma is only completely given in Vedas which emanate direct from
God. Accordingly, Vedas also tell about animals, birds, sun, moon, tree etc. So in the absence of study of Vedas, full description,
qualities and benefits of pious cow cannot be known. After Mahabharat war, when the study of Vedas along with its knowledge declined then the
worship against the Vedas started. Protection of cow and Brahmins (who knows Vedas) was given a severe blow. As a result slaughter of the
cow, which is the first creation amongst living-beings, and consumption of beef, which are grave sins, began.

In this connection, Manu Bhagwan in Manusmriti Shloka 2/13 states:-



Those who get indulged in illusion i.e., worldly affairs only, they are not able to know about the eternal religion. (One must know that) for the aspirant
who follows the eternal religion, eternal knowledge of Vedas is self-proof. Vedas are not a sect. Not only for Indians but it is a moral
duty of whole world to know the qualities of the cow from Vedas so as to protect, and serve cows to get pleasure and long, happy, disease-free

India was awarded with two main titles- ‘Vishwa Guru (spiritual guide of the world) and ‘Sone ki Chidiya’
(Golden Bird). If we go deep into ancient times by studying ancient scriptures, it will be revealed that above quoted titles were achieved by India on the
basis of her eternal knowledge of Vedas.

The country is well known for her rich culture and heritage. The base of Indian culture is formed by four Vedas. It has been the tendency of the
outsiders that: “If you want to destroy the nation then destroy its culture and the nation shall perish away at its own accord.” To destroy India along
with her culture, Aurangzeb in this process, destroyed Vedic culture preserved in Takshila and Nalanda universities where students from all parts
of the world came to gain education.

Even Aurangzeb was a better enemy than the black sheeps like Jaychand in India. He caused harm to us directly, face to face and destroyed our culture but
what to say about those black sheeps who pretend to be ours but always try to backstab us to ruin the Indian culture.

On this my soul cries with pain saying:

“You say about others

but I am hurt/punished by ours.

What to say about thorns,

I am hurt by flowers.”

Even an illiterate person living in villages/remote areas acknowledges the cow as mother which is the proof of their pure blood which has imbibed eternal
culture whereas educated traitors and black sheep have failed to maintain their blood purity indulging them into sins.

I here remember a discussion that took place about twenty five years ago between my spiritual Guru and a person while we were travelling in a bus.

Some person told my Guruji that he has read several books and has come to a conclusion that there is no God. My Guruji simply answered,
Oh! Man why have you read such books pertaining to atheism? So I would say here, why the people have taken such education which ruins the Indian culture?
It would have been better to have remained illiterate and hence could have avoided to indulge in such said grave sin.

India has remained slave of Mughals for eight hundred years and of British for two hundred years. During this period most of our ancient culture was
purposely destroyed. Several learned persons of non-Indian origin have also commented on Vedas but due to lack of knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindi
or may be intentionally, they produced mostly false meanings as well as ideas of Ved Mantras.

Until now, several agencies have been trying to destroy eternal culture of India including Vedas, Valmiki Ramayan, and Mahabharat etc. It is to be
noted that Indian old and new saints are being praised in foreign countries. But our eternal culture which is universally applicable to
whole of universe, i.e., four Vedas, are not being praised now.

What is the reason that Swami Dayanand Saraswati or any other learned of Vedas is not being respected/praised by the people with vested interests?
Answer is clear that all our saints including Swami Vivekanand, Swami Ramteertha, etc., praised the outside culture more than Indian culture whereas Swami
Dayanand praised only the eternal knowledge of four Vedas which emanates direct from God. While few agencies have been helping Mr. D. N. Jha to
destroy our culture and insult our reverence for cows. Whereas foreigners and other agencies could have objected to Mr. D. N. Jha’s false views against
mother cow, it has not happened.

are not sects and are always universally applicable to the entire mankind but the fact is not known even to Indians except in rare cases, then what to talk
about foreigners. However in past, until Mahabharat war, whole world knew about the said fact of four Vedas. It is also very well known by the
world that – ‘Society makes man perfect’. I mean to say that why Mr. D. N. Jha has written against the immortal voice of Almighty God i.e., four Vedas stating that ‘Vedas do not prohibit eating beef’? Naturally, he might have lived in foreign countries and made enough contact with
outsiders with the result that effect of such society percolated in his blood. Otherwise how can Indian blood go against eternal Indian culture?

Pious Indian land of RishiMunis, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna and many other holy saints i.e., to say a number of great dignitaries
have been taking birth on Indian soil to listen to Vedas, perform holy Yajyen and to protect the Brahmins (Vedic scholars), cows, and to
serve the human-beings and thus to make the nation strong. Until Mahabharat war, just one monarch ruled the entire earth. After Mahabharat war, the study
of Vedas etc., declined. As a result, the worship against the Vedas started and thus the unity of human-beings was shattered. It resulted
in division of the earth into small parts and now several countries have come into existence. This situation has arisen due to decline in knowledge ofVedas. The study of holy books written by ancient Rishis, example- Shathpath Brahmin Granth, Nirukta, Nighantu, Ashtadhyaee, Mahabhashya, Varnnochcharann Shiksha also declined. Hence, foreigners as well as Indians
have started writing books on Vedas giving their own meaning which is totally against the essence of Vedas’ philosophy. For example-
Saayannacharya has written a wrong meaning of Atharvaveda Mantra 1, kand 9, Sukta 4 that in a Yajyen bull must be sacrificed and the pieces of his flesh must be distributed amongst the devotees in Yajyen. How a learned can even
think about such a false meaning inspiring violence? When Atharvaveda Mantra 6/140/1 states:



(Atharvaveda Mantra 6/140/1)

The Devta (subject matter) of this Mantra is “Brihaspati, Danta”.

(YAU) the teeth (VYAGHRAU) like the teeth of wolf (AVROODHAU) have been generated (PITRAM MATRAM CHA JIGHATSATAHA) wants to kill mother and father i.e.,
wants to take flesh. So Oh! (JAATVEDAHA) omnipresent God (BRAHAMANNASPATE) lord of knowledge of Vedas may (TAU DANTAU) those teeth (SHIVAU KRINNU)
be beneficial for us so that we may not be non-vegetarian.

The meaning of Shivau is auspicious, friendly, beneficial. Deep consideration of the Mantra would reveal that our teeth will only be
beneficial/friendly to others when we will not be even think about inflicting violence to others. That is why, Mantras states that teeth should
not consume flesh, it being sin. Manusmriti also states that without inflicting violence on others, meat cannot be taken. So one must always avoid
non-vegetarian food.

Manusmriti Shloka 2/177
states (VARJET MADHU MAANSAM PRANNINAAM HINSANUM) i.e., non-vegetarian food, addictions, intoxication and violence to all living beings is strictly

Oh! God my teeth which are like the teeth of wolf should not take non-vegetarian food. The idea of the Mantra is this that our
teeth of upper jaw and lower jaw should never take non-vegetarian food like a wolf. It reveals that God has made difference between human-beings and

So the real meaning of Atharvaveda Mantra 9/4/1 quoted above is this that the bull should be nursed well so that it may
be able to generate new generation of calves resulting in increase of yield of milk and its availability to every household. The meaning of said Mantra is as under:-

of the Sukta is “Rishabhaha”. So meaning of Rishabhaha is bull.

In the Mantra, there is no sign of violence or distribution of flesh to devotees as told by Sayannacharya.

Aiteryopnishad describes that when the creation had not yet begun, only God was present. God’s power began to work in stipulated time in Prakriti to create
universe. This God’s so called desire is called Ikshann.

God’s power created entire universe including sun, moon, water, earth, etc. Then He created all Lokas and it has been symbolically told in the
Upanishad that “Viraat Purush” was made out of five matters (Panch Mahabhoot). From the Viraat Purush were created fire, air, sun,
direction, vegetation, moon, death and water (eight Lokpals). There are basic eight matters (eight Devtas) for sustenance of life on

With personification, Rishi narrates in Upanishad that to create a residence for these eight Lokpals, God created the cow first. Then the
horse and thirdly, the body of human-beings.

This story makes us aware of the fact that cow was created by God even before creating human-body. Hence body of cow is purest, most pious, deserves to be
served and most respectable as proved by the process of creation itself.

Glory of Cow as praised in Vedas

All four Vedas say about the glory and benefit of cow and her ambrosial milk.

Mantra 28/6
states “SUDUGHE MATARA MAHEE DHENU” these words have been used in praise of cow. (MATARA) equivalent to mother (MAHEE DHENU) great, milch cows (SUDUGHE)
capable to fulfil all our desires. That is, “Milch cows are equivalent to our mothers who give us birth. Cow-mother is capable to fulfil all our desires.
Question arises as to how? Answer is very clear that Vedas are divine, eternal knowledge which emanate direct from God and when God Himself states
that cow fulfils all pious desires then it is automatically true. However, God states in several Mantras of all four Vedas that faith and
services towards cow fulfils desires. So we should protect, serve, respect and rear the cows well. Mantra further adds in praise of cow (NA USHE)
‘NA’ here means equivalent to, ‘Ushe’ means dawn, early morning i.e., early morning just like milching cows, bestows happiness on us or we can say that
milching cows in the same manner as early morning/dawn are a source of happiness for us.

God, by comparing cow to Ved Mantras, early morning/dawn etc., in Vedas, has conferred the highest place/status to cow in the
world, which we have forgotten ignorantly and are thus immersed in the sea of sorrows and sufferings.

Mantra 1/48/5
states dawn to be an aggregation/ source of happiness, easily acquired, a means of putting an end to darkness-illusion/ignorance of night, that which gives
happiness to patients and is comparable to taking gradual steps towards her definite path, making the birds to fly happily, and waking up people and
inspiring them to worship God and do practice of Ashtang Yoga.

At many places in Mandal 1 of Rigveda, dawn has been stated to instil zeal and enthusiasm within people and capable of
filling them with happiness, joy and pleasure through pious deeds. Dawn makes cows and other animals and all matters visible to the world and inspires to
speak sweetly.

Mantra 1/48/8
states dawn to be the means to drive away thieves, dacoits etc.

Now, as already discussed above Yajurveda Mantra 28/6 compares early morning period to sacred cow hence it is quite
evident that all the divine qualities of dawn/early morning are also equivalent to the divine qualities of cow. Therefore, those who rear the cow, like
milkman who get up early in the morning to give fodder, water to the cow and milch the cows, remove their cow dung etc., which are pious deeds according toVedas. This early awakening of people bestows long, happy life on them. Even Yogis consume the beneficial milk of the cow to do hard practice of Ashtang Yoga.

In this Sukta of Rigveda, it is mentioned that time of dawn referred to as “Braham-mahoorta” is useful to do practice of Ashtang Yoga so as to realise God. Similarly, the view of cow and consumption of her milk is most beneficial for practising Ashtang Yoga
and performing Yajyen for ultimate realisation of God. Also the house where cows are reared, then due to the pious affect of such rearing as well
as due to the sound made by thumping of the feet of cow, no thief /dacoit dares to enter such house. This was the main reason why no theft took place in
old times in houses where cows were reared. God in YajurVeda Mantra 28/6 has compared cow to dawn/the early morning and
on this basis really the qualities of cow are comparable to those of dawn. All four Vedas eulogise the supreme qualities of cow. Due to the fear
of elaboration of text, all Mantras cannot be given here.

Just as females of the household inspect one grain of rice and come to know whether entire pot of rice is prepared or not similarly by explaining/knowing
few Ved Mantras, just like divine Vedas which emanates direct from God and are beneficial for humanity, innumerable qualities of
cow can be estimated by considering few Ved Mantras given above.

Hence, I would try to reveal the hidden qualities of cow-mother in above stated Mantras. Please refer to Rigveda Mantra 1/48/5.

Cow-mother is a source of happiness for living beings. Idea is that man harbours desires and accordingly when his pious desires get fulfilled then he
liberates himself from sorrows and attains happiness. When a person wakes up in early morning/dawn and indulges in pious religious deeds then surely he
attains happiness.

God inspires in Vedas to wake up in dawn and do pious deeds like giving fodder and water to cow, to see the sacred cow etc. Cow awards the result
of such pious deeds by giving us ambrosial milk. Further services rendered to cow lead to fulfilment of pious desires, achievement of long life full of
happiness. These profits were reaped by ancient king, subjects and Rishis in earlier Yugas. This is a fundamental rule given in Vedas which has been forgotten by Indians in the present time and this has immersed the nation in a sea of sufferings and sorrows.

Our culture gives various examples in this regard where Sri Krishna Maharaj became popular as ‘Gopal’ and attained the status of
“Yogeshwar” after serving cows throughout his life. Sri Krishna Maharaj was a great personality who had realised God. He could have led a
luxurious, comfortable life after taking birth in a rich family. But this is the main difference between bound and liberated soul. Liberated souls puts
into practice three educations given in Vedas – Knowledge, deeds and worship and set themselves as an example for rest of the unhappy people who
are bound by deeds.

Liberated souls try to establish the eternal Vedic tradition. This was the reason why in Van Parv of Mahabharata, Yaksha asked Yudhishthir- “ Kaha Panthaha”. What is that path of life which leads to happiness? Yudhishthir answered, at present (i.e., when the question was put forth, about
5,300 years ago, there is no scope of argument i.e., to establish truth according to Vedas, there is no scope to enter into arguments, etc.
Further Yudhishthir stated – “MAHAJANAHA YEN GATAHA SAH PANTHAHA”, i.e., in the absence of arguments, we should choose a path which is already being
adopted by great personalities. Since this statement relates to Mahabharat period of about 5,300 years ago, hence, the great personalities referred above
are none else than Rishis and RajRishis who were philosophers of Vedas, strictly religious, exercising control over
their senses, perceptions, mind, true speakers, unbiased, etc.

Idea behind is that number of great personalities like Sri Krishna Maharaj, Sri Ram, Guru Vasishth etc., adopted the
path of Vedas and by adopting the path of Vedas, they inspired the humanity to do pious deeds. These pious deeds include service to cow,
her protection and consumption of her ambrosial milk. Rigveda Mantra 10/87/17 relates to punishing the culprits by
taking away their right to drink cow’s milk for one, two or more years. If after birth, infant is kept away from mother’s milk, then it would lead to his
critical condition. On similar lines, in Vedas it is a grave punishment to keep someone away from cow’s milk because then the person shall become
a patient, his life span would decrease and he would also become unfortunate by being kept away from the service of cow. Further, mother gives us milk
maximum for two years after the birth but cow mother provides us ambrosial milk till the time of death and satisfies us completely.

In earlier times people made their fortune by serving the cow mother but today the service to cow has been abandoned by people to the extent of exhibiting
hatred towards her urine and cow dung.

It is pertinent to mention here that in Viraat Parv of Mahabharat, it is written that on smelling the urine of a particular breed of cow, even a
barren woman obtains pregnancy. We may even consider the example of King Janak who achieved the pious result of donating large number of cows when cows
increased in population in his kingdom. Donation of cow carries special importance in Vedas. Such donation leads to making one’s own future bright
and happy along with that of family and nation. Brihadarannyakopnishad narrates a true story where King Janak donated thousands of cows with horns coated
with gold to Brahmarishi Yagyavalkya. Ironically, political leaders and administrators today are sitting with their eyes closed and are allowing grave,
heinous sins like slaughter of sacred cow to take place on the soil of their nation.

Hence, we need to be aware of importance of cow and cow’s milk by listening to Vedas from a learned Acharya to liberate ourselves as well
as family and nation from sins and to make our future bright and happy. Our ancient culture places the cow at highest pedestal. Vedas along with
great holy granths like Mahabharat written by Vyas Muniji, Valmiki Ramayan, Shatpath Brahmin are living example to this fact.

Wherein ancient times, our country was known for her wealth of cows, land, elephants, horses and possessing abundance of ghee and milk, today there is
scarcity of all wealths and the plight of humanity is evident to everyone.

According to Vedas, wealth of cow is supreme amongst all wealths. In fact, service and protection of cow wealth leads to generation of all other
wealths. It is quite unfortunate that plight of cows, slaughter of cows, insult of cows and considering the cows as a mere commercial commodity is a sinful
atmosphere created today in India that has undoubtedly led to fulfilment of selfish motives, resorting to violence and shamelessly insulting the eternal
religion in present scenario. Otherwise, cow mother who has been eulogised in Vedas and worshipped in Upanishads and shastras,
has been subjected to such plight in this country. This cannot be the work of the religious people. Bheeshma Pitamaha himself confers the title of “Brave
hero/champion” to the person who serves the cow.

He who hits the cow with leg is admonished to miseries and sorrows for as many years as the number of hair present in cow’s body. Then what to talk of sin
of slaughtering the cow and consumption of beef? Hence, we should protect ourselves from the heinous, grave sin like slaughter of cow.

If a person is aware enough not to break the moral /religious rules more than constitutional rules in vogue then definitely peace and happiness would
prosper on this earth.

Divine voice of Vedas has emanated directly from God and to conduct oneself according to Vedas is the personal religion or utmost duty of
human-beings. Please see the eternal knowledge of Vedas.


(Atharvaveda Mantra 2/26/3)

The idea of above Atharvaveda Mantra 2/26/3 is that Almighty God inspires all human beings along with cows, horses etc., to live together
in congenial atmosphere. This would lead to prosperity and increase of wealth, peace and happiness on earth.



Mantra 2/26/4)

of this Mantra is “PASHAVAHA”. Pashavaha means animals. The meaning of the Mantra is:

I (SAM SICHAMI) extract (KSHEERAM) milk of (GAVAAM) cow and take it. I then (SAM) get (BALAM) strength in the body and (RASAM) sweetness in the voice
(AJYENA) by using the ghee of cow (ASMAAKAM) our (VEERAHA) children also (SAMSIKTAHA) take milk and ghee of cow (MAYI GOPATAU) I am protector of cows. So,
(GAVAHA) cows (DHRUVAHA) permanently live with me.

I extract milk of cow and consume the same. I then get strength in the body and sweetness in the voice by using ghee of cow. Our children also take milk
and ghee of cow. I am protector of cows. So, cows permanently live with me.

God in this Mantra preaches and inspires the human-beings to protect and rear the cows, to take her milk and ghee which makes the body strong and
gives sweetness to voice.

gives the beautiful knowledge that human beings should strive to work for protection of cows and consume cow’s milk and ghee to provide essential minerals
and vitamins to their bodies and thus increase one’s physical strength and intelligence and to become brave and strong. Also the same benefit is given to
children. So, how Almighty God can allow anyone to consume beef? Definitely He punishes the defaulters.

Just imagine that how important is cow as mentioned in Vedas that Rigveda Mantra 10/172/1 states that (VANASA SAHA) Oh! Newly
wedded wife, you’re like a dawn/early morning who gives pleasure (AA YAHI) we acquire you (YAT) when (GAAVAHA) cows of home (SANCHATE) fulfil (VARTANIM)
pot i.e., bucket (UDBHIHI) from body part i.e., udder full of milk i.e., by extracting milk.

Oh! Newly wedded wife you’re like a dawn/early morning, who gives pleasure, we acquire you when cows of home fulfil pots i.e., buckets from udder of cow
full of milk by extracting milk from same.

states after the marriage is performed the bride when enters the home then she should first have view of milch cows. In the ancient times, this order of
the God was being adhered to, but unfortunately due to lack of knowledge of Vedas, people after Mahabharat war are not rearing the cows. So more
and more people must rear and protect the cows to fulfil order of God and to make the nation strong.

It seems that in present times, due to decline in the consumption of cow’s milk, there has been consequent decline in strength and intelligence of people.
Tulsi states in his Ramayan about Sri Ram that he was “SHRUTI PATH PALAK” and Valmikiji calls Sri Ram as “VEDAJYEN”. Both the terms connote the same
meaning. We shall observe that Sri Ram sincerely adopted the path of Vedas and protected as well as served Brahmins (Vedic scholars), cows,
parents, elders etc., throughout his life.

To describe all the qualities of sacred cow is not only a difficult but a kind of impossible task. The reason being that Almighty God Himself eulogises the
divine qualities of cow in Vedas and as stated in Yajurveda Mantra– “NA JATAAHA NA JANISHYATE” i.e., no one is or shall be born
who can be equal or more to such Almighty God.

Hence, whatever has been stated by God in Vedas regarding each and every matter, creation and article, no one is capable to say equivalent to
that. Hence, as regards the qualities of cow-mother described by God in Vedas, no one is capable to describe equal to or more than those described
by God.

Therefore I respectfully bow before this first creation of God amongst living beings and pray to seek the blessings of God as well as sacred cow mother and
according to my capability I begin to describe few more qualities of pious cow:-


(Samveda mantra 38)

(AGNE) Oh! God (JANAANAM YANTARAHA SANTU) there must be a leader of the public i.e., king/preacher and he should (DAYANTA) protect (GONAAM) cows.

But nowadays, it is sad that mostly our Government, President, Prime-Minister and leaders, due to lack of eternal knowledge of Vedas, do not
protect the cows and cow slaughter is still continuing. Such slaughter, as stated in Vedas, is a grave sin.

(JANAANAAM YANTARAHA) the leaders of human-beings must be there and they must (DAYANTA) protect (URVAM) the herd (GONAAM) of cows.

In this Mantra God orders the political leaders, administrators as well as learned to be the protectors/saviours of cow as well as devotees of
God. Political leaders should pay special attention to this teaching. So the elements that insult or physically harm the cow must be arrested and punished.

(2) In Samveda Mantras 60, 76, 99 and 122 it is said that those who worship God and give offerings in pious fire of havan/Yajyen they achieve good fortune, best and pious intellect, good progeny and cows, animals etc. At present, due to decline in the
performance of havan, attainment of several blessings like cow-wealth has decreased to large extent. So according to Vedas God has
granted Luck in our own hands i.e., pious deeds make our good fortune and sins create bad luck.

(3) In Samveda Mantras 146 and 160 human-beings pray to God that Oh! God may our voices/prayers reach you from all sides just as
milching cows roam about in forests during day time, but in the evening they reach to their loving calves. Hence, Vedas equate divine voice of Vedas to sacred, pious cow-wealth or we may say that cow-mother is as sacred, pure and pious as divine voice of Vedas. It is most
essential that each human-being adopts in his life the deep knowledge given in this Ved Mantra.

(4) YajurVeda– first chapter, first Mantra contains the prayer.

ASMIN GOPATAU BEHVEEHA DHRUVAHA SYAT” i.e., those religious persons who desire for protection of the earth and the owners of cow may have
number of cows giving them happiness and joy. The Mantra also inspires the human-beings to protect the animals so that they themselves remain
secure. Mantra says animals should never be killed. Thus, the Mantra furnishes proof that killing of animals is a sin and irreligious
act. The protection of animals leads to availability of food grains in abundance.

If the cows and other animals are destroyed then King along with his subjects gets destroyed. Because the protection of animals especially cows leads to
increase in production of ghee, milk, nutritive products like cheese, curd etc., and the consumption of cheese, milk etc., shall in turn decrease the
dependence on food grains. Due to fewer intakes of food grains, there shall be considerable decline in generation of germs/microbes through excreta (urine
and stools) of human beings, which in turn shall lead to decrease in diseases and long life shall be attained.

At present, due to lack of protection of cows and commission of heinous crimes like slaughter of cows, the entire earth is engulfed with serious diseases
and human-beings are facing critical problems related to shortage of food-grains like malnutrition, famines, etc. Hence, providing protection to animals
especially cow is the utmost moral duty of human-beings which is an act of benevolence to humanity. Also, the slaughtering of cows is a grievous sin and
irreligious act.



(Atharvaveda Mantra 2/28/3)

This Mantra of Atharvaveda states that God is the owner/lord of all the animals including cow present on the earth. Hence, according to
this Mantra, no one should slaughter or commit violence towards this cow-wealth and other animals belonging to God.



(Atharvaveda Mantra 2/26/5)

This Mantra relates to protection of animals including cow. Mantra states all human-beings should always protect the cows. Presently,
number of schemes are being framed at world’s level to increase the brotherhood, unity and maintenance of peace, etc. Ironically there is a steady increase
of serious problems related to unity and brotherhood posing serious threat to world peace. Rishi of Chchandogyaupnishad states that service of
sacred cow leads to attainment of knowledge of Vedas.

Chchandogyaupnishad (fourth prapathak) narrates a story that Satyakaam son of Jabala, went to his Acharya Haridrumat (of Gautam Gotra)
with the desire to attain knowledge of Vedas. He said, “Oh! Acharya kindly accept me as your disciple, give me deeksha, I shall stay with
you while observing celibacy”.

Acharya performed Upnayan Sanskar of Satyakaam and then gave him four-hundred weak, feeble cows to take care of them. While rearing cows Satyakaam
told his Acharya that until the population of these cows’ increases to thousand, I shall not come back. He reared and sincerely served the cows for years
together and reached back to his Acharya. Hence, it is important to reckon that Rishis accept service to cow as the means to attain salvation.
Service to cows made Satyakaam realise the fact that all the directions where he took the cows were pervaded with God, hence, he was enlightened. If with
open mind we analyse ancient Indian culture comprising of Vedas, Mahabharata epic, Valmiki Ramayan, Tulsi krit Ramayan, Shastras,
Shatpath Brahmin etc., then we shall reach at the same conclusion.

(7) Atharvaveda Mantra 3/14/2 (ARYAMA VAHA SANSRIJATU) i.e., daily consumption of cow’s milk enable us to control
senses, perceptions and mind. (POOSHA SAM) i.e., Cow’s milk gives us nourishment. (BRIHASPATIHI SAM) learned of Vedas always associates with you
that is why, he becomes learned by rearing you and consuming your milk. (YAHA INDRAHA DHANANJAYAHA SAM) learned person who is the controller of his senses,
perceptions and mind victorious over wealth i.e., a wealthy person associates with you. Actually Oh! Cow, your association makes them healthy, wealthy and
wise. (YAT VASU) whatever wealth is necessary for me (MAYEE PUSHYATE) make it available for me i.e., the services rendered to cow and consumption of her
milk provide us with all wealth necessary for us to survive.

Idea of the AtharvaVeda Mantra 3/14/2 is that services rendered to the cow in the shape of rearing, loving, respecting
her and consumption of her milk, enable us to control our senses, perceptions and mind successfully, provide us with required nourishment and makes us

(8) AtharvaVeda Mantra 4/21/5

of this Mantra is “GAAVAHA” (Cow). In Vedas, DEVTA means the subject of the Mantra.

(GAAVAHA BHAGAHA) Cows are wealth and symbol of good fortune for human-beings. Therefore, (INDRAHA) God (GAAVAHA ICHCHAT) grant cows to me. (GAAVAHA) The
milk obtained from cow (BHAKSHAHA) is a food of (SOMASYA) som (PRATHAMASYA) is the main offerings of Yajyen i.e., the offerings [AAHUTI/SAMIGRI]
is prepared by mixing the cow milk therein and ghee made of cow’s milk is also offered in Yajyen burning fire in havankund. Mantra further states (JANAASAHA) men/women (YA) whatever (IMA) these (GAAVAHA) cows are (SAHA EV) these are Indra i.e., like God.

Everywhere Vedas state that the aspirants when rear the cow and consume her ambrosial milk and then start study of Vedas, ‘naam jaap’ and hard practice of ‘Ashtang Yoga’, then they realise God, even AtharvaVeda Mantra 4/11/7 states that
aspirant becomes “RUPENN INDRA” i.e., equivalent to God.

So aspirants realises the God and becomes equivalent to God by taking milk of cow. So aspirant prays that by consuming the cow’s milk, I (HRIDA) by heart
(MANSA CHIT) and firmly with mind (ICHCHAMI) I desire (INDRAM) Almighty God.

Idea of the Mantra is cows are the wealth of human-beings. Its ghee and milk is used in Yajyen to offer aahuti.

Conclusion of the above Mantras

tell that cow is symbol of wealth, health, prosperity and good fortune. Consumption of its ambrosial milk enables the man to generate good qualities within
him and control his senses, perceptions and mind. Also, by taking her milk, aspirants start study of Vedas, practise Ashtang Yoga and realise God to become not the God but equivalent to God.

Cow dung as well as urine of cow keeps us away from number of diseases. Its bull is animal of burden, employed in agriculture suited to Indian environment.

In several Ved Mantras the body of human-being has been compared to a tree. For example, Rigveda Mantra 1/164/20 states that there are two birds who live on a tree i.e., in a human body God as well as soul
reside therein. Similarly, in this Atharvaveda Mantra 1/2/3 the human body has been stated as a tree. Mantra
states (YAT) when (GAAVAHA) the milk of cow (PARISHASVAJANAHA) embraces (VRIKSHAM) this tree i.e., if the human body is fed by cow’s milk then the rest of Mantra states that anger, sensuality and other kinds of faults get removed.

Now, if we deeply consider that why God symbolically states the human body as a tree then we will find that tree never takes non-vegetarian food.
Similarly, human body is made like a tree which is not meant to take non-vegetarian food i.e., why in AtharvaVeda Mantra 6/140/1 it is
prayed that Oh! God my teeth like the teeth of wolf may not take flesh.

Distinction between Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian beings

Those who say that non-vegetarian food gives more strength to body must see the most powerful animal – elephant, who takes grass and vegetarian food only.
Human beings must not make his stomach a graveyard by taking non-vegetarian food. Our intestines and digestive system of human-beings have been made by God
to digest only vegetarian food whereas digestive system of carnivorous animals like lion, tiger, cat etc., is suitable to digest non-vegetarian food.

Vegetarian human-beings and other living-beings take water by sipping whereas non-vegetarian animals by licking. Non- vegetarian animals like lion, tiger,
python, crocodile etc., may live for several days without meal after taking flesh whereas human-beings and other vegetarian living-beings have to take
meals daily.

Even elephant that eats large quantity of grass daily, has to take food frequently.

So there are number of differences between vegetarian and non-vegetarian beings made by God Himself which we should accept respectfully.

God strictly prohibits non-vegetarian food

In the Rigveda Mantra 10/27/6 God states “SHRITPAAN” those who suck the blood of others and consume their flesh (DARSHAM) I am looking at
them/ know them (VA) and (DHRISHU SAKHAYAM) I also see /know those who are God- believers/God-fearing and thus struggle against the consumers of flesh and
blood (YE NINILUHU) thus they do not praise me but are thankless persons. So (PAVYAHA VAVRITYUHU) my wrath/anger would fall (Uu Nu) definitely and
immediately (ESHU) on them.

Idea of this Mantra is God being Omnipresent and Almighty, sees/knows very well those who are consumers of flesh and blood and soon He punishes
them badly. So human-beings should not have non-vegetarian food.

Hence, millions of benefits have been mentioned in Vedas about the holy cow. Then think what punishment is awarded by God in Vedas for
those who insult or slaughter the cow.

I quote here one punishment amongst several:


declares the following persons as killer of animals vide Shloka 5/51– The Shloka enumerates them: (ANUMANTA) He who
orders to slaughter the cow, (VISHITA) he who cuts the flesh into pieces (NIHANTA) butcher (KRA-VIKRAYEE) buyer and seller of flesh of animals (SANSKARTA)
who cooks the meat (UPHARTA) who serves (CHA) and (KHADKAHA) who eats.

AtharvaVeda Mantra 1/16/4:

(YADI) If you (HANSI) kill (NAHA) our (GAAM) cows or (ASHWAM) horses or (YADIPOORUSHAM) or if you kill any innocent person (TAM) then (TVA) you (SEESEN) by
the bullet of glass (VIDHYAAMAH) must be killed.

Here it is to be noted that God awards same punishment of death sentence to the killer of cow, horses, as given to the killer of a human being. So God
makes no difference between the killer of cow, horse and a man/woman. It means that cow is equivalent to man but a man is not equivalent to cow. However,
cow is equivalent to a Rishi. Mahabharat epic states cow is equivalent to Rishi.

Our kings, for example, Manu Bhagwan who was the first monarch of the earth in Satyug then king Yayati, Ashtak, Sagar, Daleep, Bharat, Shantanu,
Harishchandra, Janak, Dashrath, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna Maharaj, Five Pandavas and each king along with his subjects considered and fulfilled the
responsibility of rearing and protecting animals especially cows more than the responsibility of rearing and protecting their own families.

It is pertinent to mention here that kings and subjects of those times loved animals especially cows, loved vegetation, agriculture and greeneries and in
turn animals including cows also loved those kings and subjects. As a result of this mutual love, respect and understanding there was infusion of purity,
gentleness/ tenderness in the hearts of human-beings and the entire atmosphere was blessed with the virtues of brotherhood, love amongst human-beings.
Noble people were more in number than devils or evil-minded people. Therefore after studying the ancient culture, people should not hesitate to reach at
the conclusion that if at present human-welfare, human peace and human religion is to be established on earth substantially, in reality, justly, truly and
behaviourally then according to orders of Vedas-Shastras and Rishis entire world shall have to immediately stop slaughter of animals
especially cow and make efficient arrangements for their rearing, protection and showering of love on them as was arranged /managed by ancient kings.

contain many Mantras where it has been proved that the most supreme deed i.e., Yajyen is equated to cow-wealth for the happiness of

Hence, we should recognize cows as pure, full of divine qualities and most adorable like the divine voice of Vedas.

It is a matter of great sorrow that our political leadership, administration are least concerned about the sorry plight of cows. Only for the sake of vote
bank and lust for money they evade implementation of strict rules and regulations prohibiting slaughter of cows.

Cow has been eulogised by God Himself in Vedas, then is it not the stark transgression of the orders of God and insult of God not to obey Him by
not protecting the cow. In such critical condition of non-observance of God’s order will God ever accept any other worship or prayer?

of present and ancient times are the philosopher and scholars of all knowledge. Hence, they have not only eulogised/ praised the cow in Upanishads
and Shastras with their glorious, knowledgeable and divine voice. Rishis also reared, and loved cows and consumed her ambrosial milk
which helps to study Vedas, to perform holy Yajyen and to do hard practice of Ashtang Yoga. The said process made the
public to follow the true, eternal path and to maintain the character. Such divine qualities are present in the milk of adorable cow.

There is a true narration in Mahabharat that once Chyavan Rishi was taking bath in river and suddenly he was caught in the net of fishermen. Fishermen got
scared by the incident and pleaded for his forgiveness. Chyavan Rishi replied that they should not worry and asked them to bring the king before him, to
enable the Rishi to give compensation to the fishermen in lieu of himself. Chyavan Rishi was determined that he had become the property of
fishermen in their net (like a fish) so king should pay requisite compensation to the fishermen.

It is a long story which concludes that at last after discussing the matters with Rishis, king came to know that value of a learned Rishi
who is philosopher of Vedas and Ashtang Yoga and who has realized God like Chyavan Rishi is equivalent to a cow.

In the above story, Chyavan Rishi states in 13th chapter of Anushasan Parv of Mahabharat epic to King Nahush:

(1) No wealth is more supreme than the wealth of cow in the entire world.

(2) To eulogise the divine qualities of cow, to listen about the same, donation of cows and to have a view of cows, are the deeds praised in shastras.

(3) The consumption of cow’s milk removes physical defects.

(4) Cows are the means to achieve glory and fame. There is not even a trace of sins associated with cows. Cows are the source to provide food grains to

(5) Cows carry pure ambrosia. When milked they give ambrosial milk compared to divine nectar. The whole world bows before them.

(6) Where ever the herd of cows sits freely, they increase the beauty/ glory of that place and with their inhalation and exhalation (breathing) they remove
all the defects of that area.

So our nation should realise this eternal fact that cow is not an ordinary animal. On one hand, she is like our mother and on the other she is equivalent
to adorable Rishi. Vedas tell that a Rishi is adored by king and public then why is that cows are not worshipped by king,
president, Prime ministers, MPs, MLAs and Ministers and all Indian public? Here India must be awakened about the eternal truth of Vedas in the
matter of holy Cow.

Rejoinder to the book – “The Myth of the Holy Cow”

I remember that long ago in Jammu at my disciple’s residence (owners of brick kiln) I entered into a spiritual discussion (Shastrarth) with a lady
who was a renowned saint of that area and believed in the unauthentic theory that soul himself is Brahma. Anyhow, the outcome of the discussion
was that she could not prove her belief before the authentic knowledge of Vedas and had to give up her claim. When I left, she, to cover her
ignorance, stated that though this person is a sadhu yet he does not know that he is actually Brahma (God). One should do the work which
he knows otherwise problem will arise.

So, my disciple replied that one should do the work which suits him according to his calibre. He said, “I, the brick kiln owner so I only know how to make
bricks so you can discuss with me regarding bricks only but I can’t comment on spiritualism, that not being my area of specialisation. He added that if you
want more discussion on the spiritualism then I can ask my Guru Maharaj to come again”.

Here, truly one should take up the task according to one’s calibre and worth. No learned considers Jha to be an expert in the matter of spiritualism,
Sanskrit or eternal knowledge of Vedas. So how could he dare to write such a false book about consumption of beef.

So, it was a matter of shock not only for me but for millions of Hindus which has left them heart broken on reading about Mr. D. N. Jha’s book named, “The
Myth of the Holy Cow” extract of which was read by me in book ‘No beef in Vedas’ published by “Brahmasha India Vedic Research Foundation”, C2A/58,
Janak Puri, New Delhi, 110058.

Cow’s subject is a sensitive and emotional matter because it relates to the sentiments of all Hindus living in India as well as inhabiting several parts of
the world. It also relates to the eternal knowledge of the Vedas wherein God in Yajurveda Mantra 28/6 has
equated the sacred cow to our mother who gives us birth. Perhaps Mr. D.N. Jha who has promoted consumption of beef does not know that slaughter of cow is
like the consumption of our own mother’s flesh and blood resulting in unlimited sins.

Despite being Hindu, he has deliberately allied with those societies involved in consumption of beef. It seems as if it was his deliberate attempt to
appease these societies. Mr. Jha has stated a dangerous lie that Vedas, Valmiki Ramayan and Mahabharat endorse beef eating. It is also clear that
he does not know Sanskrit and divine meaning of Vedas, Vedas being eternal, divine knowledge direct from God.

Valmiki Ramayan and Mahabharat have been written by Mantradrishta Rishis who could never even think about consumption of any kind of
non-vegetarian food then what to talk about holy Cow.

However, original Mahabharata contains only ten thousand shlokas, where as nowadays, a large number of false shlokas have been added. So
is the case of Valmiki Ramayan, Manusmriti etc. The difference can only be known by a philosopher of Vedas and Ashtang Yoga. So,
everybody is not authorised to preach or write comments on such ancient holy books or on Vedas.

as well as scriptures written by Rishis totally prohibit intake of non-vegetarian food and all kinds of addictions.

So, first of all it is requested that public, editors or intellectuals must be aware of the said fact, that is, if views on any article, subject, like the
book written by Mr. D. N. Jha, named – ‘The Myth of the Holy Cow’, are given by anyone then his views should only be considered true if they tally with the
eternal knowledge of Vedas which emanate direct from God in the beginning of the creation and also with ancient and present RishisMunis, learned of Vedas who follow the path of Vedas and do hard practice of Ashtang Yoga. This fact was also
realised by the ancient Rishis and therefore Rishi Patanjali quoted his similar views in his Yog Shastra Sutra 1/7 that
“PARATYAKSHAANUMAANAAGAMAHA PRAMAANNANI” i.e., Aagam (Vedas) and views of Rishis are the self-proof.

This is a fact which has been briefed ahead by quoting Rigveda Mantras that knowledge of four Vedas emanates direct from God at
the beginning of the earth. But details can not be given here being a lengthy subject. However, in case of any doubt, the same can be sent on my web site.
That is why, Vedas being the eternal voice of Almighty God are considered self-proof to realise truth.

Otherwise, anybody can say anything against or in favour of God/Cow etc. But the question arises whether their views against or in favour of God or Cow
etc., tally with Vedas or not. Whole world undoubtedly accepts this truth that God creates the universe. There are two types of matters seen-
Non-alive and Alive. Non-alive matters are sun, moon, air, living being’s bodies, earth i.e., all matters of universe, whereas alive matters are living
beings (souls). Secondly, God is lord of universe. In this connection, Rigveda Mantra 10/129/7 states that God creates,
nurses and destroys the universe being its lord. That is why, SamVeda Mantra 99 states
(AGNE) Oh! God (EESHANAHA) you are lord of (GOMATAHA) cows and (VAJASYA) food grains etc., i.e., God is lord of cows and food grains and other assets as

A deep consideration of said Mantras would sure reveal that in this world, nobody would like to destroy his own assets except if he is
characterless or mad.

So how Almighty, omnipresent, omniscient and creator of the universe, God would like to destroy His assets in the shape of cows, horses or any human/living
being. In Rigveda Mantra 10/27/6 God inflicts strict punishment on those who kill the animals and consume their flesh
and blood. So whole world should understand, that Lord of universe would punish the culprits who destroy His assets in the form of animals etc.

It shall not be out of place to mention that in our country traitors like Jaichand have been active time and again. Such traitors have several times shaken
hands and allied with the enemies of their country. Greed is also a hidden foe. I mean to say that duly influenced by greed (to appease the outsiders who
take beef) Mr. D. N. Jha could have written his book named – “The Myth of the Holy cow” published by Verso Books, London in 2002, quoting the reference of Rigveda Mantra also wrongly interpreted by him. In this regard, following Ved Mantras are to be considered to find out
as to who is competent to interpret the Ved Mantras:

Mantra 40/10

(DHEERANNAM) the preach of learned of Vedas/Yogi (SHUSHRUMAHA) have been listening i.e., we have been listening to the preach of learned of Vedas and Yoga Philosophy. (YE) who (VICHACHAKSHIRE NAHA) made us understand with details (TAT) about truth and falsehood.

“DHEERANNAM SHUSHRUMAHA” i.e., we have been listening to the preach of learned yogi.

Meaning of Dheerannam (perfect in meditation) is he who has studied Vedas and did practice of Ashtang Yoga Philosophy
and thus has merged his mind/intellect in God. Please note that Ashtang Yoga philosophy contains eight parts. Ashtang Yoga Philosophy as mentioned in YajurVeda Mantra 7/4 and Patanjali Yog Darshan Sutra 2/29 i.e., Yam, Niyam, Asan, Prannayam,
Pratyahar, Dharnna, Dhyan (meditation), Samadhi.


i) Satya (truthfulness) – to adopt and practise truth in mind, in speech and through deeds.

ii) Ahinsa (non-violence)- to leave violence, at all times, in all places and to all living beings. So how a person would even think to kill or to
harm, cow or any living being.

iii) Asteya (abstaining from theft)

iv) Brahamcharya (celibacy)

v) Aprigrah (not to store the articles more than requirement, self-abnegation)


i) shauch (cleanliness),

ii) santosh (contentment),

iii) Tap (austerity),

iv) Swadhyaya (study of Vedas and holy granths, name-jaap of God as per Vedas)

v) Ishwar prannidhanani (complete faith in God and dedication of all pious deeds to Him i.e, to perform deeds without deserving the

Now, a deep consideration would reveal that an aspirant when gets perfection in Yam and Niyam which includes Ahinsa (
non-violence) as quoted above, then only he becomes able to learn and practise asan, after that prannayam, pratyahar, dharnna, dhyan (meditation) and samadhi. It means after getting perfection in six parts up to dharnna then the aspirant
enters into dhyan i.e., meditation and Samadhi.

To avoid lengthy description regarding all eight parts of Ashtang Yoga I would only like to state that the above YajurvedaMantra 40/10 states that the aspirant/ yogi who has got perfection after long practice on first six parts and has entered in dhyan (meditation) and thus has realised God, he is only empowered to preach or to write comments on immortal knowledge of four Vedas
which emanate direct from God. Secondly, it must be cleared again that such yogi has control on his senses and he forever remains away from
violence. So whole world must condemn the book of Mr. D.N. Jha – “The Myth of the Holy cow”, in which he has commented on God’s pure VedMantras by false interpretations condemning non-violence and inspiring consumption of beef.

Keeping in view the above Ved Mantras and Ashtang Yoga philosophy, it is very clear that Mr. Jha is neither a Yogi nor a learned of Vedas as he has no control on his senses. Tongue is one of five senses and Manusmriti states that without violence
of animals the tongue can not get the taste of flesh.

In Vedas and in Indian culture there is no excuse for sins i.e., the result of sins in the shape of sorrows, tensions, problems, early death,
diseases etc., will sure have to be borne. There may be excuses in other religions, but in Vedas there is no excuse. So we must respect all the
religion as well as ours too. It is shameful for Mr. Jha that being Indian he has insulted mother cow.

So Mr. D. N. Jha is not aware of such fundamental laws of Vedas also and has committed a grave sin by writing and supporting consumption of beef.
Thus Indian blood in the shape of Mr. D. N. Jha is condemning Indian culture and is promoting violence.

Learned person would be laughing on such drama of Mr. Jha that why he also tries to project himself as RishiMuni by commenting on Vedmantras and writing such a false book.

As per Atharvaveda Mantra 12/5/40 he has stolen the Ved Mantras from Vedas on the matter of pious cow and then
tried to mislead public by false interpretation of Mantras.

Now problem is also this that public is not aware of the knowledge of Vedas. Public is innocent and accepts all the false views also of any
preacher, thinking that he is a great writer or Tapasvi, Rishi, Muni etc. We must try to educate the public with the knowledge
of Vedas. If people know about Vedas, then there will not be any problem and the public itself be able to teach lesson to so called false
writers/ preachers. I think that Mr. Jha has not learnt all four Vedas under guidance of an Acharya and practising of Yam, Niyam, Asan etc., as mentioned above, otherwise he could well have known thousands of Mantras opposing his view of eating beef.
For-example, there is a prayer in Atharvaveda Mantra 6/140/1 that Oh! God may our teeth like the teeth of the wolf not
take flesh (details of Mantra have been mentioned earlier).

Mantra 7/2/1


(ATHARVANNAM) the Rishi who has merged his mind/ intellect within God and has thus become firm in understanding truth. (YAHA) and the Rishi (CHIKET) knows the truth (MANSA) by deep consideration/study of Vedas (NAHA PRAVOCHAHA) he must preach us about the truth/God.

Thus the Rishi who knows the Almighty God by studying Vedas as well as by attaining Asampragyat Samadhi, he only should preach Vedas to us. So Mr. D.N. Jha is not authorised to comment on VedMantras as he is not a Rishi.

To justify that Almighty God created cows first in the non-sexual creation, we will have to study Rigveda mandal 10, Sukta 129 and Aiteryopnishad simultaneously. The process of creation, nursing, destruction
and again creation is eternal/everlasting (Refer AtharvaVeda 20/91/4).



(Yajurveda Mantra 31/6)

The Mantra states:

(TASMAT) from the above quoted here ‘TASMAT’ word is a pronoun used for Almighty God related to YajurVeda’s previous Mantra 31/1 wherein
it is stated that God is omnipresent etc., (SARVAHUTAHA) to be accepted by all human-beings (YAJJAT) adorable God (PRISHADAAJYAM) curd etc., matters
(SAMBHRITAM) created and (GRAMYAHA) animals like cows etc., who live in villages (AARANNYAHA) lions, tiger etc., who live in aranayaha i.e.,
forest (CHA) and (TAAN) those (PASHOON) animals (VAAYAVYAAN) having the qualities of air (CHAKRE) God creates.

So we must worship the God who creates the said living beings etc., and must obey His preach of Vedas where He also states not to consume
non-vegetarian food.

In the Mantra, at the first instance it is stated that Almighty God while creating the universe, first of all, created curd. However, curd was not
created first. Actually means of producing curd i.e., the means in the form of cows, goats etc., were created first. For which the Mantra further
states (GRAMYAHA) i.e., God creates animals like cows etc., which live in villages. So, the first creation of the Almighty God amongst the living beings is
holy cow.

Let us determine the definition of a learned person and an unwise person from Vedas and Manusmriti.



(Rigveda Mantra 1/164/45)

Mantra 1/164/45
states (YE) those (MANISHINNAHA) learned of Vedas who have control over their senses, perceptions and mind, (BRAHMANNAHA) who know shabda Brahma i.e., who know Vedas , its grammar and concerned holy books and God and know (CHATVARI) four subject matters regarding Sanskrit
grammar, i.e., Naam [noun], AKHYAT (verb), Upsarg (unchangeable words which are used before noun), Nipaat (prefix).

(VAAK) of voice i.e., Ved Mantras (PADAANI) which are pad i.e., words of Ved Mantras which are to be known
(TAANI) those Mantras (VIDUHU) know. Further this Mantra states that on the other hand (MANUSHYAHA) those who are simple persons-
men/women, (TE VADANTI) they speak only (TUREEYAM) fourth part of the (VACHAHA) Ved Mantras.

He is the real learned of Vedas who has studied Vedas with Sanskrit grammar, words of Ved Mantras with knowledge of
noun, verb etc., and by virtue of practising preach of Vedas in his life, he has controlled his senses, perceptions and mind to keep himself away
from falsehood, illusion, self-praise, greed etc.

The simple man who is not a learned, he does not know Naam, Akhyaat, Upsarg and Nipaat, but speaks only the fourth part
i.e., ordinary language.

Mantra 12/5/40 – “ASVAGATA PARIHUNNATA.”


That if such people try to speak the Ved Mantras (PARIHANNUTA) by stealing their small portion and interpret its meaning based on bookish
knowledge which is against the Vedas then (AVAASVAGATA) such ignorant lose their wealth and become poor. (BRAHMAGAVI) Vedas (BHOOTVA)
becoming (AGNIHI) like fire which burns to ashes (KRAVYAT) meat eater (ATTI) eats them away.

Similarly idea of Rigveda Mantra 5/54/6 is that those people are disdained/cursed who steal the idea of knowledge of Vedas and
good qualities. Here the meaning of steal is that those people who do not learn Vedas traditionally from an Acharya who is learned of Vedas and Yoga philosophy traditionally and has divine qualities as stated above.

That is why in Manusmriti Shloka 2/114, the knowledge of four Vedas (in symbolic manner) once came to a learned Acharya
of Vedas and told (TE SHAVEDHIHI ASMI) I am your treasure (MAAM RAKSH) so protect me. Learned asked how could he protect the knowledge? Then
knowledge told (MA DAHA) do not give them (MAAM ASUYA KAYE) who ignore me and who condemn me. Idea is that Vedas knowledge should not be preached
to an undeserving person who is not true aspirant and does not try to control his senses, perceptions and mind and thus is liar, greedy, etc.

The study of above Mantras reveals that Mr. D. N. Jha is not a real learned of Vedas but ignorant as stated in above Mantras. He
might have, from somewhere listened Ved Mantras and its meaning from some other foolish person who were also not learned of Vedas as per above Ved Mantras and as stated by Kapil Muni in his Sankhya Shastra Sutra 3/79.

That such people are promoting falsehood and spreading tradition of blind faith in the public. Sutra says: the alive learned of Vedas who has
realised God preaches based on his experience whatever he has gained after studying Vedas, doing hard practice of Ashtang Yoga
and thus realisation of God.

The Rishi in next sutra 3/80 states: “SHRUTISHCH.” Not only I am telling the said fact but “SHRUTISHCH” i.e., Vedas also
tell the same that a learned of Vedas who has attained salvation as stated above is required to give the preach or to write books etc.

further states in the next sutra 3/81: “ITRATHANDHPARAMPARA.” (ITRATHA) otherwise (ANDHPARAMPARA) the tradition of blind faith will begin
and spread in public.

So not only Indians but I appeal, the whole world (humanity) must be afraid of the falsehood Mr .D. N. Jha propagated by him in his book “The Myth of the
Holy Cow”, wherein he has promoted consumption of beef, which is totally irrelevant, false and against the immortal God’s voice of four Vedas. He
has thus broken millions of hearts of Hindus all over the world to fulfil his selfishness. Vedas already state such person to be grave sinner as
per Atharvaveda Mantra 12/5/40 & 41.

Learned are of the view that if an ignorant or unwise person with an attire of a learned person is arranged to be seated amongst learned of Vedas
and Yoga Philosophy, then he will be deemed as a wise, prudent man according to his physical appearance. However, this misconception shall prevail
only until he opens his mouth to speak or if he writes something. Through his speech or writings, he immediately shall be exposed as an ignorant, unwise
person with little knowledge of Vedas which is called as dangerous knowledge in Vedas. That is why Manusmriti states symbolically that Vedas are scared of those who do not possess complete knowledge of the Vedas. In this connection I remember a true historical narration
in respect of learned Kalidasji.

There was a wise lady named Tilotma who had studied four Vedas completely. She had a desire to marry only a learned who could defeat her in
discussion of Vedas. Several learned persons did discussion but in vain. A group of some learned became annoyed with her and decided to marry her
to a foolish man. They were searching such person.

Once they saw a man who was cutting the same branch of a tree on which he was sitting. They thought he was the suitable foolish man to marry to her. They
dressed him in the attire of a learned person and brought him before learned Tilotma. They made Tilotma to agree that learned of Vedas would not
speak but will answer her in signs. She agreed. The discussion started and by hook or crook, the learned persons declared Kalidas victorious. Tilotma was
made to marry Kalidas. When she brought her husband thinking that he was learned of Vedas, to her home, then suddenly Kalidas saw a herd of camels
passing by and Kalidas shouted for first time, pronouncing “camel” as “Ustra-Ustra”. Tilotma was greatly surprised after listening to the wrong
pronunciation of camel in Sanskrit because the correct pronunciation is “Ushtra”. She was a learned lady and immediately came to know that Kalidas is a
foolish man.

So, if Mr. D. N. Jha had been the learned of Vedas according to above two Ved Mantras, how could he dare to write against the
pious cow?

It is strange that Indian blood is opposing the eternal knowledge of Vedas and using the same to promote consumption of beef.

I heard a story (God knows about its being true) but really the story projects heartfelt, emotional truth. It is the story about Laila and Majnu. Majnu was
arrested when he did not stop loving Laila. He was made to wander in the streets and subjected to stone-pelting by the public. Everybody was throwing
stones on him and he was hurt badly. However, Majnu was so involved in his love that he was oblivious to the pain given by stone-pelting. Suddenly, Majnu
cried with pain when he saw that a flower had hit him and had given him acute pain. Majnu asked who had hit him with a flower. He saw that Laila had hit
him. Majnu said that real pain is observed when our own near-dear whom we love, strike us.

So is the case of Mr. D. N. Jha being Indian, he is insulting the Indian culture by writing his above quoted, unauthentic book which is promoting
consumption of beef. European people that are consuming beef are doing so according to their own culture which can’t be objected. These people can only be
requested not to slaughter the cows. But Mr. D. N. Jha, being an Indian is striking at the roots of Indian culture which is a matter of sorrow and great
concern for Indians.

I have met several Tapasvis of Haridwar, Rishikesh (India) who do not even know slightly about Vedas, Mahabharat and Valmiki Ramayan but they
never think about such violence to cow.

In this connection, I want to share, one of the true happenings with all the brothers and sisters of India. It is an incident about thirty years ago. I was
sitting at the pious feet of my spiritual Acharya – Baba Bankhandiji Maharaj. Location was Bhootnath Gufa (cave) situated in dense jungle of
Rishikesh. In the day light, usually travellers/tourists used to come to the site to meet the Tapasvis. Once some foreigners visited our Bhootnath Gufa and met with my Guruji. They had a translator with them. They asked Babaji to preach them Yoga philosophy. My Guru
ji answered that since you kill the sacred cow and consume beef so I will not teach you. The foreigners answered that they would leave the consumption of
beef from that time and requested him to preach them. Again my Guru Maharaj replied that they should first of all stop consumption of
beef continuously for five years and then come to him. If they would not take beef during those five years then sure he would teach them.

Hence, there is a great difference between what ordinary man and a Tapasvi speaks. My Guru Maharaj never preached meVedas, and, I am sure he also did not study Vedas but he was a great philosopher of Ashtang Yoga and only studied Yog Shastra and Bhagwad Geeta.

So a natural mercy remains in the blood of Indians, with the result, they avoid beef etc. But intention of Mr. D. N. Jha is not understood. Moreover, he is
not a learned of Vedas and Ashtang Yoga philosophy yet he has written such a false book completely against the eternal knowledge
of Vedas wherein he has promoted consumption of beef.



Let us first consider the Sukta 162 of Rigveda mandal 1:

of this Sukta is DHEERGHAGTMA and DEVTA (subject matter) of this Sukta is “MITRADI LINGOKTA”.Mantras 1 to 11 of Sukta 162 do not tell about cow but tell about the learned persons who nurse the horses ( Mantra 1), earn money by hardworking and through justice (Mantra 2), regarding rearing of horses (Mantra 3), making of air craft
and increasing the number of horses and goats (Mantra 4), performance of Yajyen (Mantra 5), good rearing of horses ( Mantra 6), to be a learned scientist (Mantra 7), good rearing of horses (Mantra 8,9), knowledge to take vegetarian food and
green vegetables for maintaining good health (Mantra 10), the warriors must be trained to use the weapons efficiently in the war so as to kill the
enemies (Mantra 11). All eleven Mantras pertain to a learned person who does the above pious deeds mentioned in the Mantras to
gain a long, happy, healthy life.

So the Mantras inspire that those learned men who do pious deeds mentioned in the said Mantras, gain happiness.

12 states only about taking vegetarian food. It is not possible to obtain the divine meaning of eternal knowledge of Vedas, which emanate direct
from formless, Almighty God at the beginning of the earth, due to lack of knowledge of Sanskrit and in the absence of study of Vedas from a
learned Acharya. The divine meaning of Rishi is “MANTRADRISHTA” i.e., he who knows the divine meaning of each word of VedMantras. For example- In the above said Mantra 12, a word “MAANSA” has been used. The meaning of ‘MAANSA’ stated in Shathpath Brahmin 8/5/2/14 is ‘food grains’. So, the word ‘MAANSA’ used in the above Mantra 12 means “vegetarian food”.

The meaning of this mantra is as follows:

(YE) Those (PAKVAM) well-prepared/cooked (VAAJINAM) meal consisting of several kinds of pure, vegetarian cereals (PARIPASHYANTI) see and (YE) those who
(AAHUHU) say about (EEM) boiled water (CHA) and (YE) those who (ARVATAHA) human-beings (MAANSA BHIKSHAAM) i.e., if the pure food grains, vegetarian food is
not obtained then (UTO) by means of discussion (UPAASATE) they get. May their (ABHIGOORTI) efforts and (SURABHIHI) fragrance (INVATU) be achieved (NAHA) by

All four Vedas tell to consume pure vegetarian food like cereals, rice, milk especially that of cow, fruits, curd, leafy vegetables etc. Again the Vedas tell that the said vegetarian food must be fresh and pure. Pure means free of bacteria and microbes. So the fruits and vegetables should be
cleaned and washed properly. Again Vedas tell that the food must be cooked well and the water must be boiled because such well-prepared food is
free of germs.

So idea of the Mantra is that those learned men/women who know Vedic knowledge and prepare the food well by cooking and know to take boiled and
cooled water and never take non-vegetarian food, they are hard-working people and always enjoy long, happy, healthy life.

13 also prohibits consumption of non-vegetarian food. Its meaning is as under:

(YAT) Those who (NEEKSHANNAM) continuously and carefully watch and feel giddy on looking at (UKHAYAHA) the cooking utensil (MAANSAPACHANYAHA) in which
flesh is cooked and (YA) those who (ANGKAHA) know the good signs of (AASECHANANI) the best base of the (PATRANNI) the utensils. (YUSHANNAHA) to store
juice/extract (USHMANNYA) hot, best edibles (CHARUNNAM) the utensils wherein cereals, food grains are cooked such as pan etc., and knows (APIDHANAHA) the
lids to cover the said utensils and also (PARIBHOOSHANTI) decorate (ASHWAM) the horses etc., they always (SOONAHA) are inspired to every task well.

Idea of the mantra: Those who use the cooking utensils which are never used for cooking flesh, they are learned in art of cooking. They
use the said utensils to store water, cook vegetables and they know always to cover the utensils to avoid diseases.

Further, those who train and decorate the horses well and use the horse for riding, as animal of burden etc., they achieve happiness. So this Mantra also prohibits consumption of non-vegetarian food.

Next Mantra 14 states that when a trainer of horse trains the horse well and thus the horse acquires good gait etc. Similarly, when people are
trained according to Vedas’ and thus they follow the true path, then they become civilised and learned as well. In addition, a horse eats grass
and drinks water and digests the food well. Similarly the persons with sharp intellect through good education take nutritive, vegetarian food, digest it
well and thus become happy.

So in Mantra 14 also, there is no mention to consume non-vegetarian food. In Mantra 15 also, there is no mention about non-vegetarian

The idea of Mantra 15 is that the learned of science educates the people about fire, chariot to be drawn by horses (Nowadays vehicles driven by
horse-power engines are used.) and those who offer fragrant materials in pious fire along with ghee, samagri etc., they do not suffer diseases and pain

Idea of Mantra 16 is that those learned persons who know about the use of electricity and fire, they enjoy long, happy life.

The idea of Mantra 17 is that a learned, experienced trainer/rider controls the force of horse by a whip, a bullock is controlled by a stick, an
elephant by iron hook and are made to run fast. Similarly the engine of aeroplanes and other vehicles must be controlled and made to run fast. So there is
no mention about non-vegetarian food in this Mantra.

Idea of Mantra 18 is that the reason to generate electricity is available in every matter of the earth because the electricity is omnipresent.
Electricity must be used in electric apparatus.

Human beings must know the qualities of fire and electricity to exploit it for their benefit.

The idea of Mantra 19 is that one must know about the quality of electricity and fire to be used in several matters and to control the

Similarly one must know about the human-body to use it in the different seasons. One should also know use of the woods to ignite fire for its best use in
engineering etc.

Idea of the Mantra 20 is that if a person desires that he must not feel the pain, sorrows etc., or that he may not be struck by electric
lightening, electric shocks, fire, he must be always away from any kind of diseases (mental and physical) and sorrows, then he should do worship of God and
practice of Ashtang Yoga Philosophy.

The idea of Mantra 21 is that a Yogi when indulges his intellect and mind in the Almighty God by means of practising Ashtang Yoga Philosophy and follows the eternal religious path, he attains salvation.

The idea of Mantra 22 is that he who knows the electricity/fire from the knowledge of earth, Sun, air, etc., and rears cows, horses along with his
children and members of family, he who earns wealth through hardworking, he attains happy life. Also, all the persons must be pious and free of sins and
must attain ill free, happy life. They must know the power and qualities of electricity/fire like the power of horse. Here God preaches that in the
beginning people know about the power and qualities of horse which is exploited by them in their daily lives like in chariot – driving etc. Similarly,
power and qualities of electricity must be known keeping in mind the horse-power and thus exploiting the same to run machines, factories etc. Thus they
make their family, society and nation strong.

Hence, in all these Mantras, there is no mention regarding consumption of beef.

Conclusion of the Sukta 162:

In this Sukta mostly the God has preached that the human-being must know the power of horse and thereafter the method of producing electricity
which is omnipresent in earth, sun, moon, air etc., to make the best use of the same in daily life, by making several appliances and machines, such as,
vehicles, electric appliances etc.

Now let us consider Sukta 163, Rigveda mandal 1:

of Sukta 163 is DEERGHATMA and DEVTA (Subject matter) of the Sukta 163 are “ASHWAHA” and “AGNI”.

Idea of Mantra 1 of this Sukta is that those who observe Brahamcharya (celibacy) and learn all the Vedic education carefully, they become
enlightened like the Sun, active /swift like a hawk and are praised being intoxicated with

divine merriment and jumping like a deer. That is their whole life becomes full of joy.

Idea of Mantra 2 is that people who attain the knowledge under guidance of learned of Vedas and know the qualities of fire /electricity
to be used in engineering skills and also know the electric energy produced by sun along with its utilization, they obliterate their poverty.

Idea of Mantra 3 is that human-beings must know about the sun rising in the sky. They should know about electricity/fire present everywhere in
earth, space and sun.

The idea of Mantra 4 is that the fire/electricity has its three forms-reason/cause, minutest, physical form. Similarly air, water, earth and all
other created matters have their three forms.

Idea of Mantra 5 is those persons who know, in order, the reason as well as combination of all created worldly matters, they are the best
scientist i.e., learned of all matters.

Idea of Mantra 6 is that those who know self and other souls residing in bodies and know the reason/cause of the matters, those who make the
aeroplanes, using the electricity and other matters and then fly the aeroplanes to go to distant places, they are scientists/learned.

Idea of Mantra 7 is that those who are hard workers and learned they obtain all requisite good things in the life and those who are lazy, remain
deprived of the same. Hence, everyone must be hard working and with their efforts they should know the created matters of the world to use them in best
way. Then only they get respected by human-beings.

Meaning of Mantra 8 is as under:

Oh! Person (ARVAN) powerful like a horse (ANU) behind (TVA) you (RATHAHA) aeroplanes etc., (ANU) behind you (MARYAHA) Oh! Person, you are having the
quality to face the death, then ( ANU) behind you (GAAVAHA) there are number of cows and (ANU) behind you (KANINAAM) the learned who desire (BHAGAHA)
glory, fame, wealth, health etc., (DEVAHA) learned person (VRAATASAHO) who are famous to follow eternal true path, they (TE VEERYAM ANU MAMIRE) establish
your might/power/heroism by suitability, may those learned persons (ANU EEYUHU) be met suitably (TAV) to your (SAKHYAM) friendship.

Idea of the Mantra is that like a hard-working person who makes the aeroplanes, the hard working aspirant who make contact with learned teachers
to learn scientific matters etc., and aspirants who make friendship with such learned persons, they follow true path.

Idea of the Mantra 9 is that there are three types of fire in this world – One is of the form of cause /reason, second which is minutest and is
omnipresent in all worldly matters and third is in physical form like sun etc. The learned person who has the knowledge of qualities, deeds and nature of
the fire/electricity and makes its best use, they get happy life. The idea of the Mantra 10 is that the person who generates the electricity and
makes its use to fly the aeroplanes etc., he earns lot of wealth. One should make the best use of air, fire and water.

The idea of Mantra 11 is that he who produces electricity, the flow of which is like a mind and who has made aeroplanes and other vehicles etc.,
they travel throughout the world by aeroplanes and enjoy happy life.

The idea of Mantra 12 is that without the action of pulling or striking in the engineering matters, the perfection to use the fire and other
matters is not obtained.

The idea of Mantra 13 is that those person who have taken the Vedic education from parents and learned Acharya and have made friendship and
contact with learned Acharya, they give the pleasure to others and get the divine pleasure themselves.


In this Sukta, the qualities of learned person and fire/electricity have been described and thus there is no mention about consumption of beef.

Perhaps to please anti-religious elements, non-vegetarians and to gain favour /praise and money etc., from all parts of the world, Mr. D. N. Jha has tried
to ruin Indian culture especially in the matter of Cow. He gives the reference of pious Rigveda Mantra 5/29/7, spilling
the poison out of his pen in his book- “The Myth of the Holy Cow” that AGNI roasted three hundred buffaloes.

The actual meaning of Rigveda Mantra 5/29/7 is as under:

(AGNI) fire and (INDRAHA) sun (TOOYAM) immediately (ASYA) in this world (TRI) enlightening three Lokas (SARAANSI) of ponds/river (PIBAT) drinks
(VRITRAHATYAYE) to destroy the clouds (SUTAM) showering (SOMAM) glory (APACHAT) digest.

There are three Lokas– Prithvilok (Earth), Antarikshalok(Space), Dyulok (Heavenly bodies emitting light) which are enlightened by the sun, fire
and electricity in space. The sun drinks the water of ponds/rivers i.e., rays of sun evaporate the water present in ponds, rivers etc., and carry it to the

And to destroy the clouds digest the glory, pleasure of showering i.e., first of all the sun makes the clouds to shower the rain resulting in destruction
of clouds. And again the sun drinks of water of rivers as quoted above.

The Mantra further states that similarly (SAKHA) friend (KRATVA) by his pious deeds (SAKHYE) for his friend (SAKAM) along with (MANUSHAHA) of
human-beings’ (MAHISHA) buffaloes/other big animals protect (TRI SHATAANI) hundreds of.

Similarly a friend by doing pious deed for his friend and other human-beings protects hundreds of big animals.

The sun by its rays, making the clouds to shower rain and by several other qualities, enlightens and protects the three Lokas. Similarly, a friend
must protect his friends, human-beings and hundreds of big animals. So in this Mantra, there is no mention about roasting three hundred buffaloes
in fire.

How, such poisonous comments on pious Rigveda have been offered by Mr. D. N. Jha is not known. Mr. Jha is even not aware of the fact that all four Vedas, do not contain any story, reference of any proper noun of human-being etc.

For example, if fire breaks out in jungle and there is a herd of buffaloes then how the counting i.e., three hundred which Mr. Jha counted, can be done or
if done then such burning is in a shape of story /event of past whereas such stories are not written in Vedas. Vedas give fundamental
knowledge on three education i.e., science (description of matters), deeds (description of pious, bad deeds) and the real worship of God including the
medical science etc.

Again Mr. D. N. Jha has spilled poison through his pen on the pious eternal Rigveda Mantra 6/17/11– stating that Indra
ate flesh of hundred buffaloes.

Such false statements can be generated in an unbalanced mind of a person who has no faith in truth. That is on one side, he accepts God and says Indra is a
king of Swarga and king of Devtas (please note Swarg, Narak are not in heaven/hell but imply facing result of good or
bad deeds on earth itself in the shape of divine happiness and sorrows respectively vide Atharvaveda Mantra 6/120/3 and Yajurveda Mantra 7/48). Indra is learned of Vedas and never takes non-vegetarian food or any kind of addiction
then how can Indra consume flesh. If a person wants to tell lie then even he must be careful for the same. I mean to say, can Indra alone consume flesh of
hundred buffaloes? Was he a man or devil? Even a devil cannot take the same alone. However, the meaning of Indra in the above Rigveda Mantra 6/17/11 is a king.

(subject matter) of the entire Rigveda mandal 6 is “Indra” but not the Indra who is king of Swarg etc., and a king on the earth if
evil-minded and becomes non-vegetarian person then also he shall not be able consume flesh of hundred buffaloes at one time.

The idea of the Mantra is just as the public who serves the king and makes the kingdom to flourish by paying taxes to the king etc. Then it is
also the duty of king /administrator to look after the public well to make them progressive in lives both in science, education, justice etc., as well as
in spiritualism.

Further Mr. Jha baselessly interprets on his own the Rigveda Mantra 8/19/5 that “A Devout offering of praise or of a
fuel stick or of cooked was as good as a more, solemn sacrifice”.

Actually, his venomous interpretation is beyond what learned comprehend. Here a learned is forced to think that under whose pressure a person like Mr. D.
N. Jha, who I am sure, has not learnt Pannini Muni’s Ashtadhyayee, Mahabhashya, Varnnochcharann Shiksha, ancient Rishis’ holy books like Shatpath Brahmin, Nighantu, Nirukta etc., made up his mind to write this false comments on the
pious Ved Mantras which emanate direct from God. He is totally ignorant of the essence of Ved Mantras otherwise he
could not have committed such an enormous mistake.

He has used word “Sacrifice” in the above Mantra whereas the word “Sacrifice” is not even distantly related with the Mantra. Mantra says- (YAHA MARTAHA) Those persons (DADASH) who offer (SAMIDHA) twigs of mango tree etc (AGNAYE) for the burning fire of havankund
i.e., the Mantra educates the persons to do Agnihotra/havan/Yajyen and states that one should ignite the fire in havan kund and offer the twigs as fuel therein.

Further Mantra states (YAHA) who (AAHUTI) put offerings into pious burning fire of havankund with ghee, samagri etc.,
(VEDEN) through the study of Vedas and (SWADHVARAHA) performing Yajyen and doing pious deeds (NAMASAHA) takes the vegetarian food (TASYA
IT ARVANTAHA) He enjoys a long, happy life with horses and other comforts. Here the meaning of horses is that as Vedas also state, horse-power
vehicles and aeroplanes etc., must be made for the use and comfort of human-beings.

This mantra contains three types of education to human-beings:

(1) Must do agnihotra daily.

(2) Must study eternal knowledge of Vedas which emanates direct from God at the time of beginning of every earth.

(3) One must donate to the needy and deserving.

So the Mantra has no connection with sacrifice etc. The entire ancient as well as present spiritual Acharyas /learned of Vedas
prove that the Vedas are immortal knowledge which emanate direct from the God. In Vedas, there is no mention about violence etc. Only
kings, administrators have been asked to punish or sentence to death the criminals/culprits to establish peace in the nation. So how Mr. D. N. Jha has
compared the offerings of twigs, ghee and other vegetables to the pious burning fire of havankund /vedi with the sacrifice? He should
accept his sin against the eternal, immortal voice of Almighty God and must study Vedas under guidance of learned Acharya of Vedas,

Mr. Jha venomously cites Rigveda Mantra 8/43/11 that India’s food is the ox and barren cow.

of this Sukta is “Agni”. In the above Mantra 8/43/11 there is no mention of Indra, Agni word has been used. From “Ag” root word (Dhatu),
Agni word originates. Its meaning is Almighty God is always the first and foremost. That is before the creation, God remains first, that is why, He creates
the universe. Secondly, like the fire, God is also omnipresent. So the meaning of Agni is also omnipresent God.

tells (AGNAYE) Oh! God (VIDHEM) we worship You (STOMAIHEE) by several Ved Mantras. Oh! God, You are (UKSHANNAYE) just as You nourish sun,
moon etc., you also nourish human-beings by giving them food grains etc., or as your food nourishes us similarly you nourish sun etc. (VASHANNAYE) you also
nourish the entire world. (VEDSE) you also create and hold/bear the universe. So in the Mantra, it is preached that Almighty God creates and
nurses the entire universe therefore he is adorable.

So the interpretation of Mr. D. N. Jha in respect of above pious Mantra is condemned.

The views of Mr. D. N. Jha against the pious Rigveda Mantra 10/16/4 are gross misinterpretation of Vedas. He states that for the
disposal of dead, recourse is taken “to burning of a goat which is the share of Agni and to use of flesh of cow to protect body against flame”.

Actually Rigveda Mantra 10/16/3 states that the dead body is placed on the pyre and fire is ignited. In this process
(CHAKSHUHU SURYAM GACHCHATU) i.e., eyesight merges in sunlight similarly soul goes to space and then again comes to the earth to enter the womb of living
beings according to his good and bad deeds.

Further Rigveda Mantra 10/16/4 states that the fire is omnipresent which takes the immortal soul into the sky.

Through the beneficial waves of fire, the soul goes towards the direction where he has to take birth according to his deeds.

The idea of Rigveda Mantra 10/16/7 is this that dead body should be placed carefully on the pyre so that every part of
dead body is subjected to burning fire and the burning fire may not be able to throw any part of body away from the pyre.

So the perusal of above Rigveda Mantra reveals that Mantras have no concern with stated views of Mr. D. N. Jha.

Again Mr D. N. Jha has erred immensely by referring Rigveda Mantra 10/27/2 to killing of a bull.

Actual meaning of Rigveda Mantra 10/27/2 is Oh! God bless me so that I may be able to convert the atheists into
God-fearing people.

And like a fatal/violent bull who becomes the destroyer of everything that comes before him, I may also be able to destroy all the sins i.e., just like as
a fatal bull destroys everything, I, by worship, may destroy all the sins and attain enlightenment.

So the view of Mr. D. N. Jha are unacceptable being unauthentic.

According to Mr. D. N. Jha , Indra is said to have eaten the flesh of bulls as per Rigveda Mantra 10/28/3.

of this Sukta is Indra.

The meaning of Indra in this Mantra is a ‘King’ or ‘soul’ and not he Indra who is king of heaven etc.

The idea of the Mantra is that whatever suitability and comforts are given to a gentle king by the public, he must enjoy/relish the same within
religious limits or when a soul comes in womb of a mother, he is fed well there.

So, why Mr. D. N. Jha has told that Indra eats the flesh of bulls? Actually, he has no right to comment on any religious book of the world if he is not
learned of the same.

Mr Jha has cited Rigveda Mantra 10/68/3 to state that killing of kine to honour guests seems to have been prevalent from earlier times.

of this Sukta is “BRIHASPATI”. Meaning of Brihaspati in this Mantra is Lord of universe i.e., God. Meaning of atithi in
the Vedas is mostly a person who is learned of Vedas. The idea of the Mantra is that Almighty God originates the knowledge of
four Vedas in the heart of four Rishis in the beginning of the earth.

So the meaning of atithi in this Mantra relates to the ancient four Rishis of non-sexual creation in whose heart the God generates the
knowledge of four Vedas. The affect of the Ved Mantras is this that they destroy the faults, sins of the person who acquires the
knowledge of Vedas.

So from where Mr. D. N. Jha brought his meaning stating that sacrifice of kine on the arrival of guests to honour them is practised since early times and
why he has taken the meaning of atithi as guest, is not understood.

Mr. D. N. Jha cites Rigveda Mantra 10/85/13 referring slaughter of cow on occasion of marriage.

of this Mantra 10/85/13 is “SURYA VIVAHA” So, this Mantra relates to marriage. Mantra asks as to why the
marriage is performed. Though, the marriage is performed for maintaining number of good qualities but in this Mantra, it is stated that marriage
is performed to obtain sons.

So, how why and under whose influence/pressure Mr. D. N. Jha has stated to slaughter the cow on the pious occasion of marriage is not understood. Mr. D. N.
Jha’s interpretation of Rigveda Mantra 10/86/14 underlines practice of eating beef, which is absolutely wrong according to Vedas
. Devta of this Sukta is ‘VARUNN’ the above Mantra relates to the knowledge of celestial bodies/comprising of planets, stars,

So it has no concern with eating beef or any non-vegetarian food.

How to determine truth/reach at a conclusion

350 states: (SHUDDAN) pure, (SAMNA) chanting of Samveda, (SHUDDHAI UKTHAIHI) by purest Ved mantras, (VA VRIDHVANGSAM) Almighty,
(SHUDDHAM) the purest, (INDRAM) God, (STAVAN) worship/praise, (SHUDDHAI) by the purest mantras, the God, (NU) soon, (ASHIRVAAN) showers
blessings and (MAMATTU) becomes happy.

The mantra states that Oh! Aspirant, chant Samveda and by its purest Ved mantras worship the purest God, so that He may
bless us and soon become happy on us.

Similarly, Yajurveda mantra 40/8 states that God is (SHUDDHAM) the purest (APAAPVIDDHAM) never faces any kind of sin and is (AKAYA)

The deep consideration of the said mantras reveals that God is formless and always remains the purest. The consideration of the subject “creation”
would also reveal that God is the Lord of prakriti and souls. Illusion originates from Prakriti which never affects God, He being the

This proves the fact that the knowledge of all four Vedas, which emanates direct from God, is also the purest, having originated from the purest God.

Secondly, Atharvaveda mantra 4/30/3 and Yajurveda mantra 40/7 state that a Rishi/Yogi who is learned of Vedas and after
practising Ashtang Yoga, has realised God, then God tells that “I Myself make him Brahmin/Rishi providing him with purest divine mind.” So Rishis
are those who have realised Almighty God as well as have seen the meaning and idea of the Ved mantras within them in Samadhi that is why,
the Rishis are called – “Mantradrishta Iti Rishi.” That is why, Patanjali Rishi in Yog Shastra sutra quoted above states that Rishi is
also the purest due to his said hard Tapasya. Rishi also never tells a lie. So, the writings and views of the Rishis in the shape of holy books,
like the books quoted above, are also accepted as authentic.


Therefore, we must accept the above eternal facts to determine the truth. It means at present also, any view or any statement in the present book are
considered true if it tallies with Vedas and the books written by Rishis, otherwise not. This eternal tradition was adopted in the ancient times and as a
result the public mostly remained away from illusion.

What is the reason of writing unauthentic books and existence of false gurus?

There has been a flood of gurus and spiritual magazines, wherein Ved mantras are mostly not quoted as “Token of Proof”. If a learned
person listens to such speech on T.V. and reads such unauthentic books, he fears the spreading of blind faith, etc. The reason behind spreading of
falsehood is the lack of study/listening of Vedas by public. As said in Rigveda, darkness of the night gets over rising of sun alone. There is no
alternative to sun. Similarly Rigveda mantra 1/25/13 states that Vedas are like a light of wisdom, which destroys the darkness of
illusion. Vedas state that there is no alternative to Vedas like the sun. Thus, public must listen to Vedas from a learned acharya.

7/105/1 states that (UPKRAMAN) keep himself away from (PAURUSHEYAT) ordinary language and books written by ordinary people. We must (VRINNANAHA) accepts
(DAIVYAM) divine (VACHAHA) voice of God and divine preach of learned acharya of Vedas.

Human-beings must keep themselves away from the preach of ordinary people and their self-made books. On the contrary, human-beings should always accept the
divine Vedas. However, the preach of a Rishi-muni, saint and their books are also obeyed which tally with eternal knowledge of Vedas. These holy books of
the world are respect-worthy.

So, when Vedas tell not to consume non-vegetarian and to protect all living beings, especially first creation amongst living beings – the cow, then all the
human-beings must obey God’s law, which sure spreads love and brotherhood internationally.

Why do people say that Vedas are difficult and Yajyen is the means only to reach heaven and get material benefits?

The above statement is totally false and is spread by those who are against the Vedas and have made their own path to fulfill their selfishness. Why,
because God has not given such statement in the Vedas. On the contrary, God states in Samveda mantra 225:

(ADHEEHEE) learned king, (UKTHAM) the Ved mantras, (SHASYAMAANAM) chanted by, (NAGOHO) true speaker, Rishi, (CHA) and, (GEEYAMAANAM
GAYATRAM) the Samveda sing by said Rishi, (NA) not, (ACHIKET) understood, (NA) it is not possible.

Oh learned king! When a Rishi, who always speaks truth, describes the Ved mantras or sings the Ved mantras, it is not
possible that his description is not understood by others.

The idea of the mantra is that when a learned king or aspirant wishes to learn the Vedas then it is not possible that he cannot understand the
knowledge of Vedas preached by a Rishi. So it is a problem that those who have not listened ABC about Vedas, have not performed Yajyen and have
not practised Ashtang Yoga and make their own ways of worship etc., they only mislead the people and spread their own views that Vedas are
difficult and Yajyen only leads to achievement of heaven etc., whereas, in Vedas there is no mention of heaven in the sky. For such persons, Vedas
are equally difficult to understand, since they are not hard workers and are not having faith in Vedas and are not interested in gaining knowledge of

Before entering the emotional subject of cow, it would be better to understand about the eternal knowledge of Vedas, which emanates direct from God in the
beginning of the earth. When people will become learned about the said knowledge and its fundamental laws framed by God then there will be no possibility
of violence against all living-beings and nobody will take non-vegetarian food. The knowledge of Vedas emanates direct from formless God at the beginning
of the earth. So here the matter of creation is involved which in short is as under:


The process of creation is eternal. So it has no starting point as well as end. It is everlasting. Raj, Tam and Satva are the three
qualities of prakriti. When the said gunnas remain idle, i.e., do not work then combination of the same is called prakriti and
this time is called “final destruction” of the universe. When an appropriate time comes the creation is to be started again. At that time, the power of God
works in the above three gunnas i.e., in the prakriti and immediately the creation starts. Rajo gunn is a sign of sensuousness,
etc., Tamo gunn signifies laziness and Sato gunn signifies ego, pride. Our human body is also made of the said three gunnas.

Vedas tell that there are three eternal/immortal matters. First: Almighty God, second: souls and third: prakriti. Almighty God creates, nurses and
destroys the universe and again creates it. The said process of creation is eternal/immortal/everlasting. Almighty God creates the universe from prakriti. When the raj, tam and Satva gunnas of prakriti remain idle (dormant condition/inactive)
then creation does not take place.

At an appropriate time, a power of Almighty God acts in prakriti (i.e. Raj, Tam and Satva gunnas). Immediately
the process of creation starts and the first matter of prakriti is made which is called – Mahat i.e., mind. From Mahat, ahankar
is made, from ahankar panch (5) tan matrayein, from panch (5) tanmatrayein, panch (5) mahabhoot are
created. From panch mahabhoot, the entire matter of universe i.e., Sun, Moon air, water, our bodies, bodies of other living beings etc., are
created. The whole creation is thus created from prakriti and remains idle like a statue. This creation is called non-sexual creation. In the said
creation, the young human bodies are created which are neither old nor babies. Then by the power of God the said bodies, breathing system ( prann vaayu) starts operating. At last, God enters into the universe and immediately all the humans and other living beings become alive and start
functioning. Similarly, the non-alive matters like Sun, moon, earth, air, water etc., start their functioning.

In Vedas there is no mention of avtarwad or any proper noun, please. Vedas do not even contain any story or past, present or future life of
anyone. Vedas contain knowledge i.e., whole science, form of deeds/duties and worship of God. Actually Vedas give knowledge right from straw to Brahma (God) of entire universe.

All four Vedas tell to worship a formless, Almighty, omnipresent, omniscient God who creates, nurses and destroys the universe. God was one, is one and
shall ever remain one. He is unchangeable, unchallengeable and beyond description. He has unlimited qualities and thus unlimited names but is one. Because
He is Almighty and needs no help of anyone to create, nurse and destroy the universe therefore no need to take avtar.

Creation, Science, worldly matters etc., is not possible until the same is created by someone. Secondly, knowledge is attained when knowledge is imparted
by someone. Why the said knowledge emanates because the Almighty, formless God who is one, creates the universe. Thereafter, He creates the living beings’

10/129/ 1-6 throw light about creation that at that time, there was nothing and no living beings did exist. So there was no learned acharya who
could give the knowledge to the newly created living beings like parents who educate the children to make them able to speak language and to know about the
matters like crow, animals, chapati, ghee, sun, moon i.e., all matters of the world.

See, if a newly born baby is made to live in dense jungle and nursed well but he is not given education about the worldly matters etc. i.e., mathematics,
science, animals, sun, moon etc., then even at the young age of 20-25, 30 years, he will not be able to speak any language and when he will be brought out
of the cave of dense jungle and will be asked about the sun, moon, animals, birds before him, then he will not be able to reply because he was not given
the said knowledge.

When we look at sun, moon, air, space, human body etc., it is clearly understood that the said creation has not been made by any human being but Almighty
God, from whom the knowledge of four Vedas emanates. In Vedas, the knowledge right from straw to Brahma has been mentioned. So in the beginning of
non-sexual earth, the Vedas originated in the heart of four Rishis – Agni, Vaayu, Aditya and Angira, and from these Rishis the knowledge
of science, deeds and worship, along with every matter is being given to the public, by which the public became educated scientist and wrote books, etc.

In Vedas as well as in fourth chapter of Yog Shastra of Rishi Patanjali, it is mentioned that those who do not believe in God are provided more and more
facilities by nature and such people get spoiled, etc. On the contrary those who worship God, they naturally try to kill their desires and accordingly
under the law, nature, help them to follow the true path to realize the God.

Now, we come to origin of Vedas.

Origin of Vedas

God has made universe and blessed us human body to do pious deeds only. He has not made any heaven or hell. All have to face the result of their deeds,
good or bad here only, even by taking rebirth. (Rigveda mantra 10/135/1, 2)

God has not only made universe but has also given knowledge of four Vedas where answers to your and everyone’s questions have been given. There are four

1. Rigveda – gives knowledge of science, matter of the universe like sun, moon, air, body, etc.

2. Yajurveda – gives knowledge of all the deeds and duties to be performed by men or women, students, leaders, king, agriculturist, etc.

3. Samveda – gives knowledge how to worship God who gives peace and long happy life etc. In this way, details of Yoga philosophy, qualities,
supreme deeds and nature of the God are also given.

4. Atharvaveda – gives details of God, medical science and details of medicine etc.

Actually in four Vedas there is unlimited knowledge. Yajurveda mantra 40/8 says that God is everywhere, is Almighty, formless, devoid of
nervous system, purest, away from sins and away to face any result of any karmas (deeds), knows every soul, knows what is in everyone’s mind, nobody has
made God, but God creates universe, has given the eternal knowledge of four Vedas and always gives the said knowledge at the beginning of every universe to
know the science and deeds to all concern. Similarly, all four Vedas say about God that God is an omnipresent, omniscient, formless, beyond imagination and
beyond calculation. Actually God has unlimited qualities. There is only one God who creates, nurses, destroys the universe and again creates.

4/1/1 also says that God gives the knowledge of Vedas at the beginning of the earth to four Rishis of unsexual creation and only thereafter public listens
Vedas through Rishis Munis and become learned. Rigveda gives knowledge of Almighty, Yajurveda gives knowledge of karmas (deeds), Samveda tells about worship-Yoga philosophy and Atharvaveda about medicines and God. Actually all Vedas commonly says about God also.
This is about Vedas in short but the knowledge of Vedas is endless.

It is a fundamental law that knowledge is always given by somebody otherwise knowledge can’t be gained at any cost. If a new born baby is nursed in a dense
jungle and is not educated then he will not be able to gain any knowledge. So we have to think about the origin of the knowledge prevalent in the world
today. In this connection, all Vedas themselves say that God gives this knowledge to four Rishis. As has also been said by Rishi Patanjali in Yoga Shastra sutra 1/26, God is first Guru of the four Rishis. Yajurveda mantra 31/7 also refers.

The Vedas are not a book, rather it is a knowledge originated in the heart of Rishis. At the time of beginning of the earth those Rishis preached Vedas by
word of mouth and all others remembered the same. At that time there was no pen, pencil, paper, etc. This process of studying Vedas by word of mouth
remained till Mahabharata time. Muni Vyas too remembered Vedas traditionally by word of mouth. He wrote Vedas on for the first time about 5300 years ago.
In 16th century when printing press came into existence, Vedas were printed as books. Still Vedas are not those which have been printed but
Vedas are those which are preached by mouth by an Acharya/yogi and the printed Vedas are called Sanhita.

Now if somebody worships a statue etc., i.e., it is their own creation please but Vedas deny. According to Vedas the best worship of the God is Yajyen for which all Vedas are self-proof. Yajurveda mantra 31/16 says that the learned persons worship God by Yajyen.

So many people have asked me that most of the scholars/preachers of different religion state that their religion incorporates all matters of the world
including science. What about Vedas? I wrote so many Ved Mantras describing science matters therein. For example, Yajurveda Mantra 3/6 states “Ayam Gauhu Swaha Pitram Puraha Prayan Mataram Prishnihi Aakrameet Asadat”.

This earth revolves around the Sun in the space and it also rotates on its own axis. Vedas are eternal like God because Vedas emanate from God. Now,
according to Vedas, this present creation is about 1 Arab, 96 crores, 8 lakh and about 53,000 years old. So are the Vedas but as said in Rigveda Mantra 10/191/3 the present creation is same as was the previous one and this process of creation is eternal. So are the Vedas that emanate from
eternal God. This all concludes that Vedas are the oldest in this creation also and no other book of science, maths or pertaining to spiritualism is
written before Vedas.

Like the above example of rotation and revolution of earth, the significance of whole present science is mentioned in Vedas. We can see that whatever is
happening in the universe is all according to the Vedas. For example, occurance of six seasons, actions of Sun, moon, process of death, birth, worship,
yoga philosophy, atomic energy, agriculture, animal husbandry, knowledge of politics, administration, architecture, solar energy, knowledge of home
appliances like mixer, grinder, business rules, about men, women, children, marriage, Brahmcharya, education, clothes etc., etc., i.e., knowledge right
from a straw to Brahma is all in Vedas. God is Almighty and has unlimited powers. So through His power He is able to originate the knowledge of
Vedas in the heart of four Rishis without pencil, paper, help of mouth or any other worldly assistance.

The whole world depends on Almighty God but God is forever independent. That is why, He is God. We are the souls who reside in human bodies. We need
assistance of senses, perceptions, mind and body to do deeds but not God.

Nowadays, so many saints are writing books. What is the background to right their books? Background is clear that they have first studied or listened the
preach from their Gurus, keeping aside the matter of truth or falsehood. And after studying or listening the same, they became able to write the books. So
this is also fundamental law, based on which, the ancient Rishis first listened Vedas and when they became learned then only they wrote the Vedic books
like Valmikee Ramayana, six shastras, Mahabharata (Bhagwad Geeta), Upanishads, etc. So, first the knowledge of Vedas is initiated in the universe
and afterwards other books come into existence.

Somebody may say that human beings have knowledge by their nature to create anything like books etc., but we see that the newly born baby who is nursed in
a jungle, in the absence of knowledge of a learned person, he becomes incapable to do anything. Thus, he can’t be M.A, M.Sc, doctor etc. So there are two
types of the words and meanings. First, eternal which are from Almighty God and second, natural made by human beings. Eternal word meanings are always from
Vedas i.e., from God. After listening/studying Vedas, human-beings become learned and then too based on their own natural knowledge, they make their own
words and meanings, literature etc. But it is very much clear that in the absence of knowledge of Vedas, no one can become learned. Nowadays, also people
live in dense jungle and do not lead a civilized life because they are not learned as cited above. Vedas are not sects because they emanate direct from God
and God is one for all human beings. God creates sun, moon, air, water, food etc., which are meant for the best use of all human-beings for their long,
happy life. So are the Vedas and all human beings must accept Vedas as an eternal knowledge from God, for the benefit of whole creation.

Hence, the study of four Vedas reveals that innumerable benefits have been contained in the Cow by God for the human-beings. The study of Ved, shastras, Upnishads, Valmiki Ramayan, Bhagwad Geeta, Mahabharat reveals that non-vegetarian food and addiction by human-beings, has strictly been
prohibited by Almighty God. Why the views of the said books are true? In this connection I would like to mention that the knowledge is only obtained when
it is given by someone else. Otherwise, the people would remain ignorant, indulged in illusion. So a deep consideration would force us to think that the
first holy book named Valmiki Ramayan written by Valmikiji about one crore eighty-one lakh years ago could be written when Valimkiji had studied Vedas
first. Otherwise, ignorant person would not be able to write such a great epic. So is the case of writing Mahabharat epic, six shastras, Upnishads
and other ancient and present holy books. Therefore the said holy books written by Rishis totally based on Vedas are considered authentic by the learned.

Yog Shastra sutra 1/7 educates the human-beings by saying that to come to a conclusion/truth, the views must tally with Vedas first and then the
above said books. It is sad that most of the saints who are preaching and writing the books never produce proof of Vedas supporting their respective views.
Sins are committed due to ignorance. Nowadays Vedas are not been listened properly, hence ignorance prevails. Therefore the grave sin of consumption of
non-vegetarian food is increasing day by day. It has caused a number of diseases.

If we study laws of nature then we will find that carnivorous animals like lions, leopards, tigers, etc., hunt the herbivorous animals but herbivores like
deer, rabbits, elephants, etc. never take non-vegetarian food. Similarly, God has created bodies of human-beings to take only vegetarian food but it is sad
that several human-beings are in the habit of taking non-vegetarian food and thus break the laws of universe made by God Himself in the Vedas. You see
defaulter of such laws is always punished and God has also stated in several mantras to award punishment to people who take non-vegetarian food.

This habit as quoted above in due to ignorance/illusion. If our Government draws its attention towards the eternal knowledge of Vedas which emanate direct
from God, then no doubt the people will gain long, happy life with all assets, say the Vedas.

Keeping all above in the mind, I would like to describe the qualities of pious cow, based on Ved mantras.

Cow the first creation amongst living beings – say Vedas

10/111/2 states (GOBHIHI SAMAANAT) – God pervades within cow. The idea is that the God has complete hold over cows. When the creation begins then the body
of first living being is created by God in the shape of cow. Though afterwards the God creates bodies of all human-beings and enters the universe and is
therefore called as “Omnipresent” but in this Rigveda mantra as well Almighty God especially quoting ‘cow’ wants to impress upon this
fact before human-beings that cow is like “Mother”, has divine qualities, must be protected, reared and respected.

God has very beautifully described about His process of creation in Mandal 10, Sukta 129 of Rigveda which may be discussed as under-



(TADAANEEM) Before the creation, when there was period of final destruction (ASAT) emptiness [zero] (NA) not (AASEET) exist i.e., it was the period of
final destruction, therefore all the prakriti made matters of the world like sun, water, living beings, bodies etc., were destroyed but here the Ved mantra states that it was not so that there was nothing/the situation like zero, emptiness existed there. No, situation of emptiness
was not there.

(SAT) visible matters (NA) not (AASEET) was i.e., during that time there were no visible matters present i.e., neither emptiness nor visible matters were
there during the time of final destruction. (RAJAHA) space (NA) not (AASEET) was there i.e., the space [sky etc.], matters were not there.

(PARAHA VYOM) geographical space i.e., sky (Uu) also (NA) did not exist i.e., the space geographically enveloping the earth was not also there. (KIM)
what/how (AVAREEVAHA) covering matter to cover any matter could be there i.e., such cover was also not there.

For example: A soul will be visible when a body will be provided to him by God. Body is like a cover therefore such cover was also not there.

(KUH) where (KASYA) whose (SHARMAN) to give pleasure i.e., then where and for what there could be any place to get pleasure? (GAHANAM) deep, (GABHEER)
effective for all concerned, (KIM) did, (AMBHA) water, (AASEET) exist?

It means then how could there exist deep and effective water? i.e., water was also not there. Effective water means all living beings need water to survive
and even to grow crops etc. Therefore water affects all living beings.

In the next mantra 2, it is stated:



(MRITYUHU) death (NA) not (AASEET) exist i.e., during that period of final destruction, death did not exist. (TARHI) therefore at that time (AMRITAM)
salvation (NA) not i.e., salvation was also not there.

Idea is that when death was not there, it means birth was not there and therefore human-being was neither taking birth nor dying then who would try to get
knowledge and from where to get salvation. Therefore, salvation was also not there. (RATRYAHA) night (AHNAHA) day (PRAKETAHA) knowledge (NA) not (AASEET)
exist. The knowledge of day and night, like the previous creation subjected to final destruction, was not there. (TAT) then (EKAM) one matter alone
(AVAATAM) did not require air to survive. (SWADHYA) existed independently (AANEET) alive matter did exist.

At that time, when there was nothing, then an alive matter who did not require air or food to survive, did exist independently and he was Almighty God
alone. Again Mantra states:

(TASMAAT) apart from Him (ANYAT) no other (KIM-CHANA) nothing (PARAHA NA AASA) was there.

Apart from Almighty God, there was nothing. The idea of next mantra 3 is (ABHOO AASEET) that there was invisible, non-alive prakriti
named “ABHOO” from which non-alive universe was created. God (TAT MAHINA) from the prakriti made Mahat Tatva i.e., mind and then the process of
whole creation began.

The above views have been well written by Learned Matterlic in his book “The Great Secret.” He states:

“Let us once give ear to Rig-Veda, the most authentic echo of the most immortal traditions, let us note how it appreciates the formidable problem.

There was neither Being nor non-Being. There was neither atmosphere nor heavens above the atmosphere. What moved, and where, and in whose care? Were there
waters and the bottomless deep?

There was then neither death nor immortality. The day was not divided from the night. Only one breathed in Himself without extraneous breath and apart from
Him, there was nothing.

There for the first time desire awoke within Him, this was the first seed of the spirit. The sages, full of understanding, striving within their hearts,
discovered in non-being the link with Being. (Rig Veda 10.129.1, 2, 4)”

It is a basic principle that knowledge is attained when someone gives it. Based on the said eternal law, the knowledge of four Vedas emanates direct from
God and is originated in the heart of four Rishis, as stated in Rigveda mantra 10/81/1, 2. That is why, Rishi Patanjali quoted his
experience regarding the same vide Yog Shastra Sukta 1/26 stating “SAHA EESHEY POORVE SHAM API GURUHU KALENANVACHCHEDAT.”

(SAHA EESHAHA) God (API) is also (GURUHU) Guru (POORVESHAM) of our ancient Rishis because the God (KALENANVACHCHEDAT) is always free from the binding of
death. So when all public including Rishi, Munis, gurus etc., are dead at the time of final destruction of previous universe then, only Almighty, immortal
God remains. Who, at the time of another creation, gives the knowledge of four Vedas to the Rishis as quoted in Rigveda mantra above.

Thereafter, the rishis preach others and traditionally the knowledge of Vedas is being received till today by acharyas, who are learned of Vedas. Thus, the
rishis obtained the knowledge and they wrote Upnishads, shastras, smritis, etc., totally based on true Vedic knowledge.

So it must be cleared that if Almighty God had not given us the knowledge of Vedas wherein all matters of science, deeds and worship have been briefed? We
would have then been ignorant like the wild tribes thriving in dense jungles and are uncivilised. No one could be a learned Rishi, gentleman, scientist,
family holder, artist, educated persons etc., as all the said knowledge has been taken from the Vedas. Similarly no one could write Upnishads shastras, Mahabharat, Valmiki Ramayan and other holy books.

So based on the above eternal theory of attaining the knowledge, upnishads were written by the Rishis. Rishi Aiteeryo in his Aiteeryopnishad based on the
above knowledge of Yajurveda Mantra and Rigveda Mandal10, Sukta 129 writes about the first creation of holy cow as

Based on knowledge of Rigveda mandal 10, Sukta 129, Rishi states in his Aiteeryopnishad Shloka 1/1:



(ATMA VAI) the Lord of universe, Almighty God (AASEET) was (AGRE) present first alone. That is, Almighty God was present alone before the creation which
was to be created after the final destruction of previous universe.

(NA) no (ANYAT) other (KINCHAN) anything (MISHAT) souls having bodies i.e., there was nothing not even souls having bodies except Almighty God [though,
here it should be noted that souls without bodies and prakriti in its original form, when it does not create universe like sun, moon, air etc.,
get shelter within God. Both souls and prakriti, in this form, are invisible and are in the minutest form i.e., even smallest than a minute atom.

(SAHA) the God (EEKSHAT) thought [though God has no mind and never thinks but symbolically it is said, He thought to create. That is why, the word
‘EEKSHANN’ has been used by Rishi Aiteeryo.]

(NU) sure (SRIJAYEE) to create (LOKAN) lokas i.e., earth, space, celestial bodies emitting light, living bodies etc (ITI) He thought like this (
Rishi has written similar views as are of Rigveda Mandal 10, Sukta 129, Mantra 1.)

Let us consider the word ‘EEKSHAT’. As said in Yajurveda Mantra 40/8 God is formless, so He has no senses, perceptions and mind and
therefore, can not think. However, being Almighty, He does all His divine deeds of the universe without body, senses, perceptions and mind, etc.

Then Upnishad states that the God created sun, celestial bodies emitting light, earth, space etc. Then again God thought that who will take care of my
creation in the form of Lokas? Then He created three lokas. Then after creating food grains, forests, water etc., and as stated in Shloka 1 / 4 the God created cow first as under:

Fire, air, sun, directions, vegetation, moon, death and water i.e., eight lokpals were created. Here, symbolically, in Shloka 1/2/1 the
eight lokpals said to the God to create the residence where they could live. Then the Almighty God first of all created holy cow, then horse and
then the body of human-beings.

1/2/2 and 3 state:

(TABHYAHA) for the eight lokpals (AANYAT) made and brought (GAAM) cow (ASHWAM) horses and (PURUSHAM AANYAT) made and brought.

The God made and brought first cow, then horse and thereafter human-beings. Though the human body is stated as the best creation of God wherein above eight
matters live, yet the cow is first creation of God and will ever remain first creation, after final destruction, in every new creation. Secondly, cow is a
requirement of all human-beings to live upon. In the beginning of creation when there were no parents etc., then non-sexual, young creation is made vide Sukta 129 of Rigveda mandal 10 and other Ved mantras. So, all human-beings would require food to survive which was
first created in the form of cow’s milk, curd etc. In this connection, Samveda Mantra clearly states in symbolic manner-



(Samveda Mantra 594)

So food in the form of grains, milk etc., states:

(AHAM) I (ASMI) am (PRATHAMAJA) created first i.e., before living –beings etc. So, human beings also require food first to survive. You see, the eternal
process is seen when milk in every living being’s female bodies is donated by the God, thereafter the babies take birth and the cow being like our mother
has been entrusted the duties to feed the babies in case of less milk available from mother or on her death etc.

The ambrosial milk of cow cannot be compared to any kind of milk of the world. So even thinking to slaughter the mother cow and to take beef, makes a
learned person shocked and perturbed.

As already discussed, the process of creation is eternal. In several Suktas of Rigveda Mandal 10, the eternal process of creation,
nursing and destruction has been mentioned. In Sukta 72, Mantra 2 states: (ASATAHA) i.e., from invisible, non-alive prakriti
(Sat) visible universe (AJAYAT) is originated i.e., at a stipulated time, the power of Almighty God acts in non-alive prakriti and all the matters
of entire universe like sun, moon, bodies of human-beings etc., are created. Atharvaveda Mantra 20/91/4 states that the process of
creation, nursing, destruction and again creation is eternal. After creating directions, earth (Prithvi lok), space (Antariksh lok), and heavenly bodies
emitting light (Dyulok), clouds, dawn (early morning time) etc., the bodies of living beings are created in which souls are to be entered according to
their pious deeds and sins. Yajurveda Mantra 31/6 & 8 further state that then forests, lions, milching cows, horses, donkeys, goats,
sheep etc., were originated.



(Yajurveda Mantra 31/8)

(TASMAT) from the God (ASHWAHA) horses and (YE KE CHA) whatever donkeys, etc., and (UBHYADATAHA) animals bearing teeth on upper and lower jaw (AJAYANT)

By the power of Almighty God which acts in non-alive prakriti all the above stated animals originated in non-sexual creation.

(TASMAT) from the God (GAAVAHA) cows (HA) also (JAJJIRE) originated (TASMAT) from the God (AJAVAYAHA) goats and sheep (JATAHA) originated.

Hence, God created animals related to horse’s race, animals bearing teeth over upper as well as lower jaws and cows, goats, sheep etc. (Rigveda mantra 10/90/10 also refers) based on these Ved mantras, Rishi of Aiteeryopnishad has given a beautiful description about
creation emphasizing on holy cow also. He states that in the creation, God first of all made pious cow.

In second khand, the Rishi states that after creating all senses, perceptions, mind and all matters like fire, air, sun, directions, vegetation,
moon, water etc., the God first of all created the body of pious cow, then horse and thereafter the body of human-being. So, amongst the living beings, the
first creation of God is pious cow as if God, the father of living beings, creates the pious cow to provide the children with the ambrosial milk of cow.



(Yajurveda Mantra 31/7)

(TASMAT) from the God (YAJJAT) who is adorable (SARVAHUTAHA) who is acceptable by all for worship (RICHAHA) Rigveda (SAMANI) Samveda
(JAJJIRE) originate i.e., emanate (TASMAT) from the God (CHCHANDANGSI) Atharvaveda (JAJJIRE) emanates (TASMAT) from the God (YAJUHU) Yajurveda (AJAYAT) is produced i.e., emanates.

At the beginning of the creation, knowledge of four Vedas emanates direct from God which is included in the process of creation. Rigveda mantra 10/109/1, 2 also states that the said knowledge of the Vedas emanates direct from God and is originated in the heart of four Rishis in
non-sexual creation. Vedas have three kinds of education:

i) Science i.e., description of all matters of universe, including cow;

ii) Deeds i.e., description of pious deeds as well as sins, moral duties etc. As regards pious deeds, Vedas also say to serve the cow. And,

iii) Real worship of God.

Now, it is a problem of present times that most of the people and saints are not studying Vedas. As a result, the real description, qualities and moral
duties towards the animals, birds and human-beings which are entrusted by God Himself are not known.

Without knowing Vedas, it is not possible to know about the real qualities of any matter of the world. So is the case in respect of our pious cow. In the
absence of knowledge of real qualities of cow, mentioned in Vedas, people do not pay respect to cow and do not get full benefit thereof. Similar conclusion
may also be drawn in case of aged persons and parents, who are also not been provided with respect, protection and care, as mentioned in Vedas. It shall
not be out of place to mention that to obey the preach of Vedas is called pious deed otherwise a sin.

The idea of Rigveda Mantras 1/69/2 & 3 is this that the learned of Vedas gives the knowledge to human-beings which gives long, happy
life and even salvation. The mantra further states that cow’s milk is equivalent to divine pleasure of making contact with the learnedacharya of Vedas. The milk of cow also gives the similar pleasure as is given by the divine knowledge of Vedas blessed by the learned acharya.

Actually as stated above the description of all matters right from straw to Brahma is only completely given in Vedas which emanate direct from
God. Accordingly, Vedas also tell about animals, birds, sun, moon, tree etc. So in the absence of study of Vedas full description, qualities and benefits
of pious cow cannot be known. So after Mahabharat war, when the study of Vedas along with its knowledge declined then the worship against the Vedas
started. Protection of cow and Brahmins (who knows Vedas) was given a severe blow as a result slaughter of the cow, which is the first creation amongst
living-beings, and consumption of beef, which are grave sins, began.

In this connection, Manu Bhagwan in Manusmriti Shloka 2/13 states:



Those who get indulged in illusion i.e., worldly affairs only, they are not able to know about the eternal religion. (One must know that) for the aspirant
who follows the eternal religion, eternal knowledge of Vedas is self-proof. Since Vedas are not a sect. So, not only for Indians but it is a moral duty of
whole world to know the qualities of the cow from Vedas so as to protect, serve and cow to get pleasure and long, happy, disease-free life.

India was awarded with two main titles- ‘Vishwa Guru’ (spiritual guide of the world) and ‘Sone ki Chidiya’ (Golden Bird). If we go deep into ancient times
by studying ancient scriptures, it will be revealed that above quoted titles were achieved by India on the basis of her eternal knowledge of Vedas. The
country is well known for her rich culture and heritage. The base of Indian culture is formed by four Vedas. It has been the tendency of the outsiders
that- “If you want to destroy the nation then destroy its culture and the nation shall perish away at its own accord.” To destroy India along with her
culture, Aurangzeb in this process, destroyed Vedic culture preserved in Takshila and Nalanda universities where students from all parts of the world came
to gain education.

Even Aurangzeb was a better enemy than the black sheeps like Jaychand in India. He caused harm to us directly, face to face and destroyed our culture but
what to say about those black sheeps who pretend to be ours but always try to backstab us to ruin the Indian culture.

On this my soul cries with pain saying:





Even an illiterate person living in villages/remote areas acknowledges the cow as mother which is the proof of their pure blood which has imbibed eternal
culture. Whereas educated traitors and black sheep have failed to maintain their blood purity indulging them into sins. I here remember a discussion that
took place about twenty five years ago between my spiritual guru and a person while we were travelling in a bus.

Some person told my Guruji that he has read several books and has come to a conclusion that there is no God. My Guruji simply answered, Oh man! Why have
you read such books pertaining to atheism? So I would say here, why the people have taken such education which ruins the Indian culture? Better if he had
remained illiterate and hence could have avoided indulging in such said grave sin.

India has remained slave of Mughals for eight hundred years and of Britishers for two hundred years. During this period most of our ancient culture was
purposely destroyed. Several learned persons of non-Indian origin have also commented on Vedas but due to lack of knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindi or may be
intentionally, they produced mostly false meanings as well as ideas of Ved mantras.

Uptil now, several agencies are trying to destroy eternal culture of India including Vedas, Valmiki Ramayan, Mahabharat, etc. It is to be noted that Indian
old and new saints are being praised in foreign countries but our eternal culture which is universally applicable to whole of universe, i.e., four Vedas,
is not being well praised now. What is the reason behind that Swami Dayanand Saraswati or any other learned of Vedas is not being respected or praised by
the people with vested interests?

Answer is clear that all our saints including Swami Vivekanand, Swami Ramteertha etc., praised the outside culture more than Indian culture whereas Swami
Dayanand praised only the eternal knowledge of four Vedas which emanates direct from God. Few agencies have been helping Mr. D. N. Jha to destroy our
culture and insult our cow, whereas foreigners and agencies could have objected Mr. D. N. Jha’s false views against mother cow.

It is also stated that Vedas are not sects and are always universally applicable to the entire mankind but the fact is not known even by Indians except in
rare cases, then what to talk about foreign countries. However in past, uptil Mahabharat war, whole world knew about the said fact of four Vedas. It is
also very well known by the world that- ‘Society makes man perfect’. I mean to say that why Mr. D. N. Jha has written against the immortal voice of
Almighty God i.e., four Vedas stating that ‘Vedas do not prohibit eating beef?’ Naturally, he might have lived in foreign countries and made enough contact
with outsiders with the result the effect of society percolated in his blood. Otherwise how an Indian blood can go against eternal Indian culture?

Pious Indian land of Rishi-Munis, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna and thereafter of several holy saints i.e., to say a number of great dignitaries have been taking
birth on Indian soil to listen to Vedas, perform holy Yajyen and to protect the Brahmins (Vedic scholars), cows, and to serve the human-beings and
thus to make the nation strong. Uptil Mahabharat war, just one monarch ruled the entire earth. After the Mahabharat war, the study of Vedas etc., declined.
As a result, the worship against the Vedas originated and thus the unity of human-beings was shattered. It resulted in division of the earth into small
parts and now several countries have come into existence. This situation has arisen due to decline in knowledge of Vedas. The study of holy books written
by ancient Rishis, example: Shathpath Brahmin Granth, Nirukta, Nighantu, Ashtadhyaee, Mahabhashya, Varnnochcharann shiksha also declined. Hence, foreigners
as well as Indians have started writing books on Vedas interpreting their own meanings, which is totally against the essence of Vedas’ philosophy.

For example: Saayannacharya has written a wrong meaning of Atharvaveda Mantra 1, kand 9, sukta 4 that in a Yajyen bull
must be sacrificed and the pieces of his flesh must be distributed amongst the devotees in Yajyen. How a learned can even think about such a false
meaning inspiring violence? When Atharvaveda Mantra 6/140/1 states:



(Atharvaveda Mantra 6/140/1)

The Devta of this mantra is “Brihaspati, Danta”.

(YAU) The teeth, (VYAGHRAU) like the teeth of wolf, (AVROODHAU) have been generated, (PITRAM MATRAM CHA JIGHATSATAHA) wants to kill mother and father i.e.,
wants to take flesh. So Oh (JAATVEDAHA) Omnipresent God! (BRAHAMANNASPATE) Lord of knowledge of Vedas may (TAU DANTAU) those teeth, (SHIVAU KRINNU) be
beneficial for us so that we may not be non-vegetarian.

The meaning of Shivau is auspicious, friendly and beneficial. Deep consideration of the mantra would reveal that our teeth will only be
beneficial/friendly to others when we will not even think about inflicting violence to others. That is why, Mantras states that teeth should not
consume flesh, it being sin. Manusmriti also states that without inflicting violence on others, meat cannot be taken. So, one must always avoid
non-vegetarian food.

Manusmriti Shloka 2/177 states (VARJET MADHU MAANSAM PRANNINAAM HINSANUM) i.e., non-vegetarian food, addictions, intoxications and the violence to
all living beings is strictly prohibited.

Oh God! My teeth, which are like the teeth of wolf, should not take non-vegetarian food. The idea of the mantra is this that our
teeth of upper jaw and lower jaw should never take non-vegetarian food like a wolf. It reveals that God has made difference between human-beings and

So, the real meaning of Atharvaveda Mantra 9/4/1 quoted above is this that the bull should be nursed well so that it may be able to
generate new generation of calves resulting in increase of yield of milk and its availability to every household. The meaning of said mantra is as

of the Sukta is “Rishabhaha”. So meaning of Rishabhaha is bull. In the mantra, there is no sign of violence or distribution of
flesh to devotees as told by Sayannacharya.

Aiteryopnishad describes that when the creation had not yet begun, only God was present. God’s power began to work in stipulated time in Prakriti
to create universe. This God’s so called desire is called Ikshann.

God’s power created entire universe including sun, moon, water, earth etc. Then he created all lokas and it has been symbolically told in the
Upnishad that “Viraat Purush” was made out of five matters (Panch Mahabhoot). From the Viraat Purush were created fire, air, sun, direction,
vegetation, moon, death and water (eight lokpals). There are basic eight matters (eight Devtas) for sustenance of life on the earth.

With personification, Rishi narrates in Upnishad that to create a residence for there eight lokpals God created the cow first, then the horse and
thirdly, the body of human-beings.

This story makes us aware of the fact that even before creating human-body, first cow was created. Hence body of cow is purest, most worship-able, deserves
to be served and most respectable as proved by the process of creation itself.

Human-beings should only take vegetarian food

Mostly the non-vegetarian eaters claim that as the lion does not eat grass, they being like lions also do not take vegetarian food. In the absence of the
knowledge of Vedas, nobody answers that why the lion does not take grass. It is because the lion faithfully follows the fundamental law of God whereas man
or woman, do not obey the said principle of taking vegetarian food.

So, when the Vedas strictly prohibit non-vegetarian food for human-beings then it becomes mandatory for human-beings to obey the Vedic law, it being
Almighty God’s voice. When we see that Almighty God has created all matters of the universe for the benefit of the human-beings, then it will be for our
benefit that we take vegetarian food.

Cow is the first creation amongst living-beings which indicates that complete diet in the form of cow’s milk should be taken which generates physical and
mental power within the consumer. After the cow, God created horse. Horse symbolises physical power. So when a person takes complete diet as cow’s milk, he
attains complete physical strength to use the same by pure mind in the shape of a human–being which is third creation of Almighty God. So cow gives
complete food, horse indicates physical strength and its best use such as manufacturing vehicles with horse-power engines, machines etc., and a person
makes such vehicles etc., by taking complete food.

Hence, it is unfortunate that due to lack of Vedic knowledge, people are slaughtering cow which gives complete food, horses which symbolise power and even
destroying human-beings, who have mind to exploit food and power for the benefit of human-beings. So the first three creations of Almighty God must be
loved and not destroyed. Our love for God’s creations will make the God to shower His love on us and the destruction of His creations will force the
Almighty God to befall curse on us. If I am not mistaken God’s curse is being seen everybody in the whole world, indication of which is mentioned in Atharvaveda.

Curse of God mentioned in Ahtarvaveda

Idea of Atharvaveda mantra 5/17/6 is that he in whose house, the Ved Vanni (Vedas’ knowledge) is insulted that house
gets engulfed in illusion and unpious thoughts.

Naturally, in the absence of pure inspiration imparted through Vedas knowledge, unpious thoughts will encourage people to indulge in violence, intake of
non-vegetarian, addiction, laziness, harbouring hatred, gambling, falsehood, corruption, blind faith, etc.

Therefore ,Atharvaveda Mantra 5/17/7 states (BRAHMAJAYA) here Brahma means Almighty God and jaya means originated, born
etc. So Vedas’ voice having originated from the God, when is insulted i.e., condemned, violated then (TAAN) those who insult (HINASTI) destroys them by (YE
GARBHAHA AVAPADYANTE) causing abortions, (YAT CHA) whatever (JAGAT) in the world (UPLUPYATE) is looted or (YE VEERAHA) the warriors (TRE HAYANTE) are
subjected to violence (MITHAHA) amongst each other.

When people do not listen to Vedas, then they have no control over their senses, perceptions and mind, they give birth to several children then abortions
take place, thefts, dacoity increases and several warriors die unnecessarily in war.

Several Ved mantras in Kand 12 of the Atharvaveda state that commission of sins increases when the preach of Vedas is not

God has not mentioned any violence in respect of cow or other animals. So when the people have forgotten the advice of Vedas regarding protection of cows
and other animals instead people have started consumption of beef and flesh of other animals. Then as mentioned above in Atharvaveda mantras, the natural curse of God befalls on them, which is being witnessed in the entire world in the form of prevalence of sins like abortions,
unnecessary wars and deaths of innocent soldiers thefts and dacoity taking place all over the world. The ancient time, mentioned in holy books written by
Rishis, indicates that the world was free from the above curse because the knowledge of Vedas was in vogue.

It shall not be out of place to mention that Vedas are not sects and emanate direct from the God at the beginning of the earth, time when the present holy
books did not exist. So the knowledge of Vedas is universally applicable for entire universe as was in the past. However, due to one or the other reason,
Vedas have been depicted to be applicable only to Hindus or India and the same has been accepted by the country. Yet, influence of the preach of Vedas is
still seen in all the holy books. So, everybody must have faith in all his religion and every religion must respect other religions.

I mean to say when cow is worship-able, as said in Vedas, then all must respect the cow. At least, those who write against the cow and therefore against
the Vedas (because Vedas prohibit beef consumptions), their views and such books should be condemned and nobody should help them in propagation of their

It is pertinent to mention here that Atharvaveda Mantra 7/73/11 states that (AGNAYE) Oh! Cow you symbolize non-violence, when you
(SOOYAVSAAT) happily eat grass then you (BHAGWATI BHOOYAHA) provide us with good fortune and assets, wealth, etc.

(ADHA) now really (VYAM) we (BHAGWANTAHA SYAM) become glorious, worthy and healthy. So in this mantra, God has addressed cow as “BHAGWATI” i.e.,
bestower of good fortune, wealth, assets etc. India along with entire world, about fifty-three hundred years ago, had been respecting cow and the whole
world was bestowed with fortune, assets etc., as is also mentioned in books written by ancient Rishis.

Naturally, if we start following the Vedas and respect the cow then glory of ancient times can be revived again.


Cow is the mother of the world, say Vedas

As has been quoted above, the knowledge of the Vedas is given by God Himself. Therefore cow, whose immense glory has been eulogised in all four Vedas, to
the extent that Vedas state (GAAVO VISHWASYA MAATRAHA) i.e., cow is the mother of entire world then to know the true, divine qualities of the cow there is
no alternative except to explore the divine knowledge of Vedas for the same.

If anybody would try to know the qualities of cow other then from Vedas then it would be like “A drop in the ocean”.

Yogeshwar Sri Krishna Maharaj along with his friend Sudama learnt the Vedas and Yoga Philosophy traditionally in the ashram of Rishi Sandeepan. Sri Krishna
Maharaj then became Yogeshwar because he learnt Vedas and in Vedas he learnt the divine qualities of Cow, first creation amongst living beings of God.
Definitely he had studied several Ved mantras where the cow has been declared mother of the universe. For example: Yajurveda mantra 28/6 states (HOTAHA) Oh Yajmaan! i.e., the person who performs Yajyen (NA) like (DHENU) milching cow who is like our
(MATARAHA) mother. (USHE) at the time of dawn/early morning (INDRAM VATSAM) pleasure giving calf (VEETAM) get/obtain i.e., when we perform holy Yajyen then God blesses us with cows and we get calf from cow for cultivating fields, etc. Cow on one hand provides us with complete food in the
form of milk, she also provides us with calf used later for cultivating fields, producing crops to solve our food problem. In this mantra cow has
been declared as “Mother”.

595 states Oh! God (TVAM ADHARAYAHA) you have maintained (RUSHAT) splendid (PAYAHA) milk in (KRISHNNASU) black (CHA) and (ROHENNESHU) red coloured
(PARUSHNNEESHU) affectionate cows.

of this mantra is “INDRA” i.e., God. So in the mantra, the description about wonderful creation of God is mentioned. Cow is the
wonderful creation of God wherein God has maintained splendid, white milk in black and red coloured cows. We may also reckon the fact that even the skin of
human-beings is of different colours- black, wheatish, fair but in their arteries the reddish blood flows.

185 states that Oh! God (YAM) whom (PRACHETSAHA) learned (ARYAMA) justice (RAKSHANTI) protect (SAHA) he (JANAJA) person (NAKIHI) is not (DABHYATE) killed.
So, the idea of this mantra relates to that of next mantra 186 that we should protect the cows, horses, etc.

186 states Oh Aspirant! (SU VARIVASYA) Serve God i.e., worship God with a desire to get (NAHA GAVYAHA) our cows (Uu) and (ASHWAYA) horses (UT) and (RATHYA)
chariots – now vehicles and (MAHONAAM) assets, etc.

Hence after worshipping God through Yajyen etc., the learned of Vedas where obtain cow-wealth, horses and other assets, the ordinary person is
directed here to perform Yajyen/worship God to obtain the same assets.

Just see the idea of the Mantra that cow is her self a great wealth and the worship is performed to get it. I mean to say that in the absence of
knowledge of Vedas, such great mother, wealth, symbol of good fortune is being insulted and slaughtered nowadays. In such critical condition, the
human-beings becomes defaulter of the law of Vedas and is therefore punished as stated in Atharvaveda Mantra 5/17/7 above.

Cow is equal to God and bestows of good fortune

4/21/5 states (GAAVAHA) cows (BHAGAHA) are the wealth, glory and fortune of the human-beings. The word “BHAGAHA” has several meanings like good fortune,
health, wealth, divine pleasure, glory, etc. From this word “BHAGWAN” word is derived. The subject of cow is not to be ignored because the cow bestows
every pleasure.

further states (JANAASAHA) Oh human-being! (IMAHA YAHA) All these cows (SAHA) those are Indra i.e., equivalent to God i.e., all cows are
equivalent to God so the insult to cow is the direct insult of God. So, by protecting cows and taking its ambrosial milk (HRIDE) by heart (MANSACHIT) by
firm mind (ICHCHAMI) I desire (INDRAM) Almighty God.

That is when we protect, respect and rear the cow well then we get its ambrosial milk the giver of pure mind and which keeps us away from illusion. Then we
become able to do real worship of the God and at last we realise the God. If we see our ancient Rishis, they used to rear and respect the cows and from
cow’s ghee, they used to perform havan/Yajyen with their sharp mind, they did hard practice of Ashtang yoga and at last they realised God.

Meaning of Realization of God

19/41/1 states that Rishi did Tapasya, Yajyen, Ashtang Yoga practice etc., to make the nation strong. So, worship of the God teaches to
spread brotherhood in the universe, to live and to let live, to spread the knowledge of science to make the nation strong etc., the worship is not meant
for self only. So the worship which gives benefit to the entire universe is gained by studying Vedas and protecting animals, especially cow and humanity.

In the absence of protection of cow and the knowledge of Vedas several religions exist but peace cannot be maintained, wars cannot be evaded, corruption,
blind faith, dishonour to women persists.

Therefore Atharvaveda Mantra 4/21/1 states (GAAVAHA) cows (Aa AGMAN) come to us (UT) and (BHADRAM AKRAN) do our good, welfare, give us

Those who protect and respect the cow and nurse it, then the cows in return have to give them ambrosial milk, glory, benefit, fortune, wealth etc., it
being the law of God.

In Yajurveda Mantra 30/11 there is a prayer to God and even to the King of the nation that Oh God and King! (AASUVA) produce [must be
born] (HASTIPAM) driver of elephant (ARAMIBHAYAHA) to go from one place to another comfortably, (ASHWAPAM) protector of horses (JAVAAYE) for quick journey,
(GOPAALAM) cow-keeper (PUSHTAYAYEE) to gain mental as well as physical strength with cow’s milk, (AVIPAALAM) sheep-keeper (VEERYAYEE) for strength,
(AJAPAALAM) goat –keeper (TEJSE) for glory (KEENAASHAM), farmer (IVAYAIYEE) to increase production of food grains (SURAKARAM), producer of (SOM)
vegetation, etc., (KOLALAYE) for food, (GRIHAPAM) protector of houses/family holder (BHADRAYE) for welfare of the society, (VITDHAM) rich persons
(SHREYASE) to maintain religion, finance and fulfilment of pious desires of the nation, (ANUKSHATAARAM) a person who is suitable/convenient to the chariot
– driver (ADHYAKSHYAYE) for lordship. It is the duty of a King to protect and nurse all the said animals and persons to make the nation strong.

Deep consideration of the Yajurveda mantra 30/11 reveals that God has created the animals for their protection and rearing by
human-beings so as to derive benefit from them. In the matter of animals, God has included (GRIHAPAM) i.e., protector of the house i.e., married man who
protects and nurses his family for the benefit of the society, a rich man for establishing religion, fulfilment of pious desires and lord of chariots etc.,
for the benefit of the human-beings. Atharvaveda mantra 6/140/1 has already stated that Oh God! My teeth may not consume flesh. So, all
the animals, birds etc., have been made by God for the benefit of human beings and not to kill them. In this mantra, cow including elephants,
horses etc., have been mentioned. So, if we go against this mantra and kill the cow or any animal to consume their flesh then should we also be
killed for consumption of our flesh?

The answer will be “No.” Then why the other animals are killed? These animals can’t even oppose or speak to vent out their feelings like a man. Like the
said mantra, in the Yajurveda mantra 14/8 both men and women, have been asked to take care of their health to protect
human-beings and the mantra educates (PAHI) protect all (CHATUSHPAAT) the animals having four legs example –cows, horses, goats etc. So, we must
obey this law of God and not commit the sin by killing them.


In the above mantra, God Himself has stated to be a cow-keeper. Sri Krishna Maharaj who was the learned of Vedas obeyed and was called Gopal- the

It is strange that we the Indians praise and worship Yogeshwar Sri Krishna Maharaj who was a cow-keeper and used to go to jungle to graze the cows but,
several Indians take beef. It means that we merely listen to Bhagwad Geeta but fail to understand and adopt Bhagwad Geeta’s knowledge in essence. Sri
Krishna Maharaj in Bhagwad Geeta Shloka 18/44 states that it is natural, pious deed of a businessman (VAISHYA) to rear and protect the cow.

2/26/4 states (MAYEE GOPATAU) in my protection (GAAVAHA) cows (DHRUVAHA) live always stable and happy. It never happens that in my house, cows do not live.
Idea of the mantra is that everyone must protect and rear the cows as per pious order of God.

No cruelty over cows and other animals

8/3/15, 8/3/16, 8/3/17, 18, 19:

8/3/22 states that you (POORAM) nurse us (VYAM TVA PARIDHI MAHI) we hold you within us i.e., by real Vedic worship everybody must realise God within
himself. (BHANGURAVATAHA) our devilish/evil/unpious thoughts (ANTARAM) are destroyed by you.

The idea of the mantra is that God creates, nurses and destroys the universe. He is Lord of the whole universe. Naturally, when we adore Him and
worship Him according to His eternal voice i.e., Vedas, then He fulfils our pious desire, He protects us and destroys all our unpious, devilish thoughts
under whose ill-effects, we also harm the animals. We kill them and consume their flesh, etc. This is strictly prohibited by God in Vedas.

So, until we listen the eternal voice of God i.e., Vedas and become learned after knowing the eternal voice of God i.e., Vedas, our cruel, unpious,
devilish desires shall never end and violence towards animals and human-beings shall forever persist. The ravages of hatred will ever remain and no peace
will be maintained.

Based on the above mantras, in the same sukta i.e., 3, God prohibits cruelty over cows and other animals as under:

Atharvaveda Mantra



The Devta of this mantra is ‘Agne’ meaning there of the king /political leader/administrator.

(AGNE) Oh King! (HARSA) By your glory (VRISHACHA) destroy (SHEERSHANNI) heads (TASHAM) of those, who do the following sins: (YAHA) those who (SAMANKTE) are
connected (KRAVISHA) with flesh (PAURUSHEYENN) related to purush i.e., mankind.

Actually, Yaska Muni states in his holy book Nirukta-“AVASHESHENN MITHUNAHA PATRA DAYATA ITI.” i.e., boy and girl are determined always in masculine gender
because soul has no gender. Genders are determined when soul bears the body.

(YAHA) those who (ASHWAYEN) are related to horses, (YAHA YAATUDHANAHA), those who torture (PASHUNA) other animals and (YAHA) those (KSHEERAM BHARATI)
rather than milching the cows the (AGNAYAHA) cow who does not deserve to be tortured, yet is tortured.

Almighty God states in this mantra the king should award grave punishment to those culprits who unnecessarily inflict violence on all living
beings and also consume their flesh.

Atharvaveda Mantra
8/3/16 states:



(YAATUDHANAHA) those who torture the cows (BHARANTAM) hold (GAVAAM) cows (VISHAM) poison i.e., those who torture the cows then the milk of cow becomes like
a poison and gives bad effect to the consumer. (ADITAYE) person who takes such milk (DUREVAHA) and thus follows the wrong path of torturing cows,
(AAVRISHCHANTAM) they destroy their health. (SAVITA DEVAHA) God, the creator (PARADADATU) destroys the voice (ENAM) of such persons. Hence, killing of any
living-being amounts to killing (CAPTWN) of a human-being.

Atharvaveda Mantra



Idea of this mantra is that the cow-keeper who does not leave the required quantity of milk for calf and who tortures the cow, he must also be
punished by the king. He should not be given cow milk for one year.

Atharvaveda Mantra




Due to lack of the eternal knowledge of Vedas, culture is not preserved well. Nowadays, huge meetings are organised and lectures are delivered by political
leaders, saints and social figures asking the public to save the culture. But question arises whether we have to save our Vedas, Bhagwad Geeta, Ramayan and Shastras in the shape of books in modern library, or knowledge thereof be gained by mind and adopted in our life. It is easy to preserve holy
books but it is not easy to adhere to the preach in daily life. On maintaining the culture, the nation gets strong. When the teachings of Vedas and other
holy books are adopted by our political leaders and public in their daily lives, then the culture is preserved.

I mean to say, the following Ved mantras also gives orders to king, leaders, administrators and warriors, not to harm the cows and other
beneficial, faithful animals yet violence persists. Slaughtering of cow and consumption of beef in India yet continues openly. Almighty God has declared in
Vedas to punish the defaulters. I would like to state a story in this regard. Such stories generally are not true but are source of knowledge.

There was a hunter of parrots. He used to capture the parrots and sell them. It was his source of income. A saint also lived near the jungle. Once baby
parrot, injured by the arrow of hunter fell in his lap. The saint nursed him well and kept in the cage. Saint gave him medical aid and the best food. Saint
even preached the parrot daily in the morning and evening- that “Oh Hunter! I understood your trick and I shall not fall prey to your captivity”. After
sometime, the parrot learnt the preach by heart and became habitual of repeating preach daily in the morning and in the evening. Parrot, habitual chanted
loudly the preach daily- “Oh Hunter! I have understood your trick and I shall not fall prey to your captivity”.

When the parrot became alright, then he was released by the saint one day. Parrot flew and reached his family in the jungle. He was habitual of uttering
the preach of saint. So in the morning and evening, he automatically chanted the same. His daily chanting made other parrots also to chant the same very
well. So, in the jungle daily in the morning and in the evening, all the parrots use to chant loudly that Oh Hunter! I understood your trick and I shall
not fall prey to your captivity”.

One day, the hunter entered the jungle and laid his net along with grains to capture the parrots. It was morning time and the parrots started chanting
above preach of saint. The hunter was dejected. Thinking that all parrots had become learned and shall never fall in the captivity, he started returning
back from jungle. On his way back, hunter met the saint who asked him the reason for his sadness. The hunter told entire story to the same. Saint
recollected about the preach which he had given to the baby parrot. The saint was surprised that all the parrots have learnt the preach but the tapasvi saints are experienced souls and try to dig out the truth.

The saint accompanied the hunter and both enter the jungle. The saint listened to the beautiful chanting of his preach from the mouth of all the parrots
and was surprised but he still told the hunter to lay down his net there along with food grains. The hunter did the same and both hid themselves far from
the net. They saw that all parrots while chanting the preach came down to collect the grains and got entangled in the net. The saint told the hunter that
the preach of parrots was only verbal and was not practised in action. Parrots were not aware that what was net, who was hunter and what is the meant to
get entangled in the net.

We must also beware of the mere listening/chanting of the preach of our eternal culture i.e., and preach of Bhagwad Geeta, Ramayan, Shastras etc. For
example: Yajurveda mantra 40/2 states that while discharging moral duties and pious deeds attain a long, happy life more than hundred
years etc. So, when the duties have been entrusted in Vedas and other holy books, then what is the reason to avoid those duties? Whether we merely listen
to those duties, for example, Vedas tell to respect the elders, to protect the cow, and other beneficial animals and to love them then what is the reason
behind that slaughter of cow still persists? I think the lecture of the leaders and others about the protection of cow and even on other social matters and
listening about the preach of Vedas, shastras etc., has become like the preach of above saint to baby parrots, so that preach merely goes in vain.

We will have to listen the preach of eternal voice of the God the only peace in nation shall be restored forever as was maintained in ancient times by Sri
Ram, Sri Dashrath and Sri Krishna Maharaj.

However, under the effect of illusion neither government, nor leaders, administrators or warriors, try to stop slaughter of cow in India. English poet
Edwin Arnold in his book: “The Light of Asia” has very well written on the matter of violence which has spread all over the world:


God, as mentioned in Rigveda mantra 7/56/17, can’t be changed and defaulters will be punished badly by Almighty God as is said in Vedas.



The above mantra states that the killer of cow and human-being must be taken far away from here. The mantra states may (MARUTAHA) all the
persons (SUMEKE) of the same shape (DASHASYANTAHA) doing hard work, using power etc., (VARIVASYANTAHA) using the (RODSI) space and earth (MRIDANTU) give
happiness (NAHA) to us. (GOHA) The killer of cows (NRIHA) and the killer of human-beings (VADHAHA ASTU) both commit the crime of murder and they (VADHAHA)
means by which they kill (ASTU) those means be driven far away or the warrior must kill them. Oh warrior! (VASVAHA) You settle us so (SUMNEBHIHI) with all
comforts (NAMADHVAM) be humble (ASME) to us.

The idea of the mantra is those kings, leaders or warriors who maintain peace and give comfort to the gentle public and punish and kill the
culprits who are murderers of cow and human-being and thus pleasure to the learned persons are praise worthy.

Rigveda Mantra
1/114/10 states:

(DEVAHA) Oh learned (SABHAPATI) leader! By punishing (PURUSHAGHNAM) those who kill the human-beings (CHA), (GOGHNAM) cows and other animals maintain
(SUMNAM) happiness between (Te) you (CHA) and (ASME) us (AARE) manage to keep away such culprits from us.

Oh learned leader! By punishing those who kill the human-beings and cows and other animals, maintain happiness between you and us and mange to keep away
such culprits from us.

Yajurveda Mantra
13/49 states:

(AGNE) Oh King! (JANAYE) For the benefit public i.e., human-beings (UTSVAM), bull who gives comforts and (ADITUM) cow, which is not liable to be cut.
(GHRITAM DUHANAAM) and is bestower of milk, pure ghee (MA HINISHI) may not be harmed.

Oh! King, for the benefit of the public i.e., human-beings, bull who gives several comforts and cow which is not liable to be cut and is bestower of milk,
pure ghee, may not be harmed.

Bull, who is used in agricultural tasks etc., and the cow who gives milk and several other benefits must be protected and should not be killed. The king
must punish those who harm them.

In Yajurveda mantra 13/47 God states that Oh King/warriors! (MA HINSIHI) Do not violence on animals and (MAYUM PASHUM) love animals.

God state that kings and public should not do violence on cows and other animals having four legs, which are beneficial for mankind, and everyone must love

Manusmriti Shloka 2/177 states “VAJAYENMADHUMANSAM” (VARJAYET) leave (MADHUMANSAM) addiction and consumption of flesh, that is to take of
addiction and non-vegetarian is strictly prohibited.

The following defaulters as “Murderers” by Manusmriti:

(1) (ANUMANTA) He who orders the killing of animals.

(2) (VISHASITA) He who cuts the flesh of animals.

(3) (NIHANTA) He who kills the animals.

(4) (KRAYA-VIKRAYEE) He who carries out the business of buying and selling the animals for their killing.

(5) (SANSKARTA) He who cooks the animal’s flesh.

(6) (UPHARTA0 He who serves the animal’s flesh.

(7) (KHADKAHO) He who consumes the animal’s flesh.

All these are murderers and sinners.